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Dawn of the Warforged


First Post
Ruins in the swamps

Near where Zeta and muncher lie there's two heaps of human bones, the remains of their clothing (when seen by the two khalashtar) clearly of Riedran make. One of the weapons (a scimitar) is still spic and span, while the axe has a few corroded spots but can stil be salvaged, since it's clearly of superior make. Zeta and Muncher are fairly certain that the two newcomers are of the same race as the figure that attacked them. The murals have become too damaged by the moist to be clearly seen.

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he has no name, Warforged Psychic Warrior 5

Warforged stands motionless at the edge of the ruins watching the entrance to the main building. His gaunt mechanical body seems to blend into the background.

He has come a long way from since the fall Cyre and the flight from the newly created Mournlands. From the jungle of Q'Barre he had crossed the continent, picking up work here and there, going where it took him until it took him here, the swamps of the Shadowlands. The other side of Ebberon. Searching for something lost. Although not really lost, as Lord ir-Thul obvoiusly knew where they were. Or would be ...

The last traces of the massive burst of psionic energy have almost gone now. Whatever was happening had happened. Somewhere inside.

After some consideration, heads for the entrance. He moves cautiously, closing the entrance from the side. Approaching the entrance he manifests, infusing his body with a feline grace. From inside he hears conversation. He waits, out of sight, listening. Half a dozen voices or so. He is not the first to arrive. Some of those inside are Warforged. And at least a couple from Sarlona. Kalashitar? Exactly as had been described.

Warforged steps out into the doorway and into sight of the others.

He stands a little over 6 feet, broad of shoulder but almost skeletal in build. He wears a ragged cloak and carries a heavy composite bow. Details of his gaunt mechanical body and equipment are hard to make out as they take on the colours and texture of nearby walls.

Five warforged! Filthy and somewhat worse for wear by the look of it. And two others. Kalashitar indeed by their dress. Somewhat less scruffy in appearance.

"Peace," he says, raising his empty right hand. In his left is his mighty composite bow, hanging low at his side. He remains where he is, keeping his distance and his withdrawal route open for now.

"Forgive my intrusion. I mean no one any harm. I have a message for you."

[sblock=OOC]Manifest Animal Affinity 3 pp (+4 DEX (22), 5 min). Activated Chameleon tattoo (+10 Hide, 50 minutes). Hide check +16. Move Silent Check +6.[/sblock]
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Isida Kep'Tukari

Facet, female personality psiforged psionic artificer with packmate companion Trundle

Valharath responds to Rothitash telepathically while simultaneously speaking with Facet: Answers may be slow in the coming in these Shadow Marches. But you are right.

"Sarlona," he explains, "is the continent to the east. It is the ancient homeland of all of mankind, human and kalashtar alike."

"Kalashtar?" she asks. That was a word she didn't know.

Alecto brightens, rather literally, as the soft blue light of its psionic blade appears. The blade's substance is a little unstable...flickering a little...but it seems solid enough to function.

"Facet," the mithril warforged says eagerly. "It is not a knife, but it can cut well enough."

There's a sense of a smile in Facet's voice when she responds. "Of course! Here, if you wish a container for things, we can just cut the canvas up and tie it with the rope. I'm afraid all my weapons were lost in the swamp, but I still have Trundle and all what he carries."

No weapons, of course, doesn't mean Facet is unarmed. No warforged is ever unarmed, not with a body of metal and wood and the will to apply it with force to an offending party.

Warforged steps out into the doorway and into sight of the others.

He stands a little over 6 feet, broad of shoulder but almost skeletal in build. He wears a ragged cloak and carries a heavy composite bow. Details of his gaunt mechanical body and equipment are hard to make out as they take on the colours and texture of nearby walls.

Five warforged! Filthy and somewhat worse for wear by the look of it. And two others. Kalashitar indeed by their dress. Somewhat less scruffy in appearance.

"Peace," he says, raising his empty right hand. In his left is his mighty composite bow, hanging low at his side. He remains where he is, keeping his distance and his withdrawal route open for now.

"Forgive my intrusion. I mean no one any harm. I have a message for you."

Facet starts at the new voice, not wanting any more surprises after the myriad of ones she's gotten. "Who are you? What's your designation? Forge of origin? Commander?" she demands, perhaps a tiny bit shrill with the additional stress.

Voda Vosa

First Post

Muncher kneels down to grab the sword, his empty sockets going from the skeletal remains to the newly arrived Kalashtar. "You know, I was deactivated by one of your kind, I'm not exactly thankful for that. I'm torn between thanking you for reactivating us and chopping you in halves, as I did with these two, years ago by the looks of their remains. The third meatbag deactivated me apparently, with a blast of psyonic energy...." it is then that a new warforged shows up. The ruins were getting crowded. Muncher remains silent for now.


Facet starts at the new voice, not wanting any more surprises after the myriad of ones she's gotten. "Who are you? What's your designation? Forge of origin? Commander?" she demands, perhaps a tiny bit shrill with the additional stress.

"I do not have a name. Nor do I have a designation. I was a private commission, my owners simply called me Warforged. I was forged at Whitehearth. I never had a Commander."

Warforged pauses for moment, taking in the details of room and the warforged in front of him.

They have been here a long time.

"And since the Treaty of the Thronehold that ended the war, I have no owner.

A very long time. Do they even know the war is over?

"That was almost two years ago," he adds.


the magical equivalent to the number zero

Glitch swiftly picks up one of his wands and points it in the direction of the newly arrived warforged. At the same time, he scans him for magical activity, particularly of an enchantment nature, gauging whether or not the nameless warforged is attempting to convince them of something untrue.

[sblock=OOC]Glitch uses Detect Magic on 'He Has No Name', although as a player I'm pretty certain what the outcome will be. ;)[/sblock]

Isida Kep'Tukari

Facet, female personality psiforged psionic artificer with packmate homunculus Trundle

"I do not have a name. Nor do I have a designation. I was a private commission, my owners simply called me Warforged. I was forged at Whitehearth. I never had a Commander."

Warforged pauses for moment, taking in the details of room and the warforged in front of him.

They have been here a long time.

"And since the Treaty of the Thronehold that ended the war, I have no owner.

A very long time. Do they even know the war is over?

"That was almost two years ago," he adds.

"Treaty?" Facet's voice is sharp. "Two years... What year is it? What has become of the Five Nations? Who won?"

The details of Warforged origins go unremarked for now in the face of a much greater shock.


He Has No Name, Warforged Psychic Warrior 5.

Glitch swiftly picks up one of his wands and points it in the direction of the newly arrived warforged. At the same time, he scans him for magical activity, particularly of an enchantment nature, gauging whether or not the nameless warforged is attempting to convince them of something untrue.

[sblock=OOC]Glitch uses Detect Magic on 'He Has No Name', although as a player I'm pretty certain what the outcome will be. ;)[/sblock]

In one smooth motion Warforged brings up his bow to three quarters height and draw. A small dipping motion of the arrowhead indicates that Warforged will lower his weapon, if the other warforged does as well.

"Please. Do not point wands at strangers without asking first."

[sblock=OOC]As a player I am pretty certain Glitch is not going to attack Warforged. But seriously.

Warforged, obviously, doesn't and will try and interrupt Glitch before he is able to bring the the wand to bear. At the moment his Initiative is +6. Or Reflex +8.

Edit: Just to be clear, Warforged is not aiming at Glitch. Close to maybe. But not at.

For the Detect Magic, Warforged body is enchanted, as is his cloak. That is about all I think.

I'll get him up in the RG thread shortly.[/sblock]
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He Has No Name, Warforged Psychic Warrior 5

"Treaty?" Facet's voice is sharp. "Two years... What year is it? What has become of the Five Nations? Who won?"

The details of Warforged origins go unremarked for now in the face of a much greater shock.

Warforged doesn't take his eyes off Glitch.

"It is noon on the second wir of Lharvion in the year 998.

"Only Four Nations survived to sign the Treaty. Cyre burnt," Warforged falters for a moment before continuing. "It still burns to this day, only now it is called The Mournland.

"No one won. Except perhaps for those who gather souls, and those who profit from war."


First Post
"Kalashtar?" she asks. That was a word she didn't know.
"We are a people from the eastern continent." When he notices the Reidran garments he surreptitiously contacts Rothitash: Be wary: The Inspired or their servants have been here before us.

Muncher kneels down to grab the sword, his empty sockets going from the skeletal remains to the newly arrived Kalashtar. "You know, I was deactivated by one of your kind, I'm not exactly thankful for that. I'm torn between thanking you for reactivating us and chopping you in halves, as I did with these two, years ago by the looks of their remains.
Valharath remains serene as he offers an explanation. "These are not kalashtar you've killed. They are the Inspired of Riedra, and I assure you they are our enemies as much as yours. But I must urge you to restraint," he continues delicately, "Rothitash will protect me from harm with force if required."

To the newcomer, Valharath offers the same polite nod he gave the others. "A message?"

He communicates with Rothitash: Have constructs become the dominant form of life on this continent?

Voidrunner's Codex

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