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Forum Jump drop down (top of page)

Thornir Alekeg

With some of the recent changes to the organization of the site, the Forum Jump menu at the top of the page has shifted towards the center of the page. I've had a minor issue with this as the drop-down menu is so wide that it now extends off the right side of the page and I need to side scroll to reach some of the forums, such as the Media Lounge and Off-topic.

Is there any way to get the menu to drop down centered on the button, rather than being mostly right-justified? Either that or place the Forum Jump Menu back towards the left side of the page?

It certainly isn't a big deal, but it would be nice if you could see the entire menu without having to side-scroll.

P.S. I love having the bottom page jump menu back as well, and I appreciate all the work going on to make the site better.

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I don't understand why adding the bottom jump menu would slow the site down, but I suppose that is why I'm a Microbiologist and not a programmer.

My understanding is that the bottom jump is a pre-included Vbulletin option, and every time a page loads it checks the database to figure out which forums should be visible to your account. That takes a lot of processing.

The top jump is just a static list, which Russ has to update manually whenever he shuffles forums around (I think). It doesn't need to check your user permissions or anything like that, so it's much lower impact.


This place needs a simple page-bottom forum jump menu that doesn't use the database and simply links to the main twenty forums. The site would be easier to use and run faster.


Very nice. Very nice, indeed. Thanks. I love you. Too far, too much? Don't care. Needed to be said. I'm moving my bookmarks back.

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