• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

D&D 5E Spell & Crossbones

[section]The boy's stomach roils, so to calm it he bends over and grasps a lime that lays discarded by the side of a barrel. The youth hops up on a barrel of salt and chews his fruit, puckering but enjoying the citrus. The lime at his lips, Kid's eyes swivel between Barrington and Roy. When the pair's bartering draws down to an impasse between 320 and 450 gold, Kid slides off his barrel, tosses the lime over a shoulder, and approaches Barrington. In a low voice meant only for Barrington's, Kid intones, "If you've the coin, cap'n, offer 'im 385 pieces fer the cannon and the gun. He's wantin' ter cover 'is margin, an' 385 gets that, but it's still less than the 450 he stated. If ye're wanting the shot fer both the demis an' the gun, maybe sweeten the pot ter 410 gold?" The boy stands a few inches apart from Barrington in a show of solidarity, then moves a foot away and nods once curtly at Roy. [/section]
[sblock=Thieves' Cant]Does Roy speak thieves' cant? If so, he could interpret Kid's physical demeanor to mean that Barrington is a genuine buyer, but that Kid doesn't know if Barrington posses the amount of coin Roy initially demanded. Kid's proximity to Barrington is intended to convey solidarity; Kid already thinks of Barrington as being in his corner, and vice versa. Finally, the singular head nod is mark of Kid's respect for Roy and Roy's operation. The boy wishes to convey that Barrington is on the up-and-up, and that Roy should bargain with Barrington not just for this singular deal over the cannons, but in the interest of establishing what is likely to become a long-term commercial relationship beneficial to all parties.[/sblock]

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First Post
Etienne's face turns almost paler than the pelt. How much he despites this weird magic! "This one is the magical one I was talking about. The price is not relevant. The shaman told me it should fit someone in great need, here where-the-waves-are-blue. Please tell me why you want it. If you're in dire need, then just buy me 100 livres tournoi of wares and the pelt is yours!
OOC: Livres Tournois = pounds. We did not discuss how much I got at the start. I intend to buy goods for the expedition when I would have sold all my wares. Of course Nia should be quite broke...Maybe Du Tourbillon and his associates ?
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First Post
Nia stepped back a step, startled by the merchant's vehemence. The message was conflicting. Did he mean to give it away, or simply sell it along with merchandise? Regardless, she hadn't money for that sort of expense.

She moved to Katerina's side and said in a low voice, "There is power in that. If it is as he says, it would be very useful in the confrontation to come."


First Post
Nia stepped back a step, startled by the merchant's vehemence.

Etienne returned to a softer mood. " I'm sorry for my behavior. I'm in contact with this item for months but I still feel uncomfortable. I don't know... the Shaman's told of it as a curse-breaker; or otherwise it was real sensations through the journey, but the item is... special. I got nightmares.. A curse remover may be a curse by itself...

I'm a chronicler, a merchant, not an ... occultist. The Shaman told me to go to the Islands of the South and search someone who will need this hide. When you touched it, an unknown force whispered me you can fell the power of the pelt...

I know Zef is here and is a specialist in occult. This is why I mentionned him. Are you also an adept of Nature powers ? Do you need this hide ?"

OOC: Did Etienne hear the word confrontation ?

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First Post
(OOC - Nia intended her words for Katerina, but I'd say if you can read lips or have a good Perception roll you'd probably pick up on it. :))

"Tings meant to fight darkness cast shadows," Nia says to Etienne. "Be dey torches, or blessings. As it happens, we do have a curse to fight. I believe we have enough to fight it widdout dis...but I will admit dat when tings go wrong wit' spells like dis, dey go very wrong. A little extra would not come amiss."


Queen of Everything
Katerina nods to Nia in understanding, she knew there were things beyond human, things that couldn't always be explained. Still, she wasn't about to let just anyone in on their quest.

The Captain addresses Etienne. "Perhaps we can strike a deal later. You said you have something for Zef, and we shall take you to him and go from there. We have need of privacy, in our quest and right now with our friend," she waves a hand towards du Tourbillon. "I am certain you understand. We can discuss further details later Senor." She smiles at him to make him feel comfortable, and not feel like they were kicking him out. "Si?" Bella (the monkey) continues to rifle through Etienne's wares.

"We have more to discuss Tourbillon? It's been a very long night and we still have much to do."

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
"Hmmp," Barrington pauses. He removes his hat and places it beside him on the powder barrel he is leaning up against. One hand is in a pocket, and he looks down at his feet, avoiding eye contact while he listens to Kid.

"My financial advisor here suggests 410 for the lot, with all the shot. That seems reasonable to me. It'll clear out all you have, without you needing to sell off pieces one by one. Perhaps we could add a bag of limes and call it a deal?"

[sblock=OOC] there's some persuasion going on here [roll0], perhaps helped by Kid (and if so the better of the last roll or this one: [roll1]). But if Barrington pushes for 437, that will be fine.[/sblock]

He waits a beat, perhaps doing some quick calculations in his head, and then continues, presuming he's not interrupted.

"I can take the swivel gun now, and all of the shot. I'll send word later for delivery of the cannon. Does that sound fair? I can give you 160 now." He looks up, thumb scratching along his chin. "250 on delivery?"

"What do you say? Do we have a deal?"
Barrington withdraws his hand and offers it to Komodo Roy. Direct eye contact now.

[sblock=OOC] Barrington has 182 gp (according to his character sheet), less the one he's given to Kid, and perhaps some sundry expenses (though I think Polly covered last night's tab!). 160 leaves him with change, but is the bulk of his savings. He's trying to corner the market on guns for at least 48hrs. That's the goal.[/sblock]


Colonial Hotel

du Tourbillon arches his brow at the white buffalo skin Etienne displays, then he nods to Katerina and raises his coffee cup to her. "Oui, we are finished. I don't want to keep you from your many other businesses. Monsieur Etienne, if you can find me a thumbnail sized pearl I can conduct an inquiry into the exact nature of the skin you acquired from the shaman. And if you have further need of me or my man Badouin, madame du Corazon, you shall find me hear at the Colonial Hotel."


Smuggler's Cove

Komodo Roy glances at Kid as if some unspoken communication has taken place between them. Musing on Barrington's words, he leaves Barrington's proffered hand hanging for a few seconds, during which several of the smugglers glance over with suspicious eyes giving Kid and Barrington the impression that if a deal weren't struck to Roy's satisfaction things could go south very fast. At last he spits out some tobacco to the side and heartily takes Barrington's hand in a hard grip. "And a barrel o' limes. You 'ave yourself a deal, James Barrington. Make sure to put a good word in with your cap'n for me now."

Whistling to one of the men, a burly bald fellow with an eyepatch, Roy calls him over. The man carries a crude wooden wheeled dolly which will make transporting the swivel gun easier. "Bursker, load up the Mary Sue for these gents. Now, the shot and powder, that's going to take a wagon if you got one," says Roy roughly. "Unless you want me and my boys to bring it over by boat to your cap'n's ship along with the cannons?"

OOC: Kid recognizes "Mary Sue" as an unique nickname for a swivel gun, and gets the impression these smugglers use women's names for each type of cannon to keep their activities on the down low.

Voidrunner's Codex

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