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[Adventure] A Call for Lovers (DM: jbear Judge:Lord Sessadore)

Nemesis Destiny

Sabynha was listening for Zuri's reply to her question, but it was drowned out by a gust of wind sent from Joven at Wat's command. The force of it filled her skirt and blouse like a sail, and pushed her a bit down the deck as well, toward the snapped mast and the downed prisoner.

She looked at the mess of fallen rigging and mast material, looking for a way to free the trapped and unconscious fellow. Sabynha was not strong, nor particularly well-versed in sailing ships, though she'd had to sew patches in her fair share of sails. She shoved herself into the pole, trying to move it, but it wouldn't budge. The ship was taking on water, and there was no time to lose.

Looking around, she spotted a bit of snapped off yard arm perched precariously near the edge of the boat, which was tangled in the rigging still attached to the main mast pole. With a grunt, the slender Vistani shoved it overboard, adrenaline still coursing through her. The fragment of yardarm made a scraping sound as it cleared the deck, along with the sound of rope against the deck, then a crash as it smacked into the side of the floundering vessel. It wasn't much but it bought her the clearance to yank the prisoner free. Seconds later the rope holding the yardarm snapped and sent the mast pole crashing back down to the deck.

Quickly, Sabynha slung the rope that Zuri had used under the unconscious man's arms so that she wouldn't have to bear his full weight. With a bit of a running start she swung with the limp prisoner back toward the Dolphin, slender sword in her teeth. The damaged vessel had begun to drift away, however, and she barely reached the edge of the Dolphin's rail with her toes. One arm around the prisoner and the rope, the other windmilling for something to grab hold of, with a wild-eyed expression (blade still between her teeth), she latched onto the closest sturdy thing at hand - the belt of a surprised Kartuus!

She caught him as his back was turned, as he moved to take up a more central position. His sturdy booted feet slid a couple inches across the deck, before reaching out to grasp Sabynha's arm and pull her in. His grasp felt cold and hard as steel, but it was strong, and the knight had no trouble reeling her in, even with the added bulk of the prisoner. Now that he had them, she relaxed her other arm, grabbed her sword and cut the rope.

She lunged forward from the sudden release of tension, but somehow managed not to fall or drop the man too hard to the deck. Kartuus still had her other arm, and she swung around him to steady herself, finishing her "dance" with a dramatic flourish, and flinging him back on his intended course.

"I'm sorry to do zat to you Kartuus, but s'ank you for catchingk me."
She caught her breath before continuing with a smile, "you dance well."

[sblock]Free: Catch a breeze from Wat's spell; move 1 square toward the prisoner.
Move: free the prisoner, success automatic as per this post.
Minor: secure prisoner in Zuri's rope (taking a little liberty here - adjudicate as necessary jbear)
Standard -> Move: swing back toward the Dolphin with the prisoner; 1d20+6-4=18 Success![/sblock]
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GM: Prisoner 3 is safely aboard! All you need to do is stabilise him with Heal before he bleeds out.

Aboard the Dolphin: Wat, Kartuus, Sabynha, Zuri
Aboard the sinking junk: Rain, Themes

Just need to get the Dolphin away from the wreckage!


First Post
Head still spinning from the Shugenja's last assault, Rain nevertheless leaps back towards the Dolphin. A helpful crew member catches her as she lands, gaining a nod in thanks from her.

[sblock]Dazed, Standard action only, run and Jump back to the Dophin: Total = 8. Success, barely. [/sblock]


First Post
Themes curses, like how only a pirate can. With whatever strength he could muster, he quickly leapt off the sinking ship. He lands with little grace but manages to tumble so that he can keep his weight off his wounds.

[sblock=Actions]Minor: Enter Aspect of the Soaring Eagle (for the +2 to speed)
Double run for a total of 20ish squares, avoiding OAs
Or shift away then single action to run.[/sblock]


First Post
jbear said:
Only our heroes and the dying prisoner remain on deck of the junk, but water continues to pour in, and if they do not leave and get the Dolphin away from the sinking boat it could spell disaster.

[MENTION=84680]treex[/MENTION] Do you read the posts? I ask because you had Themes fall overboard and now he's dodging OAtks when no enemies are left on board.

All of the companions make it back aboard the Dolphin just as the junk begins to sink beneath the waves. Captain Peg still seems a little confused as he has yet to take up the helm. The crew are also paralysed by the events, many of them standing around looking at the prisoner bleeding out on the deck in Sabynha's arms.

There is time to escape but any further delay could spell disaster.

GM: Final Round: Get the Dolphin a safe distance away as fast as possible

*Nature DC 19 required

Each PC can make a check to provide a reroll for the navigator by doing something that might help the situation as listed in my earlier post as a Standard Action.

Someone still has to navigate the Dolphin or have the Captain navigate

Option: Rather than use your own Standard action to have the Captain navigate (like an auto success on Charisma check) you can use minor action instead via a Charisma based check DC 19 or move action DC 12 to snap him out of his shock and move to the helm to make a Nature check to steer the boat away

Minor Quest: Prisoner 3 needs to be stabilised (Heal Check DC 15; Standard action). He can't be healed as he has no surges left. Prisoner 3 Save vs Death=19;Success

Note: Kartuus may act twice when he takes his turn.
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Nemesis Destiny

[sblock=crunchy bits]Standard Action: Tend the wounds of the prisoner; 1d20+5=18 Success!

Minor Action:
Words of Friendship

Move Action: Diplomacy check to snap the captain out of his daze; 1d20+11+5=24 Success

Captain's Nature Check: 1d20+8=11 F-f-f-fail![/sblock]
Sabynha immediately drops to her knees to tend the injured man. So much blood, and so little time. Fortunately for the man, Sabynha is still thinking straight, and she manages to bind the worst of his wounds with a few strips of cloth torn from her skirt.

Now that she has a moment to take things in around her, she sees that the boat is not moving and the captain still appears lost in some foul sorcery. "Captain Peg? Captain Peg! Captain!!!"

Her urging was having little effect; the spell was too strong. Sabynha called on an old trick she learned to project her voice, not only through the air, but into the heart and mind of any who could hear her, "Please, Captain, your crew and passengers need you! You must get the ship safely away. Show us what the Singing Dolphin can do!"

Sabynha's verbal splash of cold water snaps the captain from his stupour, but unfortunately his mind remains in a fog from his ordeal. Head still reeling from the shugenja's spell, he doesn't spin the wheel hard or fast enough, and the badly damaged Dolphin just drifts lazily away from the sinking junk.
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First Post
Captain Peg shakes his head and steps up to the helm. He looks over to the junk pressed up close against the Dolphins side. His teeth bare in displeasure as the events around him come to make terrible sense. He opens his mouth to yell an order perhaps but his jaw merely hangs their loosely. He pulls against the wheel which causes the boat to shudder as the rudder shifts, but the Dolphin does not pull away. Peg's eyes move from limp sails, to unmanned rudder to motionless crew, but all he can manage is a scowl as blood continues to seep from his ears, eyes and nose.

GM: Prisoner 3 is stabilised
Minor Quest: Complete!

Themes [MENTION=84680]treex[/MENTION] and Zuri [MENTION=6690636]Daeja[/MENTION] to act!
Rain [MENTION=100292]Neil1889[/MENTION] and Kartuus (x2) [MENTION=90924]LordGraz'zt[/MENTION] are also up but have notified they are offline this week due to real life :)

Maybe Zuri and Themes can resolve this by the time they get back! :)


Seeing some loose rigging, Zuri quickly moved to tie stronger knots, her aching fingers re-securing the sails after the Dolphin had taken its pounding.

[sblock=Thievery Roll to Inspire Peg to Reroll]1d20+9 → [10,9] = (19) Success![/sblock]

As she worked, she remained aware of Captain Peg, scowling over the ship. When he saw her efforts were successful, he seemed to focus in on the ship's wheel in front of him.

[sblock=Captain's Nature Roll] 1d20+8 → [11,8] = (19) SUCCESS! Barely. [/sblock]

Zuri felt a surge of relief as the ship began to move, ever so slowly, away from the sinking junk. The Captain was yelling all kinds of boat-related things, and she slowly tuned him out as she made her way over to the prisoners.

It wasn't in her nature to actually ask if the unconscious prisoner would survive, but she was reassured to see Sabynha bent down beside him.


First Post
The Dolphin groans as wind fills the adjusted sails and the boat pulls away from the sinking junk. Peg, comes out of his state of shock and pulls hard on the wheel of the helm. He begins to shout orders and the ship comes to life again as the sailors on board stir to action and begin to involve themselves in tasks to get the ship well away from danger. Badly battered but still intact the familiar whistling of the Dolphin takes to the wind once again as you move towards your destination at last.

GM: Skill Challenge Complete!
Phase 1: Discover Danger and spur crew into action before the ambush occurs: Success!
Phase 2: Path: Fight not Flight!
Cripple 2 Junks before the Dolphin is crippled: Success!
Phase 3: Rescue 2 prisoners before they are killed: Success!

Additional Quest 1: Save the Dying Prisoner: Complete!
Additional Quest 2: Part 1: Escape the area before the Dolphin is damaged further: Success!

XP Calculations:

Skill Challenge Level 1 Complexity 2: 200 xp
Yakuza Cannons: Hazard lvl 1: 100 xp
Junk Crew: lvl 1 threat: 100 xp
Junk First Mate: lvl 1 threat: 100 xp
Junk Captain: lvl 1 elite threat: 200 xp
Yakuza: Lvl 1 elite minion: 50xp

Total XP for Challenge: 750 xp/ Double xp = 1500 xp
1500/6 = 250 xp each

Minor Quest: Save Dying Prisoner = 20 xp each/ Double xp = 40 xp

Overall xp gained each = 250 + 40 = 290 xp each

[MENTION=57255]Lord Sessadore[/MENTION] This was an improvised encounter so it wasn't in the adventure outline. Can you approve my XP calculations please, make sure you think what I have awarded is correct and fair. Cheers!!

As the boat sails away one of the wounded prisoners calls out weakly over the bustle. He coughs and blood pills out onto his ruined uniform. He raises an arm to get someone's attention, wincing as he pressures a stab wound with the other hand.

Finally he grabs someone walking by and spits between bloody lips: "That's no storm ... *Cough .. cough* ... Yakuza fleet .... fell on us inside the Reef" He points towards the storm upon the horizon. "... Mason's holding ... *cough* .... not for long ... need to ...*Cough cough* Sergeant ... had a message ...*Cough* ... for Varis... Yakuza already here disguised *cough* as merchants ... Sergeant ... had a message *cough* ... is he alive? Told me if I survive ... *cough* ... have to warn Varis they are going for the Gate."

GM: First person to respond is the one who the soldier grabbed

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