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Chicago Gameday 26 (6/12/10) Planning Thread

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Spot has love!

He doesn't GM, other than Descent, but he'd be happy to loan you the use of his laptop for a slot, and we can put my Dresden on it beforehand, if you wanted to try running it. Of course, you're already running in the PM slot and the AM slot is the more full, but ah well. (I wouldn't complain in the slightest if you wanted to add Dresden to the AM...and I would totally cancel my MX to make room for it, heh-heh.)

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Man, I've only just started reading the Dresden Files in the last month or so (thanks to the recommendation by rvalle) and I am LOVING the books! They're so fun! I'm finishing "Fool Moon" this morning. I'd love to give the RPG a look, but I feel like I should read more of the books before throwing my hat into the ring for running the game.

Seems like a great setting, though!


Here's the info for my AM game:

Delta Green in the Vineyard
A Call of Cthulhu/Dogs in the Vineyard game
4 players

To: Delta Green Cell L <lamar@dg.del, larry@dg.del, leo@dg.del, linda@dg.del>
From: Kris <kris@dg.del>
CC: Martin <martin@dg.del>
Reply to: no address listed
Subj: Field mission 2010.6.137C

It's time for another mission. Your supervisors have already been informed of your mandatory participation in an "interdepartmental communication improvement team" to cover your absence.

A former resident of Alexandria, PA was arrested Tuesday with a copy of Cultes de Goules. We investigated Alexandria in 1976 for possible mythos activity but nothing was found. Further investigation is warranted. Your mission is to investigate the town for any paranormal activity. If found, your primary duty is to end the activity with extreme prejudice.
This game will use the rules for Dogs in the Vineyard but in the Delta Green/Call of Cthulhu setting. You play as FBI, CIA, etc. investigating a small town that might be corrupted by evil. Since we're using DitV rules, don't expect lots of firefights or combat. Instead, gameplay will focus more on characters, conflict (verbal or physical), and the corrupting influence of the mythos. No knowledge of Cthulhu or Dogs is necessary. Pregens will be provided but bring lots of dice! Feel free to claim one of the four roles below when you sign up--or not.

1. Agent Lamar - Ex-Marine, never experienced the paranormal
2. Agent Larry - CIA translator & mythos expert
3. Agent Leo - Physically & mentally scarred, well connected
4. Agent Linda - Devout Catholic, excellent shot
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Spot has love!

He doesn't GM, other than Descent, but he'd be happy to loan you the use of his laptop for a slot, and we can put my Dresden on it beforehand, if you wanted to try running it. Of course, you're already running in the PM slot and the AM slot is the more full, but ah well. (I wouldn't complain in the slightest if you wanted to add Dresden to the AM...and I would totally cancel my MX to make room for it, heh-heh.)
The issue is really less the laptop and more than I haven't read the rules; I was waiting for the hardcopies to arrive. I dunno that I could process 600 pages between now and the 12th. :)

I suppose it'd be decent justification to get an iPad... :angel:


Hey Buzz, please move my event to the evening slot. That should even us out to 6 events each slot.

Speaking of my event...

The Maniacal Moonnapping
System: Danger Patrol (Beta) by John Harper (free to download at: www.dangerpatrol.com)
GM: Reid San Filippo
Seats: 5

Tonight, on Danger Patrol
Everything was quiet as your team was making a covert delivery to Mining Station 12 in orbit around Rhea, one of Saturn's larger moons...
...Until suddenly you receive an urgent distress call from the mining platform. A giant Stygian Runeship has knocked them out of orbit. Even worse, they seem to be pulling Rhea away from Saturn! Will you be able to rescue Mining Station 12 before it crashes into Saturn's atmosphere? Can your team stop the giant Runeship from stealing Rhea? What possible perilous plans could possible involve pilfering a moon?

Danger Patrol is an action/adventure retro sci-fi game where the player's input directs the plot as much or more then the GM's. The idea is to create the episodes of a '50s-style TV show in the vein of the old Flash Gordon and Buck Rogers serials (with maybe a dash of the Venture Bros., Star Wars, and Indiana Jones).

No EXP necessary to play. Just bring a sense of pulp adventure and a desire to roleplay. It is recommended that everybody bring the following dice: 1d12, 1d10, 2d8, 3d6, and 1d4. Characters will be generated at the table.

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