I watched the whole thing

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So all the myth stuff is in the book(s). Nothing in the movie.

Honor? {blink blink} These are people who live on the pain, suffering, and vice of others. They are vile scum criminals. They inflict suffering. They murder. {political comment omitted} There is NO honor here. There is pride. There is vanity. There is ego. There is facade. But there is no honor.

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I post in the voice of Christopher Walken
Where is that part in the movie? The closest thing I can think of is when the Godfather, after having made fun of the singer for crying like a girl, tells him that real man spends time with his family. That's about it. There is nothing in the movie where they show that it is expected of Pacino that he have a wife and kids. Maybe it's supposed to happen during the year he is back? Maybe they should have actually developed the story.

Would have to watch it again to give specific examples but I think that one line is important and it is pretty clear from the rest of the film how important family is (and since family is universally called out as a theme if the film I would say you are on shoddy ground here).


I post in the voice of Christopher Walken
So all the myth stuff is in the book(s). Nothing in the movie.

Honor? {blink blink} These are people who live on the pain, suffering, and vice of others. They are vile scum criminals. They inflict suffering. They murder. {political comment omitted} There is NO honor here. There is pride. There is vanity. There is ego. There is facade. But there is no honor.

I think it is in the movie too, just saying it was mentioned in the foreward of an edition of the book.

They definitely live by a code of honor: omertà. It may not align with our morality but it is a code (just like there are codes in martial arts and samurai movies).

Would have to watch it again to give specific examples but I think that one line is important and it is pretty clear from the rest of the film how important family is
(and since family is universally called out as a theme if the film I would say you are on shoddy ground here).
It's a pretty weak theme. The only reason family is even a theme is because the movie is about mafia families. They could have made the same terrible movie about a criminal group organized along other lines, such as a gang where everyone lived on the same block; a gang where everyone was from the same school, job, country; a gang where people just met at a particular bar and decided to join up. Family doesn't seem ver important. Hell, right after the Godfather gets shot up, they are already trying to calm everyone down. The lawyer keeps telling everyone how it isn't personal, it's just business.

No, her death extinguished any good left inside him. Sonny's death meant it was either Fredo or Micgael as the next in line. So Michael basically had to take on the mantle at that point.

it isn't bad writing. You saying that again and again doesn't make it so
You're right. It's not bad writing. It's terrible writing. The movie script doesn't sound like it has much in comon with te book besides the names of some of the characters. The book may be a well written book. The movie is a terribly written piece of trash. And since we are talking about the movie, it's terrible writing. You saying it isn't doesn't make it good, regardless of how many times you say it or how fervently you believe it.

When I find something relevant I will mention it.
Well, hate to break it to you, but the second and third movies, any any information they have, are irrelevant to the first movie when discussing wether or not the first movie is any good. If you would like to discuss the character's development throughout the terrible series, we could do that. I'll be at a disadvantage, as I haven't seen the other two atrocities, but we can still discuss it. If you can't understand that the other movies don't contribute to the quality of the first movie, well, too bad. They don't. The first movie was obviously written terribly. So terribly it relied on movies that hadn't been written yet in order to be any good. Now, try to keep your focus and discussion to the first movie.

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