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Kulan: Knightfall's Heroes of Carnell Game [IC]

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"Interesting. Obviously magical. I sense that its magic is most powerfully Transmutation in nature, but there are other lesser magics as well. I would be careful," notes Phar in a clinical tone.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Caerth Heart-of-Oak

"I agree, we should be careful," Caerth whispers. "I've got a feeling that sword is a trick of some kind. Can't we just go around it?"

The half-orc is clearly uneasy about this, although he perceives nothing obviously hostile. He keeps an arrow ready on his large bow, however, while scanning his surroundings. His fingers, ready at the string of his bow, are twitching somewhat and a bit of sweat is visible on his stooped forehead.


World of Kulan DM
As Aureus holds on to the sword, a vision flashes through her mind. She sees a scene of a strong-looking human warrior being overwhelmed by rook-harpies on the parapet of the tower. The man falls to his death and the sword he is holding falls from his grip to tumble end over end through the air to embed blade first into the stone. Then she feels the compulsion to pull the sword out of the ground fall back from her mind. For a moment, she gets the sense of something trying to speak to her in her mind, yet she doesn't understand the language. The feeling makes her wary, but she didn't feel threatened by the intelligence.

"Interesting. Obviously magical. I sense that its magic is most powerfully Transmutation in nature, but there are other lesser magics as well. I would be careful," notes Phar in a clinical tone.
Phar notices that Aureus seemed lost in deep thought for a moment as she examines the sword, but the hutaakan just as quickly pulls her hand back from the weapon. Phar notes that while she was touching the weapon one of the auras flared. This other aura is Divination in nature.

"I agree, we should be careful," Caerth whispers. "I've got a feeling that sword is a trick of some kind. Can't we just go around it?"

The half-orc is clearly uneasy about this, although he perceives nothing obviously hostile. He keeps an arrow ready on his large bow, however, while scanning his surroundings. His fingers, ready at the string of his bow, are twitching somewhat and a bit of sweat is visible on his stooped forehead.
The environs around the tower are sparse. Very little besides lichen grows here. The ledge seems solid and a short path leads to a another set of stone steps that encircle the perimeter of the tower. Caerth notes that the winding path ends at a solid wooden door the base of the tower. The tower is at least 40 feet wide at the base. It's height might be one and half times as much.

Examining the tower, Caerth notices several holes in the wall and very large hole near the tower's roof. The tower has seen several battles. The most striking feature, however, is a tall flagstaff that rises from the from the topmost portion of an observation post on the tower's roof. Swinging in the wind and rain from the flagstaff is a limp humanoid corpse. The wind and haze prevents Caerth from being able to make out any of the corpse's features.

OOC: Rolled a successful Spot check for Caerth.
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Guest 11456

Aureus Canis, female hutaakan rogue

After her odd experience with the sword the hutaakan returned to where Phar was standing. She strains to find the right words to convey her meaning to the elf. {In a Vananean/Elven hybrid}"Weapon speak me. Strange see head."


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Caerth motions towards the tower, and specifically the corpse swinging from the flagstaff. "Look at that body over there," the druid whispers. "And those holes in the tower; they remind me of a wasp's nest. I think this could be the harpy's hive!"

Hearing Aureus talk about a speaking weapon, the half-orc tenses. Still whispering, he replies, "I didn't hear anything. Must be a powerful magic. Shall we leave it alone?"


World of Kulan DM
Phar examines the sword for a moment his keen eyes searching for anything that might spark a memory. He does not touch the weapon, but does look at it from all angles.
Phar senses something vaguely familiar about this sword. He's read about it. It was an old story about a meteor and a group of five weapons known as the Star Arms. He remembers a story from his youth about a punching dagger the elves of his homeland call Ta'kira'kerymor, or Sword-breaker. This weapon is related to it. Phar isn't sure what the weapon is called but knows that it is intelligent. For it to be here in this place, unguarded, is strange and troublesome. Whoever it belonged to would not have given it up without a fight.

Phar remembers that the Star Arms are considered to be highly unique. While they are not true artifacts, they are gifted with abilities that go beyond normal magical weapons. Besides this sword and Ta'kira'kerymor, there is a stiletto that the orcs call Kang, a great mace that the dwarves call Azurak, and another weapon that Phar can't remember any details about. Phar remembers that part of the story tells that the weapons seek to be together even though they have different senses of morality.

This sword is revered by humans, especially empire-builders.

The light the weapon is shedding is likely a signal from the weapon that it wants to be picked up and taken somewhere. As Phar circles the weapon, he has this sense that it wants to speak to him through the elf's mind but can't unless Phar picks up the weapon. Phar suspects the weapon can speak outloud, but is choosing not to do so.
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"I think I know of this blade..." Phar relates his memories to the others. He considers a moment and elects candor speaking in the common tongue of men. "I know you can speak. I sense that you want me to draw you forth and perhaps take you somewhere. I would be happy to do this for you, but we are on a mission of great importance that must be completed in a timely manner. If one of us were to take you up we would need some assurance that you would not try to force us to abandon our current quest in favor of one of your own." He waits to see if the blade will answer.


World of Kulan DM
"I think I know of this blade..." Phar relates his memories to the others. He considers a moment and elects candor speaking in the common tongue of men. "I know you can speak. I sense that you want me to draw you forth and perhaps take you somewhere. I would be happy to do this for you, but we are on a mission of great importance that must be completed in a timely manner. If one of us were to take you up we would need some assurance that you would not try to force us to abandon our current quest in favor of one of your own." He waits to see if the blade will answer.
"Justice!" The disembodied voice of the blade carries through the wind. "I must have justice for the fallen lord!" The voice is harsh and grating. It says nothing else.

A shriek fills the airs. A rook-harpy takes wing from the top of the tower and then another and then a third. They circle high above the tower once before swooping down towards the group.

OOC: The sword is speaking Common. | Rook-harpies' initiative roll: 6 + 2 = 8 | Roll for initiative.

Voidrunner's Codex

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