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MiPS Lost Mine [IC]


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The goblin who was scorched by Caelynn limps up to Vottr and screams 'Dwarf scum!' as it attempts to get through Vottrs' defenses but it is unable to do so.
The Second goblin who attempted to hide behind a tree launches an arrow at Brachnus. The arrow flies true but Brachnus is able to deflect it at the last moment.
The third goblin who had hidden also fires a arrow at Vottr, this one flies true and lodges painfully into Vottrs' lower calf.

Caelynn 8
Goblins 8
Garrett 19
Brachnuss 16
Vottr 15
Eddicus 13
[mention=82463]PierceSG [/mention], it is Garrets turn.

"Geez, things are going great right now.", thought Garret as he pops out behind his cover and took a shot at the goblin whom fired a shot at Vottr before moving back behind the tree.

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"Geez, things are going great right now.", thought Garret as he pops out behind his cover and took a shot at the goblin whom fired a shot at Vottr before moving back behind the tree.

Garret peeks out of his hiding spot and is able to target the Goblin using the tree for cover. He draws his bow a patiently waits. As the Goblin peeks out to try to see where his comrades are, Garret lets the arrow fly. It streak across the open trail and buries, fletching deep, into the Goblins flesh throat. The Goblin , gasping, gurgling, and clawing at the arrow, falls to the ground.

ooc: Nothing like a natural 20. Awesome shot.

Brachnuss 16
Vottr 15
Eddicus 13
Caelynn 8
Goblins 8
Garrett 19
[MENTION=56746]mudbunny[/MENTION]Brachnus is up and the only foe remaining is the one hiding on the south side of the trail.


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Well done my friend!! Brachnuss yells.

Keep an eye out, I am going to try to flush out the one on the south side!!

Brachnuss runs towards a spot about 10 feet left of the approximate position of the hiding goblin, hoping to draw it out. he goes a couple of feet into the brush on that side of the trail, but not far enough that he can't be seen.


Brachnuss wades into the trees and brush on the south side of the trail looking to flush out the remaining goblin.

Vottr 15
Eddicus 13
Caelynn 8
Goblins 8
Garrett 19
Brachnuss 16
[MENTION=53915]GameDoc[/MENTION], it is Vottrs' turn (I forgot to mention the 5 damage from the last arrow, sorry about the omission.)


"Hmph!" Vottr snorts with a cruel grin, stepping heavily on the dead goblin before him as he moves towards Brachnuss and readies to throw an axe if the last goblin pops up again.

OOC: By my calculations, I have 8 hp remainin. Let me know if I'm wrong.
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First Post
Garret peeks out of his hiding spot and is able to target the Goblin using the tree for cover. He draws his bow a patiently waits. As the Goblin peeks out to try to see where his comrades are, Garret lets the arrow fly. It streak across the open trail and buries, fletching deep, into the Goblins flesh throat. The Goblin , gasping, gurgling, and clawing at the arrow, falls to the ground.

ooc: Nothing like a natural 20. Awesome shot.

Brachnuss 16
Vottr 15
Eddicus 13
Caelynn 8
Goblins 8
Garrett 19
[MENTION=56746]mudbunny[/MENTION]Brachnus is up and the only foe remaining is the one hiding on the south side of the trail.

OOC: Woot! If only my luck was as great for lottery... :(


[OOC: Vottr started with 13 HP. He took a total of 10 damage from 2 hits in the Surprise Round, leaving him at 3 HP. Eddicus healed Vottr for 7, bringing him back up to a relatively high 10 HP. Vottr just took an arrow to the calf. I think that might leave him at 5 HP currently.]

Eddicus goes to join Brachnuss to bring the fight to the hidden goblin on the south side of the trail, but Eddicus stays just a step behind Brachnuss in case healing is needed. He draws his dagger because he is not sure whether he needs a melee or a ranged attack.

Readied action: If the hidden goblin appears, Eddicus will attack it with his dagger.

(He leaves the scorched goblin to the tender mercies of Vottr and Caelynn.)

Edit Edit: Cleanup; and readying an action instead of spending the turn "searching."
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[OOC: Vottr started with 13 HP. He took a total of 10 damage from 2 hits in the Surprise Round, leaving him at 3 HP. Eddicus healed Vottr for 7, bringing him back up to a relatively high 10 HP. Vottr just took an arrow to the calf. I think that might leave him at 5 HP currently.]
OOC: This.

Eddicus moves up past Vottr and the quite-dead goblins to just behind Brachnuss and pulls a wicked looking dagger, searching the scrub for the well-hidden goblin.

Caelynn 8
Goblins 8
Garrett 19
Brachnuss 16
Vottr 15
Eddicus 13
[MENTION=6690219]SuperZero[/MENTION], Caelynn is up again.


OOC: HP total noted. Didn't quite catch that it was the goblin on me killed by the others. If I need to revise my action let me know.

Voidrunner's Codex

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