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D&D 5E Common rules mistakes


So, the PHB has been out for 5-6 months or so by now. What are some of the more common rules mistakes/misconceptions/questions that have come up in that time? I'll start with some:

* You can't combine casting a spell as a bonus action with casting another spell in the same round, unless the other spell is a cantrip. So a sorcerer can't use Quicken Spell to cast two fireballs in the same round.

* If your character has multiple ways of calculating base AC, you only get to use one. Usually you use the best, but sometimes the existence of one method (usually wearing armor) precludes using other methods. So a monk/barbarian could either calculate AC as 10 + Dex + Con or 10 + Dex + Wis, but not 10 + Dex + Con + Wis. If he puts on a suit of studded leather, he can't use either class ability anymore, and instead gets 12 + Dex.

* Subraces are not variants on the standard race. If you belong to a race that has subraces, you get all the traits both of the basic race and of the subrace.

* Totem Warrior Barbarians can choose different totems at each of 3rd, 6th, and 14th level. So you could have resistance to non-psychic damage from the 3rd level Bear totem ability, and round-by-round flying speed from the 14th level Eagle totem ability.

* Unlike the similar abilities for clerics, druids of the land, and paladins, warlocks do not automatically add their expanded spells based on their patron to their list of prepared/known spells. They simply get the ability to choose them as part of their normal spell progression.

Any others that people have found?

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Similar to the Totem Warrior, Hunter Rangers don't have to stick to Horde-breaker or Giant Killer options.

Warlocks DO get 6th-9th level spells, but they're part of the mystic arcanum rather than spell slot system.


If you ready a spell you must concentrate on it, even if it's not normally a concentration spell.

Likewise if you ready an action to attack, and you have multiple attacks, you're readied action on triggers one attack.

Disintegrate doesn't do half damage on a save.

questing gm

First Post
A great thread! May I suggest that each post should be followed with sources of where they find their rulings? It would make the learning process much easier than to flip around pages to look for their justifications.

Most mistakes I or my fellow players have done have to do with carry-over thinking from previous editions:

The only action that provokes attacks of opportunity is moving out of hostile reach of a nearby enemy. (PHB, Pg. 195) Casting a spell in melee does not, using a ranged weapon in melee does not, standing up from prone does not.

You (and monsters) can break up movement however you wish during your turn. (PHB Pg.190) Move-attack-move is fair game.

You must have proficiency in a Saving Throw to get your proficiency bonus to that saving throw. (PHB, pg. 12) Otherwise, it's just 1d20+ability modifier. Each class begins with proficiency in only two types, and it is very difficult to gain proficiency in more types. (Resilient feat gives you proficiency in 1 ability.)

Some of the old rules in previous editions are "optional" rules in the dungeon master's guide. For example, the old "Flanking" rules are now optional, and are found in the DMG, pg. 251.

"Taking 10" in 5th edition is the same as "taking 10" or "taking 20" in previous editions. If there's no repercussions for failure, you will succeed on any check that you spend 10 times as long on. (DMG, Pg.237)


Some have come up during our play sessions that I find interesting:

* You cannot take an opportunity attack against a creature that you cannot see. (PHB, Pg.195)

* A round of combat has several "turns" in it. Each creature gets their own turn. (PHB, Pg.189)

* A Rogue's sneak attack ability can be triggered more than once per round, as it is only limited to once per *turn* (see above) (PHB, Pg.96) So, the Rogue can sneak on his turn, and on another turn (for example, when reacting with an opportunity attack during a creature's turn).

* If neither side of a group of combatants is attempting to be stealthy, there is no chance that either side will be surprised. (PHB, Pg.189)

* If you ready an action, the action trigger completes before you can react to it. So, if you say that you will ready an attack against a caster if he casts a spell, you do not attack until after the caster completes the spell. (DMG, Pg.252)


* Subraces are not variants on the standard race. If you belong to a race that has subraces, you get all the traits both of the basic race and of the subrace.
That I didn't realize. I don't have my PHB handy...Can you provide the page number so I can look it up later? Thanks.


* Subraces are not variants on the standard race. If you belong to a race that has subraces, you get all the traits both of the basic race and of the subrace.

That I didn't realize. I don't have my PHB handy...Can you provide the page number so I can look it up later? Thanks.

I don't see how can there be confusion on this issue? It clearly says you choose a subrace, what other way would this work? Did people think High Elves don't have darkvision and a +2 to Dex? Of Course they do they are elves.

Now human variant isn't a subrace just to be clear, but yeah every dwarf is either hill or mountain and they all get darkvision and a bonus to Con.

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