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Converting Forgotten Realms monsters

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Any other special abilities, or move on to the remaining basics and construction?

Something to help it repair and maintain buildings, since that's it main function?

How about:

Repair Structure (Su): A statue that walks can magically maintain or rebuild a building or other structure, molding stone or wood as if they were putty (treat as the stone shape or wood shape spells). It can smooth damaged sections back to their original condition, or form raw materials into new parts for a structure that is partially destroyed. For every hour the statue spends repairing a structure it can repair X hit points of damage.

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That looks good. 100 hit points? Or is that too low?

No that's plenty. The statue is tireless remember, so it can repair a structure 24/7. It can just stick to the job until it's done.

A three-foot thick stone wall has 540 hit points (I don't think the rules say how wide the wall is, but I'm guessing that's for a single 5-foot section). Thus a half-destroyed wall would need ~270hp to repair and take the statue 2.7 hours to fix.

Over a day a statue can repair 2400 hit points of building, or 8.88 sections of 3-foot thick stonework - which should be enough to completely fix a half-destroyed 15-foot square solid stone shrine with a shattered door and ceiling. [nine 5-ft squares, seven of which are occupied with walls (7*270hp), one square with a stone door (60hp), plus a stone-slab roof over the central square (60hp) - total 2010hp to repair]

Looking at it like that it seems quite a lot, however it's only the equivalent of Fast Healing 1/6, so it isn't anything that is effective during combat-time.

Although that makes me think we should add a note that it only works on inanimate structures, and that the Statue can never repair Constructs or petrified creatures?

Actually, come to think of it I like the notion that they can repair other Statues That Work or similar stone golems. It would help explain why they're still around - one of the statues duties is to keep each other running.


Repair Structure (Su): A statue that walks can magically maintain or rebuild a building or other structure, molding stone or wood as if they were putty (treat as the stone shape or wood shape spells). It can smooth damaged sections back to their original condition, or form raw materials into new parts for a structure that is partially destroyed. For every hour the statue spends repairing a structure it can repair X hit points of damage. A statue that walks can use repair structure to heal the damage of another wooden or stone golem, including other statues that that walks. It can not heal any other kind of golem or living creatures that have been petrified, nor can it fix a wood or stone golem that has been destroyed.


Monster Junkie
I like it! Updated.

Organization: Solitary or x {The original text says solitary, but also implies that groups could be working within the same city)

Challenge Rating: 13?

Advancement: 23–42 (Huge)?

Should we allow for Construction, or assume the secrets are lost to the ages?
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I like it! Updated.

Organization: Solitary or x {The original text says solitary, but also implies that groups could be working within the same city)

Stone Golems are also solitary in AD&D, but work in gangs of 2-4 in 3rd edition. Let's use that.

Organization: Solitary or gang (2-4)

Challenge Rating: 13?

Sounds fair.

They're basically SRD CR11 Stone Golems advanced to Huge 22 HD monsters, which would add 3 Challenge Ratings according to the Advancement rules - +2 for the extra 8 HD, +1 for the size boost.

That would make them CR14 except they don't have a standard Stone Golem's slow special attack, which is worth knocking them down a point.

Advancement: 23–42 (Huge)?

That'd suit me.

Should we allow for Construction, or assume the secrets are lost to the ages?

I'd give them a construction. A minor variation on the SRD Stone Golem would do. Just adjust for size, cut out slow and add stone shape and wood shape.

We could add a "In the Forgotten Realms" subentry with a note that in Faerun the secrets of their construction have been lost, so anyone wanting to make one will first need to rediscover said secrets with some kind of difficult Knowledge check.

A statue that walk's body is chiseled from a single block of hard stone, such as granite, weighing at least 33,000 pounds. The stone must be of exceptional quality, and costs 5,000 gp. Assembling the body requires a DC 17 Craft (sculpting) check or a DC 17 Craft (stonemasonry) check.

CL 14th; Craft Construct, antimagic field, geas/quest, stone shape, symbol of stunning, wood shape, caster must be at least 14th level; Price 90,000 gp; Cost 50,000 gp + 3,400 XP.


You guys are on a roll! Looks great to me.

Okay, so all that's left is a description and the text for its "In the Forgotten Realms".

Something like.

In the Forgotten Realms
Statues that walk are found in the Prefecture of Gheldaneth. The ancient race that created them was wiped out by plague centuries ago, but left the statues to maintain the glory of these structures and tear down anything that would detract from them. Most have been immobilized by glyphs of warding placed on them by the lizard folk who occupied their lands.

The secret of creating statues that walk has been long forgotten. Anyone wishing to create one must first succeed at a DC X Knowledge (arcane?) or a DC X Gather Information check to discover the necessary information.


Extradimensional Explorer
Know (arcana) seems like the right skill. Set the DC pretty high, I guess. Maybe 30 or even 35?


Know (arcana) seems like the right skill. Set the DC pretty high, I guess. Maybe 30 or even 35?

Basically, I was wanting two skills to choose from and Gather Information was the best fit I could think of after Arcane Knowledge, since it could cover searching out forgotten bits of statue lore.

DC 35 was what I was thinking of, or set the DC lower (30?) and require a successful check against two skills.

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