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Redbadge's Campaign (there will be spoilers)

A successful dungeon crawl!

I'm a huge fan of over-prepared PCs. I love the kinds of characters who list a dozen different items within quick reach -- my dagger's in my boot, there's a rope at my right hip, my short sword is at my left hip, another dagger strapped in the small of my back, lockpicks hidden in the lining of my left bracer, matches in the right, and my belt pouches contain salt, powdered silver, powdered gold, pepper to throw in the nostrils of any huge monster that's got me in its teeth, and flasks of oil. Oh, and there's a piece of flint worked into the belt buckle in case I need to strike a spark with my dagger.

You have to wonder how heavy his backpack was, though.

Oh, and enjoy hitting Kirk with Xambria's mining pick later on.

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You have to wonder how heavy his backpack was, though.

Check the attachments. Also, I do like to check this recap from time to time, so please make sure not to give any spoilers. (I can only imagine what "Xambra's mining pick" entails, but I'm sure it wasn't anything I was thinking of before.)


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First Post
The constables finally returned to Flint after successfully exploring Xambria's dig site. They arrived on the 11th.

The constables were a little surprised when one of the train station attendants informed them that their carriage was waiting outside. The party was less than enthused to see that the coach driver was Eberardo.

"Evenin constables; his lordship would like a word with ya"

Uncertain at first, the constables decided to take the offered ride rather than walk to RHC HQ in the rain. Calaphax was waiting inside the coach and was eager to hear what they had learned in the temple of Apet. The pit fiend appeared relieved to hear that the portal in the temple led to a pocket dimension. When they mentioned that the Voice of Rot had revealed an intelligent escapee from the temple, Calaphax remained upbeat about the news.

"A single interloper is only a small threat. I'm confidant you can keep this situation contained."

Upon arriving at the RHC, the party was met by Pam, the office mailwoman, who had a letter for Kirk, a package for Rai, and a message from Saxby. Saxby wanted to see the constables as soon as they got back, but they decided to talk to Delft first. Delft gave them bad news; Bergeron, their chief suspect, had been murdered while they were in the bayou, and Xambria had skipped town on a ship heading for Ber.

They went to Saxby's office where she informed them that the curator of the museum had filed official paperwork to claim custody of the staff. Irony didn't protest since they believed the artifacts weren't a threat anymore; she also handed over the sword and amulet claiming they had been at the temple. They took the time to request the aid of a healer to cast a Remove Disease ritual for Doran.

On the way to the Silver Swan Inn, the officers opened their mail. Rai had received a thesis resulting from the academy's study of the Gidim creatures. Kirk received an invitation to a ball the next evening being hosted by Lord Price-Hill.

The murder scene at the inn was unpleasant. The philanthropist had his brain removed forcibly through the roof of his mouth. Irony performed a Last Sight Vision ritual but only learned that Caius had been surprised, and his assailant was a tentacled monster (which they had already surmised). The constables located a map pointing to a location off the coast of Ber, and the empty secret compartment inside the chest.

Having spent most of the morning on the train, the constables decided to file reports back at the RHC and then retire for the evening. Doran also received the Remove Disease ritual on their return.

In the morning, most of the team accompanied Irony to track the monster while Doran visited his contact in Bosum Strand.

Dorothy had made inquiries among the dockers about Lorcan Kell and his gang for Doran in the week they had been gone. Kell is a consummate thug that murdered his way to the top. Kell rarely leaves his territory and usually stays in his theater. The recent gang wars are his attempt to expand his influence and bring all criminal activity under his control. Kell's forces have practically taken over the Nettles and are pushing into the Cloudwood. Kell's enforcers have been given an edge over the competition by unusual drugs that make them more dangerous in combat. Dorothy wasn't able to find out where these drugs are coming from, but Doran had a fairly good idea.

The constables investigated Xambria's apartment first. They found the place in disarray and detected a strong energy signature. They followed the signature to Saxby's manor. Thinking quickly, Kirk bluffed the guards at the front gate expertly.

"We're here to investigate the break in for Lady Saxby."

The baffled guards claimed that the investigation had already been finished and that Saxby hadn't told them of an other team being sent. The guards wouldn't let them in, but they still confirmed that there had been a break in recently. Irony then carefully followed the trail leaving the manor across town to a small warehouse by the Stanfield Canal. After breaking into the warehouse, they discovered the scene of a murder. The large empty crate and blood spattered floor was all the evidence the constables needed to conclude that the monster had seized the golden seal from the mysterious conspirators.

The constables went to Thames Grimly to ask of any unusual cargo had gone up or down the canal in the last few days. Grimly asked around but could offer no leads on the whereabouts of the golden seal. With the seal obscuring the monsters trail, the officers had hit a dead end.

The officers returned to the RHC to talk with Delft. They requested a ship be made ready by tomorrow for them to set off for Ber. They could have requested the Impossible, but the team decided they couldn't afford to wait a week for the Impossible to finish her current assignment. When asked about the break in at Saxby's manor, Delft told them he had nothing about it nor any investigation.

Kirk's invitation to the ball allowed him to bring one guest, and he asked Irony to be his date for the ball; she reluctantly agreed. Irony was more comfortable in the upper class opulence than Kirk. The Lord Viscount pulled Kirk aside to discuss the future with him. He told Kirk that Risur would need dependable patriots like him in these trying times and offered to send experienced sailors with them on their voyage to Ber. Kirk managed to ask the Lord Viscount about the break in at Saxby's manor. He confessed he had not heard of this matter and was disturbed that Lady Saxby would conceal such a thing during the audit.

The Lord Viscount also mentioned that the city was changing rapidly since the fall of Macbannin. Specifically, many of the factories that Macbannin had purchased through front companies had been seized and auctioned off by the city; this spurred new competition in the industrial sector. The most noteworthy of the new faces in Flint came all the way from the Dreaming. An Eladrin by the name of Lord Caliphray Nachtwald had bought up several of the factories, setting off a veritable riot of rumors amongst the city's elite. The more conservative crowd are cautiously optimistic that this could mean a shift in the Unseen Court's stance on technology; others were worried, because the only other prominent fey that weighs in on the matter is the terrorist Gale. What's more the fey lord was attending the ball as well.

Kirk reunited with Irony, and they quickly searched the ball for another Eladrin. The constables' hopes sank when they confirmed their suspicions; Lord Caliphray was Calaphax's Eladrin persona. In the week they had been absent, Calaphax had been busy establishing a firm power base in Flint.

The constables have a firm lead in Ber to follow, but the situation at home seems to be spiraling out of control. How long can they afford to leave Lorcan Kell alone to pursue his ambitions, and how far can they trust the helpful devil that is slowly sinking his claws into the cities political power base?
GM: Hmm it seems no matter how abbreviated I make the update posts, they are still really really long.

I guess it may be because we have long sessions and accomplish a lot in each one.
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It's still always a treat to read one of these updates. You add enough changes to the modules that I'm wondering what will happen.

What do the players think is going on, ultimately?


First Post
Well, the party theorized that the portal in the temple of Apet was some kind of magical prison, and they're hunting an ancient monstrous convict.

I'm using Cal as a vehicle for plot specific to the characters as opposed to the campaign's plot. I'm trying not to use him for everything (like a plot swiss army knife), but most of the players haven't given a lot of thought as to where they see their character developing to; I'm leery of developing their characters' stories for them lest they not like the direction (it is their character after all).

The party hasn't tried to guess at what the conspiracy is up to (not enough info yet), but they do want to head off the team heading for Ber before they unleash more monsters.


First Post
The constables set off towards the coast of Ber on their excise cutter now crewed with Risuri sailors. The trip to Ber was uneventful thanks to the well patrolled shipping lanes. The trip did give the constables time to fully recover from the Distant Madness malady.

As they approached their destination the group could see a standoff between three ships: a Risuri cutter, a small Beran ship, and a Crisillyiri cutter. They decided to pull alongside the smaller unarmed vessels to get a handle on the situation. When they got close enough to the other ships, Rai experienced a moment of pain and found himself unable to manifest his cindersoul powers; Irony and Rai determined that the cause of his discomfort was a nearby source emanating massive amounts of elemental water magic suppressing his native elemental fire traits. They surmised that this temple must have been dedicated to Mavisha the plane of water just as the last temple was dedicated to Apet.

GM: I decided to make Rai more sensitive to the elemental seals since he is a genasi. It wouldn't make a huge impact on him since he has 2 manifestations (air and fire) and could fall back on the other one for these encounters. It will also make for an interesting distraction during one of the stops in "Always on Time".

The crew of the Il Dracon de Mer signaled via semaphore that the RHC constables should keep their distance lest they enjoy the taste of cannonballs. The squad requested representatives of the two other ships come aboard their vessel to discuss the situation. La Inspiracion sent over the disgruntled goblin archaeologist Paco de Los Loros, and the Dagger sent Xambria.

Paco furiously described how this culturally significant site had been forcefully seized by a foreign team and demanded the offending party be hung from the yardarm of their ship by their entrails. The constables took this under advisement as Xambria practically begged them to stop Caius' specialists before they opened another seal and released more monsters. The constables decided to neutralize the large cutter by playing to their strengths (stealthy commando assaults) and not their naval inexperience.

Xambria was able to provide water breathing magic to the party after they provided her with reagents for the ritual. The constables decided to swim around and approach their foe from "behind". The constables managed to get within 30 ft of the vessel before being spotted. This proved more than sufficient, and the constables quickly boarded the vessel. Rai and Doran magically leaped from the water straight to the deck using innate elemental magic and the Icon of Avilona respectively, and Irony simply teleported to the deck; Kirk and Bellicose simply had to swim and climb their way up.

The battle was fast paced, but this was not the first ship the constables had taken by force. Bellicose and Doran took down the crossbowman, and Doran returned to the deck from the crow's nest in a suitably dramatic fashion; he lept from the top of the main mast landing on top of one of the enemy sailors (he made it, the sailor not so much). Kirk and Rai cut a swath through the enemy crew to take on the captain while Irony gave them support. The constables disabled two thirds of the crew before the rest surrendered.

With a little over an hour left on their water breathing, the constables decided to make a move on the dig site. Kirk decided to go first with a one minute head start to scout out the site. He reached the dig undetected, but shortly after he arrived, the orcish druid Krantos arrived to warn the specialists after he spotted the rest of the RHC team. Kirk decided to strike with the element of surprise; he disabled all but two of the specialists before being overpowered (only one warlock and Finona made it through). Finona commanded Krantos to take his pets and intercept the rest of the constables while she and the remaining warlock attempted to finish the ritual.

GM: There was a communication breakdown here. Kirk attacked early under the incorrect assumption that the rest of the party would show up soon, but they were still 10 rounds out (one minute). C'est la vie

The rest of the constables faced off against Krantos in open water. Bellicose fought fire with fire by shooting an angry badger into the animal commanding orc's face; fortunately(?) the little mammal was eaten by a shark before it could drown. The party took out half of Krantos' animal companions before knocking the orc unconscious (causing the other two to flee).

When the constables reached the dig site, Finona quickly surrendered. Irony was able to tend to Kirk, and the ritual was stopped.

GM: I decided to have Finona surrender immediately; she's a smart girl (intelligence 20), and she was outnumbered four to one (not counting the remaining minion who would have died in a heartbeat). She would also realize that this team took out not only Krantos but all of the mercenaries too.

Next session the party will return to the surface to interrogate their prisoners, and Irony plans on using the detect planar energy ritual as well. With any luck, the constables will be able to unravel some of the motives behind their mysterious foes and get leads on the whereabouts of the alien fugitive.


First Post
The Constables returned to the surface with their new prisoners. Kirk decided to interrogate Finona Duvall while Irony performed the ritual to detect planar energies. Irony suspected that someone present may be host to the alien entity they had come to call No Face.

Finona revealed the location of the letter from Cauis in exchange for leniency and the possibility of extradition to Danor. The constables also learned that the High Bayou ziggurat was far from the first ancient temple raided by their mysterious opponents. They were surprised to discover Rock Rackus' possible involvement as well.

Irony discovered Xambria was swathed in the elemental energy of Apet. After a tense confrontation with weapons drawn, Xambria revealed she possessed the Icon of Apet. Irony was still concerned over the whereabouts of their alien opponent.

They decided they couldn't deal with a large ship full of mercenaries and helped the crew of La Inspiracion escort the mercenaries to the nearby port of Pezarillo. With the mercenaries remanded to Beran custody, the team decided to take up Xambria's offer of housing the prisoners in the hold of the Dagger; Bellicose decided to stay on the Dagger to keep an eye on the prisoners on the journey back to Flint.

That night, the constables' ship was attacked by strange sea monsters. The aquatic hydras and horrible slime men began to quickly pick off the sailors that had accompanied the party. Kirk attempted to climb up on the hydras' backs several times during the fight only to take a spill into the sea each time. Rai kept the attention of the hydras while doran and Irony concentrated on destroying the slime monsters while also pushing them overboard. Despite their best efforts, none of the Risuri sailors survived the fight. The crew of the RHC clipper weren't the only ones with problems that night.

Bellicose had been watching the prisoners in the hold when he was struck from behind by a powerful psionic attack; the attack stunned him and all of the prisoners. Bellicose watched helplessly as the fiendish creature devoured Finona's brain. No Face was able to devour one of the other specialists before Bellicose managed to shake off the effects of the mind blast. Bellicose rushed to defend the helpless prisoners but quickly learned he was outmatched by the terrible monster's telekinetic and telepathic powers.

"Pathetic creature, your kind are fit only for food."

The rest of the constables had dispatched the aquatic monsters and began to close distance with the Dagger after they failed to respond to signals from Irony using a lamp. Doran used the Icon of Avilona to leap the gap between the ships well before the rest of the party could board; he discovered the crew dead in the wheel cabin and descended into the lower deck. Doran arrived in the hall leading to the hold just in time to see Bellicose choked into unconsciousness by No Face (Darth Vader style) while he was attempting to flee. Doran charged forward and engaged the monster. No Face split in two and walked through the walls on either side of the hall.

The rest of the constables arrived and began searching the lower deck room by room searching for the fugitive monster. Kirk kicked down the door of the last room just in time to see an empty eyed Xambria disappear. The party was left to angrily limp back to Flint. Irony was furious at being deceived by No Face and swore she would not allow it to happen again.

The constables had crossed blades with No Face for the first time and had been defeated. They managed to save most of their prisoners, but they lost their most important prisoner, Finona Duvall, as well as the crew of the Dagger and the Risuri sailors that had accompanied them. Bellicose was quite pleased that his brain was still safely lodged in his skull. Time will tell if the party can stop the alien menace before whatever it plans reaches fruition.


First Post
[FONT=&quot]The constables returned to Flint without any more major difficulty. A messenger met them at the docks and told them that Stover Delft wanted to see them at the museum. The party had the messenger return to RHC HQ and sends a team to secure the prisoners while they went to meet Delft.

The constables debriefed with Delft at the museum. The party had little good news to relay; although, the information on Bergeron's train trip was a windfall for the investigation. Delft didn't have any good news for the constables either. Weber, the curator, had received a note from Xambria warning of an attack planned on the museum gala. Weber refused to postpone or cancel the gala, citing financial catastrophe for the museum. The curator did agree to wrap the ancient artifacts in gold wire and allowed Irony to scribe a magic warding circle around the intended display cases, warding only against aberrant creatures so as not to disturb normal patrons. The note also finally gave their adversary a name, Sijhen.

Delft then sent the constables back to HQ to meet with Saxby; none of them were looking forward to the meeting. When they arrived, Saxby had them wait outside her office for half an hour before letting them in. Saxby read the audit report with a mixture of boredom and disdain; she pointedly brought up the party's dealings with crime lords, and she archly commented on losing not one but two ship crews on their most recent foray (that wasn't part of the report, but she learned about it when the prisoners were brought in). Lord Price-Hill came in shortly after Saxby read the report. The Lord Viscount commended them on their hard work and gently chastised them over dealing with unsavory characters.

Speaking of unsavory characters, the constables were still planning on bumping off Lorcan Kel. Unfortunately, with the museum gala in only a few days they didn't have time to do it before then. The party wants to use Kaja Stewart as a way to lure Kel away from his theater stronghold, but that requires her to be slightly less dead. Irony requisitioned a scroll of Gentle Repose to make sure Kaja's corpse in the RHC morgue stays somewhat fresh and filed the paperwork for a ritual book of Raise Dead to which should clear in about a week. The constables don't want to have Cal raise her, because they don't want to owe him any favors (plus they don't know if he would tip off Kel).

GM: The group is determined to kill Kel, so I'll probably fit it in after the climax of this adventure and before the next official adventure starts. The players are making a pretty comprehensive plan, but I don't want Kel to just fall over in one round of combat. I have plans for what will happen; they'll be able to bump Kel off, but I'll make it interesting :devil:.

The constables took the time to visit Rock Rackus having learned of his involvement from Finona Duval. Doran helped diffuse a riot in the making on the way into the police station. Rackus was his usual flippant self. The party was fascinated to learn the source of Rock's wealth were scrolls from a lost burned library in the Malice Lands that Caius Bergeron had purchased for a significant sum. After a chat about how philosophy is about more than just sounding "smart and deep", the party made a compromise to get Rock out of jail; Rock agreed to sell his golden pistol to pay for a raise dead ritual for the person that had been shot and all charges would be dropped.

The night of the gala, the constables were spread out around the museum. Irony and Bellicose stayed in the vicinity of the artifacts, Kirk checked invitations at the main entrance, Rai stood in the main plaza, and Doran stood guard at the back entrance in the loading dock. A few of the guests were familiar to the party including Rock Rackus (with a new more mundane pistol), Nathan Jierre (who wasn't terribly pleased to see them), Dr. Recklinghausen and Professor Kindleton.

At eight, Xambria attacked the gala with a swarm of monsters. The constables sprang into action. Bellicose took up position amidst the three artifacts and sniped from there while Rai and Kirk closed in on the assailants. It took Doran a little extra time to join the battle from the loading dock. The battle was somewhat hectic. Some of the bystanders were killed during the opening moments of the fight, but most of the gala guests made it out alive. Bellicose managed to avoid any reprisal from Sijhen by staying within the bounds of the magic circle the entire fight. The constables had been well prepared and they forced Xambria to surrender fairly quickly after the monsters fell. A manic Xambria begged the constable to take her somewhere safe where she could tell them all she knew about the monster Sijhen while she was still in control.

The constables had foiled Sijhen's attempt to obtain the ancient artifacts. They were pleased with how well their preparations worked and a tad disappointed in how easily their foe was defeated. The party will have to wait 'til next session to learn what Xambria has to tell them though.

GM: Ha copy paste ftw. I finally managed to get this post in between site outages.

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I think I missed this originally when the site was being wonky.

Do you feel like the encounters are too easy? You're playing 4e, right? Do I need to up my game, or are your players just very skilled at powering up their PCs?

[sblock]We work the downfall of Kell into adventure 5, though it's feasible to replace him with someone else if the party manages to take him down earlier. The adventure should be out in a few weeks, but let me know if you need Kell's stats. He's designed to challenge an 11th level party, though.[/sblock]


First Post
We're doing the adventure using 4E. I think the encounters could stand to be tweaked a tad harder. Most of the adventuring days have only one or two combat encounters in them which allows 4E characters to front load their daily powers instead of rationing them.

Redbadge's character, Kirk, is an essentials rogue that is capable of some very impressive burst damage (he's done upwards of 60 damage in a single turn before). He is reworking Kirk a little to throttle back on his damage and improve on his survivability; for the last few encounters Kirk's high risk combat style has landed him face down in the dirt (sometimes multiple times in a single encounter):angel:.

As for the Kel encounter itself, I have a customized encounter for it based on the subplot they've developed.

If you read this Redbadge, Kirk will be struck by lightning repeatedly; no peeking.
[sblock=The Plan]Basically the deal Kel made with Caliphax will play into the encounter. Kel thinks he is clever, but he's really not too bright. He was wary of getting magical assistance from a devil so he bargained for potions and performance enhancing drugs instead ('cause that's totally safer).

Cal has provided him with plenty of normal potions, like Bull's Strength and potions of health regeneration; however, Cal has recently given him a sample of something new. The new stuff is actually very magical in nature (not that Kel knows that) and dramatically empowers the user. What Cal isn't telling Kel is that this particular drug is actually designed to cause permanent mutations. Cal is effectively planning to use Kel and his gang as guinea pigs for an experiment. Don't worry Cal specifically told Kel not to use the stuff more often than once a month; not that Kel will pay attention to that (and Cal knows it).

Effectively the fight will have 3 "phases". In the first phase, Kel will be a regular medium sized elite brute, but as the fight goes on, he will use this drug repeatedly (it's an injection). He will basically mutate into a large demon by the end of the fight.

Right now the players are content to leave Cal be since he isn't doing anything overtly hostile towards them or their interests. I plan to push things around in the background to see how much I can encroach on their comfort zone. It also serves as some foreshadowing about what Cal's potential plans are.[/sblock]

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