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Dark Sun Anyone?


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New Updates!

Ok, there have been quite a few changes since my last updates, for one, I have got rid of the Psion and the Soulknife, The D&Di Psion and Monk are much cooler, so I think they are the way to go, also the prestige classes attached have been removed.

I have also tweaked the inferior material rules, making it easier to hit with these weapons, but you do less damage, basically this was in an effort to balance. I have also tweaked many of the Dark Sun weapons.

Some feats have also been slightly altered, to try and fit he themes of Dark Sun a little bit better.

I have also added quite a few monsters to the monster book..


  • Dungeons Master’s Guide to Dark Sun.pdf
    506.5 KB · Views: 710
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Latest updates i am working on

- Creating more variety in the humanoids stats in the monster book (for example a bigger variety of wizard, psionicists and clerics for each race)

- NPC advice in the DMG

- More powers for the Templars, clerics, defilers and preservers

and of course more tweaks and adjustments to balance the game and make sure that the flavour stays intact :)


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Ok, here is the latest incarnation of my Dark Sun conversions.. these are starting to near completion, pretty much everything has been converted except for Magic items.

Also the comments seem to have dried up via email, so i guess there isn't much more tweaking to be done, If you do see something though, please feel free to post it!

So far there is around 200 pages of material here.. so there has to be something for nearly everybody, feel free to mine it for you own campaigns!

*OK - I am going to have to post the updates later, the system keeps signing me out when i go to upload them..*


  • Dark Sun Monster Manual.pdf
    2.2 MB · Views: 2,222
  • Player's Guide to Dark Sun 4E.pdf
    948.5 KB · Views: 344
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A few points:

If Thri-Kreen get a bonus to AC, you need to explicitly state that they cannot wear armour. And make an item that they can wear that fills their armour slot, so they can get an enhancement bonus to their AC.

People are gonna hate the Aarakocra conversion. Especially since you give them a ceiling height - I understand why it's there, but it makes no sense in flavour terms. But that's a tough line to walk, and I don't think I'd be able to do any better. I think the encounter power is a bit boring - I imagine an aarakocra should be able to move around a lot, and the power should reflect that. Maybe a fly-by attack, as opposed to a simple 2[w] power?

I like your conversion ideas for other "non-athasian" races (such as half-orcs being mutants, or minotaurs being beast-head giants).

The conversion of Divine Clerics is a no-go, though. No matter what element I choose, I get sunk at some levels. I'd instead say something like "An elemental cleric cannot deal radiant damage; change the radiant keyword to one of these energy types instead".

You do kind of say that, but I think it could be clearer in your write-up.

Defiling as an interrupt is cool, but since PCs only get one interrupt per turn, and it's not on their turn that they cast it... I'd make it a free action, so they can still defile when they spend an action point. But I love the idea of the area becoming "Defiled", which forces wizards to move around. I can also see this playing into terrain construction - imagine squares that grant a bonus to defiling!

Don't know how I feel about the defiler's "casting track". Seems to go against the established setting, where defilers don't really sacrifice health or anything. It would also suggest the Dragon-Kings are sickly beings... which I don't really see as being true.

"Preserver of Life" definitely goes against established material. And it is a pretty damned powerful boost. A healing surge or save, once per encounter? While casting another power? Personally, I think it'd be easier to just have preservers be the "Default", and make special rules for the defiler (much like the original setting). I'd focus specific Preserver powers more on hiding their magical use (a "conceal spell" utility power), than anything that says "hey, I'm a good guy that preserves life!". My two cents, though.

Also, those rules are a bit confusing. You're essentially granting a free power to any arcane class, which makes those classes more powerful. This kind of goes against the setting, in my mind, which did a lot to encourage non-arcane character types (since they were so hated and all).

You put a lot of work into the psychic warrior. But my eyes glaze over when I read power descriptions. So I skipped for my own sanity. Not anything towards you; I skip wotc power descriptions just as quickly - they bore me to tears.

I like where you went with the paragon classes. You made some good choices.

As for backgrounds, they all seem fine. Personally, I'd follow the tradition more like the Eberron book (as opposed to the FR approach you've taken). And broaden things out a bit, so that there are multiple backgrounds from each city-state, such as a Balic Patrician, a Balic Playwright, and a Balic Freeman. And so on for each city-state, each granting different associated skills. With a "slave" background as well, that can universally be applied to any city-state. Personally, I'd make "slave" be the most powerful one, since it seems to be standard DARK SUN fare to have the PCs start off as slaves. And I'd add a few backgrounds from outside the city-states.

Literate as a feat is a great idea. I approve, and I'll steal.

Jaguar Roar is a super powerful feat (a feat that grants a daily? And one that really messes with your opponents?)

Wild Talent Feats = Awesome. In a perfect world, I'd make them be free, and taken from a random roll on a table. :)

Way to go beyond the material with slave prices! Well done! I was always ticked that the original books never touched on that. It would seem kind of important, considering how slavery was a huge focus of the game (but they didn't want PCs to ever have slaves).

Finally, I don't know where I stand on your weapon materials. My approach would be something totally different, but you can do it however you want. I personally think that those rules should be forgotten for 4e, and something new should be figured out, as opposed to a "conversion". But that's my two cents.


In all, I really like where you went with this. It's a pretty good start, and I can see this being fun enough in play. I have my own conversion notes, and they're a bit different from yours - not better, not worse, just different. I see you're working from the whole of the material, whereas I'm working only from the original set (which is how I enjoy Dark Sun).

Good work!



Starting a 4E Dark Sun campaign tomorrow and this will help, I am sure! Now, if I only had more time to read it all.

Again, my thanks!



Er, credits, Outlaw68?

I'd like to say you borrowed stuff from others. Please make me say that? A nice credits section for your contributors within the document itself would be appreciated by all, I'm sure.
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