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The Jade Frontier (DM: Ukingsken, Judge: Lord Sessadore)


Yeah, Mr Bricks shifts forward a step to try to prevent the Kobolds surrounding Miranna. "Oh no you don't,cully" he growls.

[sblock=move] shift to S6, has the advantage of putting me near the undergrowth if I need to go into sneak mode.[/sblock]

[sblock=Working Stat Block]
Mr, Bricks
Human Rogue 1
Init +4/Passive Insight 16/Passive Perception 17
HP 24/24 Bloodied 12 Surge Value 6; Surges Per Day 7/7
Action Points 1 Second Wind Unused
AC 16 Fortitude 12 Reflex 17 Will 13 - Speed 6 Size Medium Saving Throws +1
Str 12 (+1) Dex 18 (+4) Wis 12 (+1)
Con 12 (+1) Int 10 (+0) Cha 15 (+2)
Basic Attack: Dagger/Short Sword Attk: +5/+4 Dmg 1d4+1/1d6+1
Ranged Basic Attack: Sling/Dagger Attk: +6/+8 Dmg: 1d6+4/1d4+4
Range: 10/20 and 5/10
Sly Flourish
Piercing Strike
Deft Strike

Positioning Strike
Trick Strike

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First Post
[sblock=ooc]Yes this is moving quite nicely!

-The map doesn't show the blue kobald so I think I got him but just wanting to make sure, he's not listed as deceased in the initiative list.

-Any chance you could mark who's bloody in that as well? I want to make sure I keep track of my allies and we can focus fire on bloody enemies.


First Post
[sblock=ooc] If you look back a few posts the blue kobold ran off out of sight, so hes not on there cus you cant see him anymore. And I'll update the list later on tonight with who is bloodied and HP totals along with initiative counts, good call![/sblock]
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First Post
[sblock=Ukingsken:]My move action was never recorded on the map my friend..... I had indicated on my move action that I wanted to move Patronis to U5 via V7 V6 the finally stopping at U5 to gain concealment as per my Shadow Walk class ability...[/sblock]


[sblock=OOC] See what happens when one is not paying attention, I played the last turn while preparing for a dinner party and missed almost all of the details of Ukingsken's last but one post, consequently Mr Bricks won't be shifting into any other squares but will be staying put and dealing with things from where he is.[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=ooc] Sorry there my bad, thats what I get for trying to juggle a busy day at work and updating game stuff just because I want the game to keep going at a good clip. The map has been updated and Mr. Bricks is staying put now.[/sblock]
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[sblock=ooc] Sorry there my bad, thats what I get for trying to juggle a busy day at work and updating game stuff just because I want the game to keep going at a good clip. The map has been updated and Mr. Bricks is staying put now.[/sblock]

Nah! My fault! I should have been paying more attention.


Cheysuli Sage

[sblock=ooc]Sorry guys, i missed a post at the bottom of the last page and didn't realise i was up. I'm writing my post now and will add it here in a little while.:blush:[/sblock]

Shocked out of her cheery demeanour by a sudden onset of Screeching Kobold Syndrome (or SKS as it’s referred to by some chirurgeons of the mind), Chey settles snugly into fighting stance. The wide silver orbs that are her eyes take in the whole of the ambush before her. Seeing Patronis strike with Warlock’s fire and dive off to the north, Chey attacks with vehemence and attempts to flank the group; That nipper with the sling looks like he could cause us a bit of trouble, she thinks to herself as she focuses her anger at the shield wielding kobold in front of her. Trembling with aggression she growls at it:

“By Vulcanus, your body shall bask in the sun, and your husk shall become straw to feed the beasts.”

Fixing her stare on the scaly creature; her eyes shimmer briefly with green-gold light, and she looses a mental whip at its mind before skulking into the undergrowth.
MinorWarlock’s Curse on Grey Scale.
StandardEyebite on Grey Scale vs. Will (1d20+4=12), [FONT=&quot](1d6+4=8) psychic damage, and if it hits I am invisible to the target until the start of my next turn. [/FONT]+ curse damage (1d6=1)
Move – Move to 5 squares to T11 gaining concealment from Shadow Walk, and if shadow walk + undergrowth = total concealment, I make a Stealth Check, with penalty for moving more than 2 squares. (1d20+3-5=0(1)) :eek:[/sblock]
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First Post
[sblock=ooc] If you look back a few posts the blue kobold ran off out of sight, so hes not on there cus you cant see him anymore. And I'll update the list later on tonight with who is bloodied and HP totals along with initiative counts, good call![/sblock]

[sblock=ooc]Ah, ok, now I see it, shifty kobalds (raises fist menacingly), I was expecting hit to provoke an OA if he moved and didn't see it, carry on, I'll definitely have to hold my action till it really is my turn next time, I'm not sure I wanted to use that power on only 2 enemies with none being minions. Ah well, that's the first level breaks I guess.[/sblock]


First Post
1) Pink Kobold (22)
2) Yellow Kobold (22) Deceased
3) Patronis (20) 30/30 HP
4) Blue Kobold (19) Fled
5) Green Kobold (19) Deceased
6) Shayla (19) 20/20 HP
7) Gray Scale Kobold (18)
8) Mr. Bricks (18) 24/24 HP
9) Red Scale Kobold (17) 11 Damage
10) Aqua Kobold (14)
11) Cheysuli (12) 26/26 HP
12) Brown Scale Kobold (12)
13) Sling Kobold (9)
14) Miranna (8) 7/29 HP
12) Brenwar (2) 29/29 HP[/sblock]

Cheysuli focuses her mental energy, boring into the scale shield's skull. It seems to almost take hold when suddenly the kobold shakes its head violently side to side like an animal, as if the mental assault were nothing more then a nuisance. Stepping into the bushes Chey seems to fade out of sight.

[sblock=ooc] As far as I can tell bushes plus shadow step should provide total concealment, however that stealth roll doesn't cut it :p Sessadore any wisdom on the total concealment?[/sblock]

The last of the scale wielding kobolds rushes forward to join the crowd of scaled beasts surrounding Miranna. The three scale shields seem accustomed to fighting together, complimenting one anothers strikes. As Miranna stands in the midst of stabbing spears and short swords, the newcomer makes a feint for her leg, and then pulls his sword back coming out high over his shield and aiming for her midriff.

[sblock=Actions] Brown (1d20+10,1d6+5=[5, 10], [4, 5])
Brown - Standard action to charge Miranna Eneding in R6

A testament to her skill Miranna manages to dodge aside, intercepting the blow on a javelin blow meant for her leg, fouling both kobolds up and giving her a moments respite.

The kobold with the sling pokes its head out from behind the rock, twirling its sling overhead with a strangely oversized bullet in it. Taking careful aim it lets the bullet fly towards Miranna.

[sblock=Actions]Slinger (1d20+6,1d6+3=[18, 6], [3, 3])
Slinger - Standard action to attack Miranna (hit) 6 damage +2 ongoing fire damage (Remaining HP 7)

The bullet bursts on impact coating Miranna in a sappy liquid that immediately ignites, scorching her chest and shoulders.

[sblock=Map] Updated map is Here I will probably be able to post once or twice tomorrow but then I fly to the other side of the country for my week off, expect me to be incommunicado from about 12am Monday Morning until 11pm Monday night for all you people who are 7 hours ahead of me. Then things should go back to normal, albeit a bit slower paced cus I have my son on my weeks off.[/sblock]
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