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The Malazan Book of the Fallen: The Burning of Kindle


First Post
The Reading of the Deck of Dragons

A grim smile settles on Candour's skeletal face, her hands flutter across the deck and draws a card from the top. With a deft flick of her wrist, the card flips over to settle on the centre of the table. As it hits the wooden surface, a slight sense of pressure is felt.
"Hood, King of High House Death" Candour intones, "His hand dominates this table"
The witch's thin hands move quickly, bony fingers clutching three more cards in quick succession and throwing them down around the first card. In turn before Telas, Durzon and Helicraters.
"Before you Wizard, the Queen of Dreams smiles on you, the Herald of High House Life...there is good to come of what lies ahead"
The card depicted the indistinct shape of a man, surrounding by a source of shining light, holding a goblet of water in his hands.
"And you..." Candour turned to Helicraters, a frown on her withered face, "You, soldier...whom have you betrayed? No, no...whom have you angered?"
Candour flips the card over, it shows a young woman wrapped in furs with pure white hair that flows behind her and fills the rest of the image. Her face, while beautiful, carries a hard and cold expression.
"Sister of Cold Nights, an unaligned ascendant, not active for some time....her gaze is narrowed on you, soldier"
Candour reaches for a third card, throwing it before Durzo with a grunt. It shows a figure wrapped in black clothing, their face obscured by a black cloth wrapped around their head. In each hand the figure holds a knife, something dark drips from each blade.
"Assassin, High House Shadow" Candour cocks her head to one side, looking straight at Durzo, "Something hunts you....someone in fact, not a wrong-doing..not a crime...there is a functionality to their task..'ware blades in the night my dear"
Candour sits back, seeming tired despite her condition. Shallow breath rattles through her narrow chest and she remains silent.
"Well!" exclaims Goble, clapping his hands together, "Wasn't that enlightening? Yes indeed! Perhaps we shall enjoy some fine food...ah yes, a knock at the door and here a pretty chit of girl brings us a fine feast!"
Lari enters the room, deftly balancing several plates on her hands and setting them down before each person seated, save for Candour whom the girl studiously avoids looking at. The witch appears slumped in her seat, head bowed.
"Now tuck in, friends! And once we are done, I shall furnish you with some Houses for an evening's work and mayhap you can escort the good lady back to her abode?" Fenn pauses to ram a chunk of steak into his mouth, then continues talking while he chews "It wouldn't do to leave a lady to walk home alone!"
He punctuates his ramble with a sharp jab of his fork into the air, grinning profusely.

[sblock=OOC]A map of Kindle is forthcoming! As will images of the cards your characters have been shown tonight![/sblock]

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Voda Vosa

First Post
Helicrates likes what he sees. "Well if such a beautiful lady is focusing on me, I'll be flattered. And anxious to meet her personally." he says, obviously not understanding anything.

As the food is served, and Fenn speaks, the soldier can't but frown. He asks, while eating with the same demeanor of Fenn "Work? What work? I just sat here. I won't deny some houses, but I'll like to know what am I supposed to do."


Durzo is a little unsettled about this mention of a potential bounty on his head, but after a moment he just shrugs, bah, I will just keep an eye out. They just might be getting more than they bargained for.

Aloud, "Alright, houses are good, if we were paid to listen, I'll not be complaining. I guess we can escort the lady home, then. After that, then what?"

Walking Dad

First Post
Teth (Tough +6, Fort +7, Reflex +, Will +11; Defense +4)

"As my companions says, this isn't a great task, I don't see many people bothering the bone witch... but what is our true task?"
Teth also asks.

Warren Telas (35 PP):

Blast (Fire, Autofire, Penetrating) +4 (16 PP)
AP: Blast (Fire, Line) +5 (1 PP)
AP: Blast (Fire, Cone) +5 (1 PP)
AP: Obscure (smoke) (smell and sight, Selective) +5 (1 PP)
AP: Fire Control +8 (1 PP)
AP: Environmental Control (Heat, Light) (Independent, Total Fade) +5 (1 PP)

Immunity Fire (10 PP) (already active)
Strike (Aura, Fire) +4 (4 PP)


First Post
"Ah yes!" exclaims Goble, waving a pudgy finger at the mage "You're true task! An astute one, aren't you wizard?"
Goble grins and bites down on a piece of crusty bread, picking the crumbs that fall to his plate in an oddly delicate manner.
"I have hired you, of course, to protect my interests...we are in for some interesting times my friends, interesting times indeed! Who knows what will happen when these unruly, ungainly Malazans march upon fair Kindle!"
Candour raises her head suddenly, a corpse's smile upon her withered face.
"What will happen? I have told you, my fat friend" she hisses, turning her eyeless gaze on Teth, "It will all end, in fire"
An awkward silence follows as Goble, for the first time this evening, seems lost for words. He soon recovers.
"Still! Gentlemen, allow me to elucidate....I am a rich man, with possessions of substantial worth as is befitting an influential member of the House of Coins. I have need, occasionally, of mercenaries such as yourselves for matters of protection..protection of my assets" explains Goble, waving a hand in such a way that seems to encompass the witch.
"Candour, here" he continues, "Is an old friend, and she has done me many favours in her..ahem..life, and as such I find she is in some difficulty and so would do my best to..ah..repay her kindness" he beams at each of you.
"But before we get all caught up in that, I would charge you first to see that kind Lady Candour reaches her abode unharmed, she lives down yonder street in the Plainsview District, near what remains of the south-easterly Plainswatch Wall"
Goble winks at Durzo, grinning again.
"You'll find many of your countrymen there as well my friend, the Rhivi frequent the area from what I'm told"
Goble stops, mercifully, and reaches into his robes and pulls out a small simple coin-bag.
"A first payment, for your services this evening" he says, pushing the bag towards Helicraters, "I suspect you sir, under the regard of the Sister of Cold Nights, must surely be the most trustworthy and must keep the coin for your comrades, no?"

[sblock=OOC]At this point, ask what questions you will and I'll provide the responses and so on. Or if anyone has any specific things they want to do they can do now. I'm going to put the next bit because from what I've gathered at the last point, you're all prepared to escort Candour home (whether or not she needs it is another matter...) but do let me know if that's not the case![/sblock]

On stepping outside in the night air, a cool breeze takes with it the smell of ale and sweat from the open door of the tavern. Candour stands among you, a thick cloak wrapped around her that leaves only her bone-thin hands exposed. She clutches a hood around her head, hiding her face in shadows.
The street is fairly quiet, one or two people walk down the street toward the Griffin's Nest. The moon casts a dull light over wet cobbles from an earlier downpour.
The Griffin's Nest sits at a cross-roads of sorts, to your right and round a corner lies Temple Way which is home to the many religions of Kindle. Behind you is the Fisherman's Quarter, that borders onto Greenwater Lake. Further to the left is a road, known as House's Argument, that leads up Mael's Bell Hill where the Assembly Hall resides.
"That road, past Temple Way, leads to Plainsview" murmurs Candour, gesturing with one hand, "We must 'ware footsteps in the moonlight"

Voda Vosa

First Post
"Certainly" Says Helicrates as he picks the bag, and makes it disappear under his armor into a secret compartment, after searching for the other two silent approval.

After walking outside, the man parsimoniously puts on his helmet, and in a violent move uncovers himself from the heavy tunic that until then covered his armored body and his sharp blade, strapped securely to his belt. He rolls his tunic around his left arm and shoulder, exposing the shiny armor on the right, and concealing his left arm.

"Then lets be on our way, keep your eyes peeled and your senses with you comrades." he says valiantly as he strides forward, not waiting for anyone.


"I have hired you, of course, to protect my interests...we are in for some interesting times my friends, interesting times indeed! Who knows what will happen when these unruly, ungainly Malazans march upon fair Kindle!"
Candour raises her head suddenly, a corpse's smile upon her withered face.
"What will happen? I have told you, my fat friend" she hisses, turning her eyeless gaze on Teth, "It will all end, in fire"
An awkward silence follows as Goble, for the first time this evening, seems lost for words.
Durzo is not lost for words, "No kidding. The city will burn, women will be raped and everything will be pillaged."
Listening to Goble talk, he is wary for any trickery or falsehood.
<<OOC: Sense Motive +9>>
"Then lets be on our way, keep your eyes peeled and your senses with you comrades." he says valiantly as he strides forward, not waiting for anyone.
Durzo puts a hand on the armored man shoulder, "Hold friend, perhaps we should do this right, eh? Why don't I scout ahead about 30-40 feet and you two flank our charge here." He pulls his cloak about him and covers his head with his hood and hunches over slightly, thus altering his general appearance. Gone is the confident archer, now he looks like a dullard militia man trudging home after a long day on duty. He is prepared to slip into the shadows if his companions agree.
<<OOC: Disguise +9, Notice +11, Stealth +14>>

Walking Dad

First Post
Teth (Tough +6, Fort +7, Reflex +, Will +11; Defense +4)

"Making us a bit more obvious will aid Durzo's task. I also like to see where I step."
Teth says, and with a word and a gesture, appears a heatless fire on his hand, giving light like a torch.


Use Environmental control: light.

Warren Telas (35 PP):

Blast (Fire, Autofire, Penetrating) +4 (16 PP)
AP: Blast (Fire, Line) +5 (1 PP)
AP: Blast (Fire, Cone) +5 (1 PP)
AP: Obscure (smoke) (smell and sight, Selective) +5 (1 PP)
AP: Fire Control +8 (1 PP)
AP: Environmental Control (Heat, Light) (Independent, Total Fade) +5 (1 PP)

Immunity Fire (10 PP) (already active)
Strike (Aura, Fire) +4 (4 PP)

Voda Vosa

First Post
"If you wish to, go ahead. I'll be here to guard over these two. Keep your guard up, perhaps you'll be far away if troubles arise for me to reach you quickly enough." Helicrates agrees with the nimble Durzo.

Voidrunner's Codex

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