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Converting Greyhawk monsters

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I guess so!

Let's me just have a look at it...

Aaah!!! Phn'glui!! Phtaw!!! The Guts from Space will take us all!!! Fi!! Fii!!!


Well I made my second Will save and the Thing's stats look perfectly in order.

Indeed their non-Euclidian statistics are so perfect they will spell the doom of all humanity...:eek:


Monster Junkie
FREQUENCY: Very rare
DIET: Omnivorous
INTELLIGENCE: Average (10)
ALIGNMENT: Neutral good
THAC0: 15
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 3-8/3-8/3-12
SIZE: Variable (see below)
MORALE: Champion (15-16)

These rare creatures are encountered only in temples and shrines of St. Cuthbert. They are the result of centuries of breeding and training by specialized clerics of St. Cuthbert.

Weisshund appear as beautiful dogs with thick white fur. They have heavy, loose skin which provides protection and agility. Even when grappled by an opponent or by another animal's jaws, their loose skin allows them to twist and turn toward an opponent in order to continue the attack. Their thick fur makes it difficult for other animals to hold them with their jaws.

Weisshund stand approximately 2' high at the shoulder. They are agile, lean, and strong, although their appearance belies this. Their thick skin and fur makes them appear chubby and harmless. They sleep most of the time, enhancing their facade of harmlessness. Weisshund appear to be completely docile lapdogs until they are provoked into a fight.

Combat: Weisshund have a limited empathic sense that allows them to recognize evil and hostility. They can sense these elements at a range of 60'. A sleeping weisshund will awaken if an evil or hostile creature comes within 60' of it. When a weisshund senses evil or hostility, it becomes extremely agitated, growls at its suspect, and will attempt to alert one of its masters. It will not allow the suspect out of its sight. If a master is not within range (if the weisshund would be forced to leave its suspect in order to locate a master) it will always opt to guard its prey rather than find a master. It will bark until a master arrives or will attack if necessary.

A weisshund is always cautious about whom it attacks. It will not attack merely because it senses evil or hostility, but will guard such persons, maintaining a distance of roughly 20', while growling at its captive. As long as its captive does not threaten or attack the weisshund, its masters, or persons whom it has been trained to protect, the weisshund will not attack. As soon as the suspect makes an agressive move, however, the weisshund will begin its transformation into temple guardian.

Upon viewing an act of agression [sic] by a suspect or upon command by a recognized master, a weisshund will grow in size until it is approximately 4' high at the shoulder and 6' long. Its skin and fur maintain their thickness and protective qualities, and an enlarged weisshund looks exactly the same as it did in its smaller form.
This transformation requires five segments, after which the weisshund may attack with full force. The weisshund may not attack during the transformation, and those attacking it must roll a 7 or greater on 1d10 to avoid being surprised by the transformation. Those who are surprised may not attack during that round.
The weisshund is not any easier or more difficult to hit during its transformation.

A weisshund attacks with its front paws and its bite. Its paws have dull claws, but damage from the paws is due to the size and force that the paws exert. This damage compares to a victim being struck by a 10-pound rock: the sheer force and impact cause the injury.

A weisshund's bite is similar to that of any other large dog, but it will attempt to knock its opponent to the ground and hold the victim's neck in its jaws, pinning him to the ground. It may also sit on its victim in order to subdue him. If the victim ceases its struggle, it will simply hold him, but if the victim attempts to continue his attack, the weisshund will attack in whatever manner is necessary to hold or subdue him. The weisshund is so finely trained that if a pinned victim offers no struggle, it can hold the victim without so much as a toothmark.

If more than one target is encountered, a weisshund will alternate between victims in an attempt to scare them into submission.

The weisshund will not attempt to pin a victim if more than one attacker is present. Weisshund work well in teams and understand their own fighting techniques so well that even two unfamiliar weisshund can work together as a well-orchestrated team.

Habitat/Society: Weisshund are found only in temples of St. Cuthbert. They are bred by the clerics in a secret location. Most weisshund that are encounterd [sic] in temples are males, although females are encountered 5% of the time. Females are generally kept for breeding purposes, and pregnant females are especially protected. Females that become pregnant outside the sanctuary are immediately sent to the sanctuary for their protection and care. Females are able to become pregnant only twice per year, and litters are never larger than two puppies.

Ecology: Weisshund live as any normal house dog. When a puppy becomes six months old, it enters training for its future as a temple guardian.

Originally appeared in WGA2 – Falconmaster (1990).



So 4 HD Medium Magical Beast with claw/claw/bite plus detect evil and some kind of enlarge ability, Maybe base their enlarge on righteous might since they're linked to divine forces?

They seem to be very strong, since they do 3-8 damage with their blunt claws due to their "size and force", but I'm assuming that's in their enlarged form.

Also, I'm suspecting I've seen these fellows somewhere before - maybe in a Dragon Magazine? I'll have a look.


Extradimensional Explorer
That all sounds right. They seem like they might have Improved Grab, a racial Escape Artist bonus, and a detect evil type ability. I have this feeling we've done similar "detect hostile intent" abilities before, too.


Monster Junkie
We sure did!

Detect Hostile Intent (Su): A rummele is constantly aware of the presence of any creatures with hostile intent within 30 feet, and their direction (but not their specific location). The power detects active aggression, as opposed to vigilance. The rummele cannot be surprised or caught flat-footed by creatures that are susceptible to mind-affecting powers. Additionally, a rummele can make Sense Motive checks as a free action against anyone within 30 feet. This power can penetrate barriers, but 3 feet of stone, 3 inches of common metal, 1 inch of lead, or 6 feet of wood or dirt blocks it.


We sure did!

Detect Hostile Intent (Su): A rummele is constantly aware of the presence of any creatures with hostile intent within 30 feet, and their direction (but not their specific location). The power detects active aggression, as opposed to vigilance. The rummele cannot be surprised or caught flat-footed by creatures that are susceptible to mind-affecting powers. Additionally, a rummele can make Sense Motive checks as a free action against anyone within 30 feet. This power can penetrate barriers, but 3 feet of stone, 3 inches of common metal, 1 inch of lead, or 6 feet of wood or dirt blocks it.

That looks ideal!

Shall we talk ability scores?

They're pretty hefty, so I was thinking 2 higher Strength than a standard Riding Dog (before the Enlarge bonus). Their 4+8 HD suggests a very high Constitution.

The AD&D average intelligence covers Int 8-10. I was thinking Int 8-9 rather than 10. Maybe increase the Wisdom or Charisma a bit.

Something like this:

Str 17, Dex 14, Con 19, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 11


Those appeal. Added to Homebrews.

I would make the bite the primary attack then fiddle the strength bonus from Enlarge so its claws do 1d6+2 when embiggened (which would require a Str of 18-21).

That would mean a regular-sized Weisshund would have 1d4 claws, I'd set the bite to 1d8 like a Hell Hound.

Now the enlarge power seems to be its most important ability.

Reading the description it's a slightly less potent ability than righteous might since it doesn't give the DR or AC boost. How about.

Enlarge (Su): A weisshund can enlarge itself as a swift action. This increase changes the Weisshund's size category to Large and gives it a +4 size bonus to Strength and a +1 enhancement bonus to natural armor, changing its statistics as given below. Any equipment the weisshund is wearing is similarly enlarged by this power.

Large Magical Beast
Hit Dice: 4d10+16 (38 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares)
Armor Class: 16 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +5 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+13
Attack: bite +8 melee (2d6+5)
Full Attack: Bite +8 melee (2d6+5) and 2 claws +3 melee (1d6+2)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Enlarge, improved grab
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., detect hostile intent, low-light vision
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +3
Abilities: Str 21, Dex 14, Con 19, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 11


Monster Junkie
We could borrow this precedent as well:

Size Change (Su): At will, spriggans can change their size in a fashion similar to the effect of an enlarge person spell. The size change from Small to Large gains +8 Strength, -4 Dexterity, +6 Constitution and -2 attack bonus and Armor class. A spriggan's short sword has the same attributes as a Large short sword when enlarged. An enlarged spriggan is unable to make a sneak attack or use its spell-like abilities.

Voidrunner's Codex

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