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Fourthcore has Died


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This is sad news. While I know Fourthcore isn't everyone's bag, it's frustrating seeing such innovative design die, for whatever reasons. It's too bad real life can't be more accommodating for inspiring creative types or that some people on the internet have never heard of constructive criticism (the thread on wizards is terrible).

From the first time I heard about it Fourthcore has colored my adventure design. My gaming is better for it, and my players loved the challenge. Here's to hoping that the community is able to continue in some manner now that the creator has moved on.

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Yeah, the WotC community in general is really quite childish. The thread you linked, along with the other thread announcing SvD's retirement from 4e content, is ultimately what motivated me to ditch the place and check out EnWorld instead. I think I upgraded.

Wow. Three pages (I don't want any more vitriol today, so I'm stopping there) in the thread and no one has even commented on how awesome the items in that PDF are. From the same community that's lambasted the addition of magic item rarity and the lack of good rares time and time again...


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Yeah, there are reasons I'm not active on the WotC boards.

As for fourthcore, well, it's really not my type of game. But, that being said, the man was passionate. Passionate about the game, passionate about his style, and a good writer. I respect that. I am sad to see fourthcore go. Passionate, skilled writers only help the hobby, imo.


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No surprise on the WotC boards.

Just check out this nice little thread announcing an innovative and interesting free 4e project that wouldn't be to everyone's tastes.

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Oh dear, I had to stop at page 3 as well. This lowers my already below basement level opinion of the WotC boards and a large number (not all) of people that participate in them.

I took 4thcore within its context: A deadly, difficult, old school style dungeon one shot based on a slick 4e mechanic system. It certainly does go a long way to show with just a little tweak here or there the style and game experience can be altered using 4e mechanics, which in my humble opinion, shows just how good it is.

But seriously, if someone posts up thier creative effort to be shared freely by the community, and it's not your cup of tea, then move on, or if you must share your 'expert' opinion, then at the very least criticise it constructively within the context for which it has been designed. That is called being helpful. The alternative, saying 'I'm not even looking at this **** because 4thcore concept is badwrongstupid etc etc, is called being a *@$%.

I get that people might not like the deadly style of 4thcore. But that is totally not the issue. If I were to include the adventures into my ongoing campaign I would poach ideas without such a high degree of instant lethality. But that's what I do with adventures in general, poach ideas. But running Iron Lich as a one night change of pace, jumping PCs from 9th to 16th just for a laugh, was awesome fun.

As for the magic items, there is some really cool stuff in there. Stuff worthy of comment and discussion.

Anyway, I'll be following what SvD comes up with as well, and probably definitely poaching ideas from that as well.


First Post
Oh dear, I had to stop at page 3 as well. This lowers my already below basement level opinion of the WotC boards and a large number (not all) of people that participate in them.

I took 4thcore within its context: A deadly, difficult, old school style dungeon one shot based on a slick 4e mechanic system. It certainly does go a long way to show with just a little tweak here or there the style and game experience can be altered using 4e mechanics, which in my humble opinion, shows just how good it is.

But seriously, if someone posts up thier creative effort to be shared freely by the community, and it's not your cup of tea, then move on, or if you must share your 'expert' opinion, then at the very least criticise it constructively within the context for which it has been designed. That is called being helpful. The alternative, saying 'I'm not even looking at this **** because 4thcore concept is badwrongstupid etc etc, is called being a *@$%.

I get that people might not like the deadly style of 4thcore. But that is totally not the issue. If I were to include the adventures into my ongoing campaign I would poach ideas without such a high degree of instant lethality. But that's what I do with adventures in general, poach ideas. But running Iron Lich as a one night change of pace, jumping PCs from 9th to 16th just for a laugh, was awesome fun.

As for the magic items, there is some really cool stuff in there. Stuff worthy of comment and discussion.

Anyway, I'll be following what SvD comes up with as well, and probably definitely poaching ideas from that as well.
Jbear: let us play together. Whether my Dm, mewness, accepts Kane Arcane to the serpent's skull game, or whether you languish in the tavern(which I secretly wish for, that Kane may game with my character, Howler(a reformed pirate, that I plan to make as soon as my level permits) I swear we shall play together, you and I.) In either case, I desire you as part of my party.


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Jbear: let us play together. Whether my Dm, mewness, accepts Kane Arcane to the serpent's skull game, or whether you languish in the tavern(which I secretly wish for, that Kane may game with my character, Howler(a reformed pirate, that I plan to make as soon as my level permits) I swear we shall play together, you and I.) In either case, I desire you as part of my party.
[MENTION=6676736]Pentius[/MENTION] Hehe, I'd love to Edit: , mate. Thanks for your desire :) Kane looks like a bit of a pirate himself, as you probably gathered from his hoop earing and knee high very turquoise boots. Certainly anything 'piratey' draws his instant attention, as he oneday wants to meet the man who dressed like he does now, as he has a rather large bone to pick with him. And how better to find such a person than in the company of a reformed pirate :) As far as I've understood in L4W its a big sand box, so maybe both things could happen eventually, right? Anyway, unless at least another 2 or 3 1st level characters rock up real soon and a DM sees us eagerly itching ourselves ready to go, I think Kane is going to be quite drunk, and still in the Hanged Man when Howler arrives.
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First Post
@Pentius Hehe, I'd love to mate.

Now there's a sentence whose meaning changes dramatically whether you put a pause in it before the "mate". :p

As for the topic at hand, Fourthcore really wasn't my thing - my memories of that kind of D&D are not fond ones, and I'm not one for custom magic items (though I admit his were very good).

That said, I mourn the loss, as the hobby as a whole is poorer with its passing - having people able to play the game they like is a good thing, even if I wouldn't want to be in it. Too bad no one was able to tell him before that he was simply pitching his ideas to the wrong forum...

I ran Revenge of the Iron Lich for our regular group. It was both awesome and terrifying! Easily one of my gaming highlights from the 4th Edition era. Here's hoping that SvD reconsiders.

If you've not done RotIL, you owe it to your group to run it.


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I ran Revenge of the Iron Lich for our regular group. It was both awesome and terrifying! Easily one of my gaming highlights from the 4th Edition era. Here's hoping that SvD reconsiders.
If you read the follow-up post getting into the ugly "why" behind the decision, it's clear that reconsideration is not an option, at least for Sersa V, and that it would be unkind to ask otherwise of him.

We can still look forward to two more Saturday Night Delves and the "C1" adventure, but after that your Sersa V fix will have to come from Wrath, if and when that comes out.

I don't know what other Save Versus Death contributors' plans are.


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First of all, thanks for Fourthcore Armoury- It's probably the first 4th ed magic item supplement that doesn't look like a spare parts list.
And I'll be waiting for Wrath.

Going back to the main topic, there's too much poison on WotC's forum (I'm maintaining an Assassin's Handbook there because I love the class but sometimes it's not easy to go on). Lately I prefer to lurk (and sometimes write) here on Enworld where the atmosphere is more relaxed and people look more interested in enjoying the game and discussion rather than "scoring points" against each other.

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