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[Adventure] A Call for Lovers (DM: jbear Judge:Lord Sessadore)

Nemesis Destiny

[sblock="shopping"]I did think of a few things to buy! After visiting Nani, Sabynha will trade with members of her "family" for some extra goods - an everburning torch (with leather bag to cover it) [50gp], a small flute [5gp], a vistani fiddle [10gp], a waterskin [1gp]. I'll also be trading my hemp rope for silk [net difference 9gp], and nixing the sunrods [gain back 8gp]. I recrunched all the numbers and have 15.9gp left.[/sblock]
Thanking Nani for everything, she kissed the old matriarch's forehead and left her chamber, turning over the odd thought that she was this portrait the Count spoke well of. Never the first to put two and two together, Sabynha pondered it all the way back to the dock.

As she wandered up to the ship, she was actually a bit surprised by its appearance - not as shabby-looking as most of the merchant vessels. It seemed the well-to-do of "normal" society had at least some appreciation for aesthetics. She passed Mary without a word, and did her best to ignore the boisterous exchange of the pirates. Perhaps she would forgive Themes for his remark, but not yet. Seeing Zuri so giddy about being on a boat made her smile. Sabynha made her way across the deck without so much as a hint of discomfort - by now she could switch between her land and sea-legs at a moment's notice. The young Vistani took up a position by the railing where she could look out onto the open sea.

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Zuri was a little relieved, and then overwhelmed by Themes' response to her request. As he directed her around the ship, helping her develop a basic understanding of the ship's layout and the general function of various parts of it, she tried to ask questions that fed into his enthusiasm, eventually meandering around to asking about him. "And are they all pretty much the same? Is this the sort of ship that you'd be at home on?"

[sblock="ooc"]It's okay, stick with me, I gave tours in a boat museum one summer... uhhh... 12 years ago. Darn it! I might be a little rusty ;)[/sblock]


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Zuri was a little relieved, and then overwhelmed by Themes' response to her request. As he directed her around the ship, helping her develop a basic understanding of the ship's layout and the general function of various parts of it, she tried to ask questions that fed into his enthusiasm, eventually meandering around to asking about him. "And are they all pretty much the same? Is this the sort of ship that you'd be at home on?"
"Of course there are other ships. We Lah'nun have ships tha' spend most of it's time underwater. We'll tail a ship 'til da sun sets then we sink it by blowing up the bottom. Once we've seen da bilgerats to Davy Jones, we have all da time in da wurld to clean their ship outta it's goods. Easy pickins'. Only when we're bored or have da advantage of numbers do we have a good skirmish on deck."

"Oh, and don't gets me started on all da magicky enchantments our ship holds. I could go fer days. Like how most of da ship doesn't have air anyway, since we all breathe underwater. Then we enchant some place to keep water out to store our goods. And slaves. Depending on the situation, we alter the insides of the ship to accommodate more landlubbers. The walls can grow and shrink on a whim, very useful. Oh, not to mention..."
and he just keeps droning on and on.

It's okay, stick with me, I gave tours in a boat museum one summer... uhhh... 12 years ago. Darn it! I might be a little rusty ;)
My laptop is screaming irony straight into my face at this point D:[/sblock]
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Zuri listened to Themes with increasing skepticism but she tried to maintain a blandly interested expression as he went on and on. Finally she cleared her throat during one of his rare pauses and said softly, "That's all quite fascinating. I, ah, I believe everyone's on board, do you think we'll be off soon?"


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After Lady Mary has finished kissing Wat passionately for his gift, and he comes aboard somewhat flustered, she calls to Rain.

"On you get, lass. I think they are waiting on you."

Her job done Lady Mary strides off back towards the market but as she goes past Rain she adds: "Please. Keep them safe."

Once Rain makes her way on board a peg legged barrel of a man with a black bushy beard calls out to the group.

"Welcome one and all. I'm Captain Peg your ... err ... captain. We've heard a few troubling reports from the islands north west of Elestial, but nothing that should affect us and our crossing today. We should have you in port at sun down, wind permitting. This is Bilge my first mate. If you have anything to ask, ask Bilge. Waste of time asking anyone else, they're all as thick as two planks."

This last remark draws general good natured laughter from the crew. A moment later the sails are unfurled, the anchor has been hauled and the Singing Dolphin glides out of the harbour. When it reaches open water the speed increases dramatically, the Dolphin seeming to skip effortlessly over the waves at such a speed that it begins to make a strangely melodic noise not unlike a softly played pan pipe.

Nemesis Destiny

Sabynha finds a comfy perch, out of the way of the ship's crew, and begins playing a song on her flute to pass the time. She will try to harmonize with the sound of the ship.


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Sabynha's music blends with the sound of the Dolphin to create something enchanting. It is not long before the ship is being follwed by a school of dolphins surging from the water next to the boat and chittering and clicking away as they break the water.

When they appear the crew cheers and smile spread throughout the boat. All that pass by the bard dip their head and grin saying: "The Deep One bless you!"

Below decks Kaartus finds the galley. The cook has a face like a mauled mongrel dog, but the aroma coming from the pots behind him smell mighty good, even to a shade. A bottle of brown liquid sits half full on a shelf beside him. He pauses from his task of chopping chives as the deathnight approaches, shifting from one foot to the other uncomfortably.


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"Ho there friend, what are you cooking there?" smiles Kartuus, entering the galley.

Pointing to the half finished bottle, "Care for some company?"

[sblock=Diplomacy?]Not too sure if you would want a diplomacy roll or not.
Let us hope not! Diplomacy 11. If you would assume that the shadows cast an evil light upon my face of something - I will change the text accordingly).[/sblock]


Zuri looks for a spot on the deck where she can sit and listen to the boat and Sabynha's flute. When she hears that the dolphins have appeared, she makes her way as nonchalantly as possible to the railing to look down at them for a few minutes before making her way back to her seat.

Voidrunner's Codex

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