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Adventure: Food of the Gods - Part 2 (DM: ryryguy, Judge:renau1g)


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As the deva cuts into the lasher, it seems to melt around her blade, dropping down into the mud patch and flowing along the ground, leaving shards of frozen mud in its wake. It reforms on the other side of Papolstanaas.

ooc: Activates Amorphous Body and shifts to M4.

[sblock=Weapon Master's Strike]You'd still have to be adjacent to take the OA provoked by a shift, right? It doesn't give you effective threatening reach, or does it? (Not sure it will come up, just curious...)[/sblock]

[sblock=Map update]
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[sblock=Weapon Master's Strike]You'd still have to be adjacent to take the OA provoked by a shift, right? It doesn't give you effective threatening reach, or does it? (Not sure it will come up, just curious...)[/sblock]

[sblock=Weapon Master's Strike]The power block doesn't say you need to be adjacent. Since you normally get a free swing against an adjacent marked enemy on a shift, and since this is a polearm specific effect, I'd say you don't need to be adjacent. In this case, it doesn't matter, since you've got Kaeysari in the wrong square. Moved to J7 to get the flanking bonus.[/sblock]


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[sblock=NPC Jynxx...]Jynxx cannot get to within 5 squares of Chaku to heal him unless he trades his standard for a move. Is it worth it? And if so does he double move (has to go into the mud to K9? K10?) Or use moment of escape to move chaku closer to him?

Shoot, I wish I had looked at this last night and asked then... I sort of don't want to be the one who decides, in case either he or Chaku ends up the worse off for the choice... (Not that anyone would want that of course, but it seems worse if it's the DM who does it.)[/sblock]


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[sblock=ooc]That's a tough one. I'm gonna leave that for Mez to answer, since it's his PC's bacon in the pan.[/sblock]


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[sblock=Options]ATTACK!!!! Move south to heal him next turn and do some damage on the way! as a side note... mmmm, bacon, *drool*[/sblock]



Sorry, cleet got the best of me. I vote neither option lol. Chaku will be mad though lol


"Come here Chaku, so we might concentrate our force." Jynxx moves forward and smiles as he sees the effect of his words.

Move to I8.

Moment of Escape on Chaku... actually want to pull him to Palp's side (beside the mud lasher). Annndd... Majestic Word on Chaku please. [/sblock]


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Chaku’s eyes boggle as he gets yanked across the field. Furious, he swings wildly at the broodlings as they dwindle in his sights, nearly taking Papolstaanas’ head from his shoulders. JYNXX!!, he howls, I like squishing bugs, their shells make a nice crunch when I hit them. His anger dwindles slightly as the bard’s majestic words begin to soothe the savage beast, err man.


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As the snakething dives underground, the boiling barbarian cries out and slams his maul agin into it's chitinous form. Shifting around, he lines up the two nearest broodlings for a thunderous blast, but the acid distracts him and his blow is errant yet again, at least the gust of wind from his horrendous wiff has blown away most of the acid, and allows Chaku to focus on the fight.

Papolstaanas cringes in horror as the hapless cow is devoured. As he is doing so, water rises from the ground, separating from the dirt, and sprays him and all of the mud-creatures. Much of the mud coating Papolstaanas seems to wash away and wet blades of grass cling to everything else.

Papolstaanas staggers back with another clumsy swing--the new hammer is still giving him trouble--but an errant gust of wind propels the smallest mud creature squarely into his backswing.

[sblock=Font of Life]As far as I can tell, the only non-adjacent creature this marks is Broodling 1. (There is no line of effect to the underground creatures, unfortunately.)[/sblock]
Seeing Papol mostly surrounded, and an opening for her, Azryah rushes back into the fray and slashes at the mud creature which had previously run from her. Pieces of it freeze up and break away as her greatsword slices through it.

As the deva cuts into the lasher, it seems to melt around her blade, dropping down into the mud patch and flowing along the ground, leaving shards of frozen mud in its wake. It reforms on the other side of Papolstanaas.

[sblock=ooc]The lasher is bloodied and has vulnerable 5 to next attack that hits it before end of its next turn. It also activates Amorphous Body and shifts to M4.[/sblock]
When Papolstaanas pulls the Mud Vortex after him, Kaeysari moves down to flank the creature and strikes out, then keeps her blade poised to strike if it tries to move away.

"Come here Chaku, so we might concentrate our force." Jynxx moves forward and smiles as he sees the effect of his words. Chaku to L6, and to 26/40 HP + 5 THP.

Chaku’s eyes boggle as he gets yanked across the field. Furious, he swings wildly at the broodlings as they dwindle in his sights, nearly taking Papolstaanas’ head from his shoulders. JYNXX!!, he howls, I like squishing bugs, their shells make a nice crunch when I hit them. His anger dwindles slightly as the bard’s majestic words begin to soothe the savage beast, err man.

As the barbarian skids to a stop, once again the ground rumbles, and the giant snake-thing rises out of the ground, this time next to Azryah. Ichor streams from its wounds. It hisses deafeningly and unleashes a torrent of acid, catching the deva as well as Kaeysari and Jynxx. The bard's view of the thing is partially blocked by Azryah, and he is caught flat-footed, taking a heavy portion of the smoking liquid directly in the chest. All three's clothing and armor begins to smoke as the acid burns.

[sblock="Virtue of Prescience"]Jynxx could use Virtue of Prescience to negate the hit on Kaesari here... maybe she'd prefer taking the hit so she can use longtooth shifting though?[/sblock]

The broodlings that Chaku left so abruptly follow him across the field, building up speed as they splash into the mud patch, claws extended. One strikes true, although the lingering effect of the bard's healing magic cushions the blow. One of the other broodlings claws wildly at Papolstaanas, and another emerges from underground trying to surprise Kaeysari, but neither is able to do any damage.
[sblock=Papol Warden's Grasp]You have Broodling 1 marked so can use Warden's Grasp on it if you like. Wouldn't do that much good but you could slide it one if you cared to.[/sblock]

The last broodling seems to still be fixated on the cow. It scuttles across the ground, chasing it, and burrows down out of sight as it approaches. The cow looks around nervously.

[sblock=Perception DC 16 (passive or minor action]The broodling has tunneled to I0[/sblock]
The mud creatures circle the kobold, feinting as the northernmost creature circles around to a flanking spot, opening itself to attack.

[sblock=Papol OA]You may take an opportunity attack against Mud Lasher 2. Up to you to roll it. :)[/sblock]
Then the three strike almost as one. Surrounded by enemies, the kobold falters under their attacks, pseudopods of mud and rock slamming into him from all sides. Blood sprays from his nose, which is promptly stopped as mud from the vortex covers it, once again choking him.

The cow in the corner, unable to see its pursuer, freezes momentarily in confusion. Then, Castofle comes running down the hill to the other side of the fence, yelling and waving his arms. "C'mon, girl! Move it! Let's go!" The cow responds with a single long moo, then hustles away from the corner and out the fence gate to apparent safety. The chef walks behind it making soothing noises as he coaxes it further up the hill.

Snake Creature
Broodlings 1 and 2
[*]Forgot the -2 for broodling 1 being marked, but it doesn't matter... Papol can use Warden's Grasp if he likes.
Broodling 3
Broodling 5
  • Move to J6 (to surface)
  • Standard: Mandible rip vs. Kaeysari Broodling Mandible Rip vs. Kaeysari (1d20+4=15) Miss.
    Broodling 6
  • Move to K0
  • Tunnel down and out of sight. Stealth1d20+3=16
    Mud Lasher 1Mud Lasher 2Mud VortexCow
    Escape! The cow offers heartfelt thanks to Castofle! (And Papolstaanas.)
    18 Chaku - Q10 - 26/40 + 1 THP (8/10) AP: 0
    17 --- ENEMIES ---
    Large Snake Creature - L8/M9 - 38/100 - bloodied; AP, Acid Spray used
    Broodling 1 - M7 (Warden's Grasp pending) - marked by Papol
    Broodling 2 - L7
    Broodling 3 - K5 - marked by Papol
    Broodling 5 - J6 - underground
    Broodling 6 - ?? - underground
    Mud Lasher 1 - M4 - 22/52 HP - marked by Papol, oathed; Drowing Slam, Amorphous Body used
    Mud Lasher 2 - M5 - 21/52 - marked by Papol; bloodied; Drowning Slam, Amorphous Body used
    Mud Vortex - K6 - 14/38 - marked by Papol; Whelm used
    17 Papolstaanas - N2 10/40 (12/12) AP: 1 - ongoing 5 (save ends); bloodied
    6 Jynxx - I8 - 9/29 (8/8) AP: 1 - slowed, ongoing 5 acid (save ends both); bloodied
    4 Kaeysari - J7 - 18/39 (10/10) AP: 1 - slowed, ongoing 5 acid (save ends both); bloodied
    2 Azryah - K8 - 25/34 (8/9) AP: 1 - slowed, ongoing 5 acid (save ends both); bloodied

    Pasture Fence This low wooden fence provides cover to creatures behind it. It takes a DC 10 Athletics check to climb or hurdle it. (There are gaps in it as well.)

    Deep Mud The entire pasture is fairly muddy, but the brown areas are especially deep mud. When a character enters or starts his turn in an area of deep mud, he is slowed until the end of his turn, unless he succeeds at a DC 15 athletics check. (You only must make the check once per turn - if you succeed, you can move normally in the mud for the rest of the turn.)

    Stream difficult terrain

    Rocks/Boulders - difficult terrain, and provide cover.

    Tunnel Entrance - The large snake creature leaves tunnels behind it when it burrows. Tunnel entrances are marked by craters on the map. (e.g., P10) Treat the crater as difficult terrain if you just want to enter the square but not the tunnel. Stunt attacks to create new entrances may be possible if you know where the tunnel is - or are inside and want to make an exit.

    Tunnels Tunnels are indicated by reddish brown lines on the map. (Not all tunnels are shown, only those that a PC has entered or seen.) There is bright light in the entrance square, dim light in areas within 1 or 2 squares of an entrance, and darkness farther in.

    Medium creatures (and the snake thing of course) can enter these tunnels and move through them. Entering the tunnel at an entrance is automatic and no movement cost beyond entering the entrance square; leaving the tunnel and going back on the surface at an entrance requires a DC 10 Athletics check (this moves you from underground to the surface of the entrance square at a cost of 1 movement; failure ends the move action).

    (If it isn't obvious, there is no line of sight or effect between creatures that are underground and creatures on the surface, except at the entrance squares... creatures at the entrance squares have cover against each other if they are on opposite sides of the surface)
    Huge snakey creature
    HP 100, bloodied 50
    AC 17, Fort 14, Ref 16, Will 14
    Basic Attack: Claw +8 vs AC; 1d8+5 damage

    Snakey broodlings
    HP 1 (minion)
    AC 15, Fort 12, Ref 14, Will 12
    Basic Attack: Claw +5 (+9 if grabbed by big snakey) vs AC; 4 damage

    Mud Lasher
    HP 52, bloodied 26
    AC 15, Fort 16, Ref 14, Will 14 (Immune disease, poison)
    Basic Attack: Slam +6 (+8 vs slowed or immobilized creatures) vs AC; 2d6+3 damage
    Sensitive to Cold: Whenever the mud lasher takes cold damage, it gains vulnerable 5 against the next attack that hits it before the end of its next turn.

    Mud Vortex
    HP 38, bloodied 19
    AC 16, Fort 15, Ref 14, Will 13 (Immune disease, poison)
    Basic Attack: Slam +4 vs Reflex; 1d6 damage, and ongoing 5 damage (save ends)
    Sensitive to Cold: Whenever the mud vortex takes cold damage, it gains vulnerable 5 against the next attack that hits it before the end of its next turn.

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[brokesblock=bigsnakeything]Am I missing where he went, or is he not on the map, I didn't think he went back underground...?[/sblock]


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OOC: I hope "39 damage" is a typo. It's 29 this round, yes? P is dying if I'm adding wrong. If I'm up I need to second wind, which will slide all the marked stuff 1. Maybe Chaku can howl of fury on the vortex and kill broodlings 3 and 5, and the defenders can try to control the ankhe--um snakey thing so Azryah can finish off her oath target. I'm assuming the snakey thing is adjacent to her even though it's not visible on the map.

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