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[Tavern Thread] The Dunn Wright Inn


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Eanos Setirav, human inquisitor

Eanos frowns as the eidolon begins making noises about the afterlife. Perhaps he was wrong about the escalation to violence. He stands, about to intervene, when the striking female warrior enters. He watches her navigate the room and head to the bar. Then, mildly inspired, he offers to the sparring pair of men and the otherworldly creature, "Gentlemen, I believe it's improper to behave so aggressively in the presence of a lady?"

He turns to the woman and bows his head.

"I'll apologize in advance if Veniarus and Fester's little spat offends, miss. My name is Eanos. And you are...?"

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OOC: jkason, the text color you are using for your character is really dark, almost bordering on black, and really hard to read on the default skin of this website. Sorry to be a bother

Veniarus smiles slightly as Eanos makes an advance on the lady. Though not being interested in the woman himself he decides to dismiss Kalius and return to his drink, preferring to ignore the druid from now on.


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[sblock=ooc]I'll see what I can come up with. I'm still getting a feel for who Eanos is, but when I conceived of him, he seemed a bit of a brooder to me, so I wanted a darker text color.

[COLOR=cc666]How's this, instead?[/color][/sblock]


Cythera e'Kiernan, Bronze Dragon Disciple

Cythera takes in the red-haired man, only slightly taller than herself. She looks him up and down, noting the slender frame and weapons, concluding he is an archer by trade.

Then gives the quality of his gear some scrutiny, the man's armor is not nearly the same caliber and the number of finely crafted weapons are few.

She nods a greeting, one professional to another, "Good day, to you. I am Cythera e'Kiernan."

"I believe I have heard tell of that one, the... ah, mouthy one with a centaur eidolon. I was chatting with a feisty warmaiden in the shopping district and she invited me to tea at a cafe to swap stories while we waited for the shopkeepers to prepare our orders."

Cythera shrugs and sips some wine while leaning against the bar counter to observe the two scrub adventurers in their squabble.

"I don't think you need to apologize for the behavior of others. Unless, you are their leader and there for responsible." She looks back at Eanos with a raised eyebrow to imply the statement was a question.

[sblock=Mini Stats]Initiative: +4
AC: 22 (19 flat-footed, 14 Touch)
HP: 54 Current: 54
CMB: +8 CMD: 21 (22 vs. Sundering) Fort: +5 Reflex: +6 Will: +5 (+1 with Resistance)
Conditions in Effect: Arcane Strike, Power Attack, Furious Focus, Overhand Chop

Current Weapon in Hand: Glaive
Chakram: 8/8 Claws: 5/5 rounds remaining

Battle Dance: 8/8 Rounds Remaining
Spells Remaining: Cantrips: (Read Magic, Detect Magic, Resistance, Light, Prestidigitation)
1st Level 3/3 (Cure Light Wounds, Timely Inspiration, Grease(DC13))[/sblock]___________________________

Cythera e'Kiernan


First Post
[COLOR=cc666]"No, I've only just met this pair,"[/color] Eanos says quickly in an attempt to counter misunderstanding. He walks to the bar to continue conversing with the new arrival. He chuckles and adds, [color=cc666]"Issolatha hide me if I were.

"No, I'm newly arrived to Venza. Haven't tied my interests to any group locally as of yet."[/color]


First Post
Veniarus' ears perk at the mention of a Warmaiden who had mentioned him in passing to which he suddenly becomes interested in this newcomer and asks the lady, "And pray tell how is that rambunctious darling of an overzealous little priestess?" to which Kalius simply laughs in a rather boisterous manner.

OOC: No offense Perrin, that is honestly how I figure Veniarus would have perceived Ariel XD


Cythera e'Kiernan, Bronze Dragon Disciple

OOC: DC, no offense taken. :) Ariel was a zealous Joan of Arc type. Ya pretty much nailed it.
Cythera replies to Eanos, "I see. Then insubordination is not one of their faults. I have recently taken up residence in the City of Glass myself."

"I had some unfinished business to take care of."
Her expression grows cold at this last statement. However, before she can continue nor entertain the archer's response, one of the two scrubs Eanos left behind approaches.

Cythera looks at the half-elf who decided to join them by the bar. His slender body matches hers in height, but not in muscle tone.

Ahh, not one to do the Dance. His weaponry marks him as a rear echelon combatant, letting the centaur to the heavy lifting. Now the beast might be able to Dance, but by the look of him, he is a brute force type.

She shrugs in response, "She was a serious sort. Hell bent on heading back out to deliver some arse kicking to some officials in another town. Considering what she was equipping herself with, she was a capable warrior despite that petite frame of hers."

"Though, she mentioned fire and was quite proud that she had learned to fling an exploding ball of it. Pleasant enough woman if you are law abiding from our chat."

"My gut feeling, I think she could Dance. She was heading out alone to do just that, apparently. I can only presume she felt her former companions unworthy. However, she really did not talk about it."

"She did not even deign to mention your name, unless you are secretly a half-elven woman named Megan."

The last statement is accompanied by a smirk and the bronze-skinned redhead takes another sip of wine.

[sblock=Mini Stats]Initiative: +4
AC: 22 (19 flat-footed, 14 Touch)
HP: 54 Current: 54
CMB: +8 CMD: 22 (23 vs. Sundering) Fort: +5 Reflex: +6 Will: +5 (+1 with Resistance)
Conditions in Effect: Arcane Strike, Power Attack, Furious Focus, Overhand Chop

Current Weapon in Hand: Glaive
Chakram: 8/8 Claws: 5/5 rounds remaining

Battle Dance: 8/8 Rounds Remaining
Spells Remaining: Cantrips: (Read Magic, Detect Magic, Resistance, Light, Prestidigitation)
1st Level 3/3 (Cure Light Wounds, Timely Inspiration, Grease(DC13))[/sblock]___________________________

Cythera e'Kiernan


First Post
Eanos Setirav, human inquisitor

Eanos turns quickly to the bar and drinks chugs back his drink to avoid the wide grin he feels about to split his expression.

[color=cc666]"I've rooted out many secrets, but I've not yet encountered that one,"[/color] he admits after re-composing himself. [color=cc666]"Venza is clearly a place to learn new things,"[/color] he adds with a bit of smirk, himself.


First Post
"She did not even deign to mention your name, unless you are secretly a half-elven woman named Megan."

Veniarus laughs at this and says "Certainly not. Megan was an interesting individual, but I am not she. Allow me to introduce myself, I am Veniarus, and this..." he indicates his Eidolon "is Kalius." He pauses for a moment and then continues "It troubles me to think that Ariel has decided to return to Tritower without assistance in the hopes of dealing with those who she deems unworthy officials though. I hope she doesn't get herself in to too much trouble out there, she certainly was an impatient child."

OOC: and yeah jkason that font color is way better.

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An young, almost emaciated looking Halfling walks into the tavern. It's not hard to see the uneasiness on his face as he is clearly out of his element. He then begins to awkwardly manuver around the much larger patrons, whispering pardons to the larger ones who overlook and bump into him. Bashfully, he keeps moving looking for a place to sit.

Voidrunner's Codex

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