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Off To War... Recriutment/Discussion

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Trinham and Supra-heroes

Hahaha. I love it. An overweight battlemage with an 18 cha. So tight.

As for Supra-heroes, I love em'. Nothin' like the fresh smell of free exp. Haha, just say "Go get'em kid, I'll stay here and watch." ...(10 mins later)
"Ouch, that looked liked it hurt. Poor guy... oh well. Who wants coffee?!"


Thy wounds are healed!
There's big a difference between mutability and abuse. I feel that by overpowering the combat abilities the game balance is being compromised greatly. There is nothing worse than having a player dominate every combat.

In regards to the skills, you're right. But this could be easily changed to as follows:
Gain 4 new background skills to add to your skill list. These will always be class skills.
Gain +2 bonus on any 2 skills in your skill list (not neccessarily the background skills).

Remember all your changes are subject to player scruplation/DM approval why some changes may seem to add to the combat they should also add to the roleplay even the combat roleplay. You see were you list Gain +2 bonus skills in your skill list (not neccessarily the background skills) That s just getting the +2/+2 feat but were yours is just to seperste numbers were you need them the most, taking the feat defines your character- stealthy,agile,persuasive your not just adding bonuses your adding personality/character for lack of a better word so I believe.

The same is with swaping out you just don't switch this for something better you switch it to make your character more personal to a style concept your playing now somethings aren't switchable I forgot to mention this because it hasn't come up. Any class can get rid of a class feature for a feat /ability/bonus but some class features are only allowed in the base class example:

as base class has trapfinding
if taken as base class may drop trapfinding for something else
if your base class is something else say fighter you may not drop a feat/ability to gain trapfinding

Almost every class has a few some have none will go over as need.

Character mutation should be fun you all get to play mad scientist.


Thy wounds are healed!
For the most part, I'm tinkering for flavor's sake... Monk is closest, but there are quite a few things that wouldn't fit a farmboy as far as I can tell. I'm working on what those are, but I think chances are this may actually weaken the monk rather than make him stronger... but I'm not certain.

Holyman, how do you want me to present the 'Circle Fighter'(I'm thinking of trying to find a different name, since my character isn't restricted to the circle fighting to earn money.)

Do I just say what is traded, or do you want me to do the wordpad attachment with the details? (I'm not certain my format would be pretty)

Just post him here let me know the base class and then what changes are mad and why you are thinking of making them

Any name you want your right circle fighter sounds like a prestige class


Thy wounds are healed!

Take size out of AC area and change to DB

Add +1 to damage with a thrown dagger

Change explorer's outfit to weight 0lb

+5 misc bonus to move silently?

Add spells per day

Could you list what is in your belt pouh/ backpack incase you lose one

have you with 33 gp
eye color?
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Thy wounds are healed!
I'm not thinking straight, i'll post the character over the weekend. The concept is good i don't want to mess it up.

o.k. ML (hope you didn't lose your job) take your time we start July 1 but it will be roleplay/ready for mission you'll still have a couple days

I have created a few new threads (wysiwyg my ideals man keep them coming) the links are in the first post of this thread. They are both DM only threads one for character gen/houserules and one for the campaign setting. Everything posted there has been posted here so far so you may not need to take a look yet but i will be adding an XP post and later the campaign will contain rumors that relate to the adventure so they are easy to see again. Not have to go searching through posts to find them.
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Myth and Legend

First Post
Well i'll know on Monday for sure.. In any event life goes on. So, tell me what do you think about my idea (i will repost it for your convenience):

On Lora and her entry in the adventure. She is reluctant to go in to a military camp where she will remember the nightmare, and be surrounded by men. Strong, armed men no less! She ran away but the girl is exceptionally smart, so she has not charged in witlessly. My plan for her:

Take 20 on a Forgery check to counterfeit an order granting her access to the military camp and demanding assistance by any soldiers in the army under pain of severe punishment, signed .. (well whomever is doing the recruiting). For that she will need to get her hands on a recruitment poster or some similar thing. You know, the ones nailed around town "THE ARMY WANTS YOU!". If she can see one she can get a hefty bonus: To forge a document on which the handwriting is not specific to a person (military orders, a government decree, a business ledger, or the like), you need only to have seen a similar document before, and you gain a +8 bonus on your check

The total will be 20+4(int)+8=32

So with this piece of paper she hopes to ward off any potential... suitors (provided they can read). And even extort aid if need be.

She will also take 20 on a Craft: Drawing to make a very good portrait of her brother (28 total check) to try and locate him in the camp.

What do you think about this?


Thy wounds are healed!
to ML

you do not need my o.k. to try something for your character go ahead and try it ... but you knew there was a but right. I would not allow you to start with the document remember taking 20 requires time because it assumes you have made mistakes while persuing your goal

So what I know of her background a hurried flight out and then joining up finding a document and then going threw drafts while every once and awhile working on your brothers portiat will take time so yes it is possible and i believe a good ideal adding more to the character or at least giing you more to roleplay with(always a good thing)

when you do equipment don't orget artisan's tools or it's a -2 on craft checks

Nite all 4 more days till we start!!

Myth and Legend

First Post
Posted Lora, with a slightly expanded background. Tell me if you want a specific mention of the Acrobatic feat (although i have praised her physical capabilities enough i think).

Need help with deity (outlined it for you in the sheet) as this is a homebrew world.

Also, i was wandering which weapon to go for. We have enough archers as it is, so my Eldritch Knight build would be focusing on melee. I took Dodge to go for the Whirlwind Attack tree, and Glavie (although i was wandering weather this weapon suits her). Let me know if i should change anything.

Voidrunner's Codex

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