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[Tavern] Tower's Shard 2010

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Maybe Rohna had the right idea after all. Shava eyes Thalen, trying to decide how crazy this was.

"Why don't you sit with us. We'll talk." She says to Thalen. Then she turns to Cairn and Pis. "Would you two excuse us?"

Then as an after thought. "Brews! More rum!"

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"Stop! No fighting here!" it's voice thunder of the avalanche rushing down the mountain.

It waits ready between armed man and caster female. It's voice clears somewhat, sounding almost cultured, as a bit of mist escapes from joints on his neck and jaw.
"Lady Mage, you're in no danger. I apologize for the disturbance."

OOC: sorry, just realized I'm late in my reaction. Pretend it happened on time :)

"I'll you what elemental-spawn, next time an unknown mage begins to point their arcane implements at you whilst your back is turned to them, I will gladly stand by and watch. For now though, I would suggest removing yourself from my face before I reduce you to your component pieces, I am of Lyrandar and this is House business." Thalen demands, her own small frame not backing down an inch from the taller and significantly heavier warforged, her blade crackling with tiny lightning bolts that dance along its length.

Then Shava speaks, "Yes, let's talk as civilized people" she says calmly, her blade returning to its sheathe.

Once they are alone, "My apologies for the abrupt nature of my actions." Thalen says, offering her hand in greeting.

Yes Thalen is decidedly female, please look at any of her posts or the initial description and accompanied picture ;) [/sblock]
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[sblock=ooc]You never know, she could have put on a cursed girdle while we weren’t looking…[/sblock]

“You are certainly excused. I understand the necessity of privacy with House Lyrandar. I would appreciate the chance to talk more about what your find means later… If you are still around, madam.”With that he inclines his head respectfully to Thalen and turns to Cairn.“Perhaps we should take a seat elsewhere and let these two discuss whatever these two wish to discuss…”He attempts to lead the Warforged away from the group and back to the table with Talkrai, but will not force it. Either way, he is soon sitting with Talkrai and her not-so-talkative companions.

Outloud, though clearly to himself, “The mother… where is she?” After a long pull from his mug he says with a distracted grin, “Well, that was exciting, no?”
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Shava extends her hand and attempts to shake firmly, but it's immediately clear the difference of the two's strength. Shava casually brushes her hair back so it's straight behind her shoulder. She looks to Rohna one more time then address Thalen directly. Here's hoping I'm correct about this.

"Thalen, we've never met to my memory but I know you from reports." And of course interoffice spying. At least I was never expected to pursue her romantically. I wonder if she's heard from Elec. . .

"Tell me what you are doing out here though. Some kind of House Business?" Like spying on me! No. . .no I don't think so. A message from Elec? "I had heard you were transfered to an internal post of some kind."


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Shava swishes her hand slightly, to get the grease out of Tondrek's hair.
The halfork flicks absently as his hair is "tended", as if there was a fly nearby. Of course, flicking with a spiked gauntlet that would look big on a juggernaught was... interesting. He entirely misses the confrontation between the two Lyrandar scions, the elementals interjection, and the rest of the goings on. He is rapt in his work.

Brews, in the meanwhile, has dropped off a steaming plate of Marcher peppers. Even from here, the thick and spicy mixture make eyes waters. But not the halfork, who eats them mindlessly with one hand as he works.


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Shava extends her hand and attempts to shake firmly, but it's immediately clear the difference of the two's strength. Shava casually brushes her hair back so it's straight behind her shoulder. She looks to Rohna one more time then address Thalen directly. Here's hoping I'm correct about this.

"Thalen, we've never met to my memory but I know you from reports." And of course interoffice spying. At least I was never expected to pursue her romantically. I wonder if she's heard from Elec. . .

"Tell me what you are doing out here though. Some kind of House Business?" Like spying on me! No. . .no I don't think so. A message from Elec? "I had heard you were transfered to an internal post of some kind."

Thalen's face blushes somewhat at the last comments, but a hint of smile appears on her face, Shava's sure that the other Lyrandar appreciates her discreteness. "Ah yes, that. I have completed my time with that position, it was not permanent, thank Arawai. Interesting that there are three of us from the House here. You, me and him" Thalen says, pointing to the other half-elf. "Wonder what's the chances of that? So you have read those reports have you ? Well, that's part of why I'm here. My crew are all dead, for reasons unknown. In the official reports they say, pilot error and I've had to live with that every day for the last few years. I know what I saw, know what happened, and plan to get some proof. I'm not going back until I find it. Thankfully, those of Sela's Path have seen my gifts as a sign from Arawai and have blessed my journey. I was told that this place would let me find others interested in seeking travel and adventure. That is why I'm here. " she continues, looking directly at Shava for a solid few seconds before continuing, "Would you be interested in helping out a fellow Lyrandar get some vengeance against those that have killed a number of our friends and destroyed one of our valuable ships?" she asks anxiously.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"Lady mage does not attack. Has no weapon. Therefore, you're not stopping her with drawn blade. I keep lady mage safe."
He looks impassively at the threatening blade

"I was hit by true lightning from the sky, your sparks are nothing. Your house also means nothing to us. We had no dealings with you. My component parts are Eberron, I want to rejoin. Your threat is meaningless." - it seems that several voices speak out of poor elemental. Somewhere in there is an order, a need, to protect lady mage.

After Shava speaks of peace, he finally relents and allows himself to be returned to Filo and Orsik.

OOC: Sorry about that, I skimmed over last several pages, renau1g (I think) is male and thalen sounds male to me so I made wrong assumption



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"Was?" Talkrai said without raising her head. Her voice comes out muffled by her arms, but should still be enough to be herd by those seated at her table. "Still is. I didn't sit down because it wasn't interesting anymore, and I don't think you did either. What do you make of it all?"

What you can pick up of her tone through the muffledness sounds genuinely curious. In her head, she was still tumbling over the 3 Lyranders problem. Since even Thalen thought that was odd, it must be. Yet now they were having a "family talk" without Priam. This also seemed odd to Talkrai. She was trying to fit puzzle pieces together, and straining to hear whatever she still could in case it would help.


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“I, ah...” He pauses trying to sort out what he is attempting to say. Conveniently his pause is timed with the speech of the other table. Eventually he composes his thoughts and attempts to get them out, “I have done my work for the House of Lyrandar in the past. They, like any other Dragonmarked House have a tendency towards the politics. These politics can be minor nuisances, like a blood fly, or... they can have a bit more bite. These...” He looks at the two at the far table. “They have no idea what to make of each other. That scares them.”

“They will prod and test one another, like a sailor at the bow checking unknown waters. When they've sounded enough to know what they are dealing with, tensions will die. Or not.”

He pauses again, this time without the convenient timing. “I am more concerned, for the now, with the dragon.”

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