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Why no adventure paths?


What I would love is for a company to do something similar to Wolfgang's Open design, but specifically for 4th edition and specifically and adventure path, starting at level 1 and going all the way to level 30.

This way each module is funded before it begins, and if support dries up, patrons have no one else to blame but themselves.

I would be all over something like that, and I would think the patronage model reduces much of the financial risk?
I would really enjoy being a part of that. Hell, if it wasn't such a huge undertaking, I'd offer to do it myself. (But then, I have no professional talent whatsoever.)

I do think though that a model like that, 1-30 levels is very, very harsh. To give you an idea, look how long it takes Wolfgang to do any project. Close to 6 months, and that's just a few levels. I can't imagine the amount of time it would take to get all the feedback and things like that for a 30 level span.

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You are correct - they have done six. That was not the point, the point was they are being done in succession. They started the Shackled City in what, 2003? I don't remember the exact year. So, Paizo has done six APs over six years. That seems about right to me. In less than one year of 4e we have seen The Scales of War and War of the Burning Sky. Again, that seems about right to me.

The pathfinder AP are 2 per year. Not sure of anything before STAP which took a year. But the new AP's are 2 per year


I wrote my previous post late at night over here. Obviously, I think Necromancers could do a 4e AP as well, I just forgot them because, well, who knows what Clark is doing atm. He was all that about his Classic 4e, but from what I can see the forum regarding it is completely dead, and I haven't seen anything from neither him nor Scott in a while. Not only that, but some of his comments seem to indicate that his initial love for 4e has died out quite a bit. I hope I am wrong, because I was really looking forward to some NG 4e stuff.


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I do think though that a model like that, 1-30 levels is very, very harsh. To give you an idea, look how long it takes Wolfgang to do any project. Close to 6 months, and that's just a few levels. I can't imagine the amount of time it would take to get all the feedback and things like that for a 30 level span.

I didn't mean do all 30 levels at once.

More, do each module on the patron module. So the first module only goes into production when they reach the target. Then module 2 only goes into production when they reach their target etc.

Of course, as you say, each module seems to take about 6 months or so. But if you are doing an AP, and people are aware of that going in, then you could possibly run 2 (or even 3) modules at a time, staggered by a couple of months or so of course (sort of like how Wolfgang has swapped over from the 3.5 version to 4).

Would it be a headache to oversee and run? Probably. But if someone (preferably with some talent - Ari, what are you up to after you finish your novel? :) ) was prepared to do it, I would be all over it. There's even a good chance I would grab more than just a basic level of patronage.


Ask Paizo?

3e had a lot of adventure paths. Not just Paizo's, but the aforementioned WotBS, the Freeport Trilogy, Castle Whiterock...

Ok, if you're counting a 3 module series as an adventure path, then yup, I agree that there's not a whole lot for 4e.

I think most people think of AP's as 12 adventures (or thereabouts) that take you from 1st to epic (whatever epic is for your system). 3e had a number of them, but almost all of them (the 10+ modules size) after the Shackled City showed that it could be done successfully.

In other words, I think it's a bit early in the life of the edition to be seeing projects that take upwards of a year to produce.


First Post
I'm finishing up the editing on one of the adventures now. Oh my gosh, this thing is good. I'm biased, so folks should judge for themselves, but I really like the conversion.

So what sets this apart fro the 3.5 version that I bought (aside from the obvious of it being a different edition)? Is this a total rework to include skill challenges, environmental effects, interesting terrain and obstacles? Or are we talking about essentially the same story, same encounters, etc... in other words, something I could do with a bit of effort.

Curious to know what my money would be purchasing here, a new rethought adventure, or something to save me the hassle of conversion.

The work of converting an AP really takes the draw away from the point of having a module in the first place.
I think even with conversion a module or adventure path can still be worthy. Sure, it is a lot easier to DM if you've got both rules and story covered, but sometimes it is nice to have just one half of it.

Of course, I wouldn't mind some decent adventure paths where no conversion work is necessary. I think you see where the problems lie. ;)

Well, the Pathfinder APs have been 6 adventures. They go from about 1-15th level, thus shaving off 5 levels.

No, I don't. Where is the problem?

The problem is that I got distracted and also missed a line break. ;)

What I meant to say that others posted the practical issues in creating adventure paths. ;)


Rechan - true. The Pathfinder ones are 6. But, they are also pretty darn long compared to what you saw in Dungeon. 12 short modules or 6 longer ones, the end result is probably similar in word count and work needed.

But, that ignores my first point in that we didn't see many adventure paths until pretty late in the 3e run. We've got two in the first year of 4e - Dungeon and War of the Burning Sky. So, not too bad.

That being said, I do totally agree that we don't have the plethora of modules that early 3e had. All those booklet modules from ... AEG? FFG? I misremember... plus everyone and their brother banging out modules, including the free ones on the WOTC site itself.

The field is definitely sparcer this time around.

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