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D&D 5E Spell & Crossbones


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(OOC - Sorry, need a little clarification; is Etienne still in the tavern with Nia and Kat and Tourbillion? Are we privy to his inquiries?)

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First Post
(OOC - Sorry, need a little clarification; is Etienne still in the tavern with Nia and Kat and Tourbillion? Are we privy to his inquiries?)

OOC: QL said the sailor took a repast. I guess i'm not far away in the tavern with the sailor. Etienne's tone is low but maybe you can hear him.
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Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Barrington notes Myron's name, and he is more than a little pleased at the response he gets from the floating disk. He'd hoped it would cause a bit of a stir, especially among the more superstitious among Komodo Roy's men, and it has. That will prove useful, he thinks.

As they walk along the beach, towards the boardwalk along the quay (20 minutes or so? enough time to talk and strategize), Barrington makes appraisal of Kid. Kid's sobered up quickly, which perhaps means that he wasn't as bad as he first appeared. But he's not just after a quick copper, either, which suggests he's trustworthy to some degree, or at least in it for the long con -- which means he'll behave trustworthy, for a while.

Kid is enthusiastic and seems to be open to a longer term association. In answer to his questions, Barrington speaks. "The disk is made of a substance called ether, my lad; it's a substance that the learned men in Europe have discovered and are beginning to control. And I too have undertaken some study of it. You'll have seen the reaction that it provoked among the cargo hands at Komodo Roy's. I hope to use that: for now, if you talk about it, you can use the word Sorcerer or Warlock as much as you like. It doesn't matter if that's what you call me, or whether you deny that's what I am. But it would be of help if you could help rumours begin. We're going to be seen as we walk along the quay, and if you insist that I am, or am not, a sorcerer, that rumour will spread.

We've currently tied up all the cannons in Nassau, or so we believe. Now let's see if we can't sell them. If they belong on the Coral Curse, then I suggest we start there. I have met some of the crew of that ship already, and so getting a meeting should not be difficult. I have a market for one of the demiculverins already, but if we can find a buyer for the others, we might also find there is opportunity for us in the weeks to come.

That is, if you are ready for some adventure..."


The weathered sailor leaning on the post just at the edge of the Colonial Hotel'scourtyard squints at Etienne, "Aye, by boat'll be swiftest now that we've got calm waters after the storm. Though be careful of the kelpies, matey, they always like to come out after rains. So long as you avoid the coastal waters at night y' should be safe." He describes several of the landmarks Etienneshould look for to find the Verguenzas. "They'll likely be on their fishing boats till morning ends. What to trade with 'em? Why, same as the rest of us. Goods from the northern Americas are rare in these parts. They might be interested in pine pitch for their fishing boats if you are carrying any. G'luck matey. And welcome to our little island of paradise." He chuckles to himself, watching some of the hotel's serving women go about their chores.

OOC: What can I remind about them ? History check -1+1 (jack of all trades) + 13 = 13. I will use my Patois feature to communicate with them.

And what is the value of my cargo ? I have a boat-full (fisherman's) of goods- some are not mine, but from my company- joint-ventured... I have some with me, the rest is in a warehouse space with my canoe. The boat was rented.
OOC: About the Verguenzas? Nothing, since Etienne is new to Nassau and the family isn't well known outside of the island. About the Lucayans? They were a handsome peaceful Taino/Arawak-speaking people who subsisted on the sea, got discovered by Columbus, then shipped off en masse to Hispaniola as slaves in the 1500's.

About the value of your cargo (and the percentage that is Etienne's), I think that would depend on if you want to take the Booty fortune or not. If not, then it's most likely wheat/corn alcohol, furs, pine pitch for boat building, and American herbal remedies like willow bark for pain; the value would probably be 200-300 gp worth, though the money would go to the company and he would only receive a 10% cut. If you DO take the Booty fortune, then that 200-300 gp worth of goods is all yours. Sound fair?
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OOC: Intelligence or Wisdom (Insight) to see whether Myron is honest? Kid is concerned that Roy's runner may be naturally inclined to "share" a message with other ears.

Kid has Strange Luck. He rolled a natural 1 on his Insight roll. If the Insight roll is the more appropriate of the two, well...have fun. :)
OOC: Haha, ok let's go with that. Insight because Kid is gauging social cues of Roy about his man Myron. :) Kid is convinced Myron is Komodo Roy's lover, but that the smugglers' relationship is a bit love-hate, meaning that so long as Myron isn't miffed from a lover's spat then he'll be a reliable messenger. At least...that's what Kid thinks is going on!


First Post
OOC: I'm waiting for Nia's response to my conversation. And for the sailor's directions. A seasoned voyageur like Etienne with 18 in St and Co may paddle hours at a cruise speed over 12 knots. More in risk of exhaustion.

No fortune. But my share should be higher, since this is a risky expedition in enemy land (even if the War trade regulations should be laxist in Nassau according to my Pirates pc game) and against Paris' Mercantilism laws as well... Maybe 20-40% ? The price I can get should be 3-4x what I can get in France.
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First Post
The weathered sailor leaning on the post just at the edge of the Colonial Hotel'scourtyard squints at Etienne, "Aye, by boat'll be swiftest now that we've got calm waters after the storm. Though be careful of the kelpies, matey, they always like to come out after rains. So long as you avoid the coastal waters at night y' should be safe." He describes several of the landmarks Etienneshould look for to find the Verguenzas. "They'll likely be on their fishing boats till morning ends. What to trade with 'em? Why, same as the rest of us. Goods from the northern Americas are rare in these parts. They might be interested in pine pitch for their fishing boats if you are carrying any. G'luck matey. And welcome to our little island of paradise." He chuckles to himself, watching some of the hotel's serving women go about their chores.


"I know how to deal with people and animals like old Odysseus. Thanks you for the directions, old chap!" Then he handles him a small Indian necklace for his help (worthing a few silver pieces).

[section]Kid winked at Barrington, then hopped atop the ether disc. At first suspicious of the disc, Kid poked and prodded at it, testing its strength. By the time the pair reached the quays, Kid's confidence in the ether had cemented.

Careful to mind the role appointed to him by his compatriot, Kid made a point to loudly disagree, "Bollocks, cap'n! Don't care wot you claim, you ain't no sorcerer, and this ain't no magic!" Kid, still riding on the disc, stood up. The boy kept his balance with ease. He stomped on the disc, mainly for effect but also in the hope that his theatrics would draw attention. "Jess a shiny bit o' painted frippery, this is! You ain't no warlock! I want me four sou back, you ain't got nothin' ter teach me!"

Kid eyed the passers-by for their reaction. In the midst of throwing his "fit," the youth recalled what it was he'd been trying to remember of Myron. His spine stiffened a hair with the recollection, and Kid looked around hastily to see if anyone noticed. He hoped not. Bet'er make a point o' mentionin' that ter the cap'n. Later, though. Too many eyes an' ears jess now."[/section]

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Barrington is pleased with Kid's performance, and makes a mental note at how the disk cushioned his jumping, providing some give without actually lowering in height. He wondered for a moment what qualities would provide that resilience.

Their path takes them by several ships, and they eventually find their way to Blackreef's tavern. "Excuse me for a moment," Barrington says, leaving Kid on the disk outside, as he pokes his head inside to see if Polly's working. She hadn't said she was, but it couldn't hurt to check. Regardless, he'll suggest the two of them eat here, since that was where he had met the crew of the Coral Curse the previous night. He'd seen them since then, of course, but it would serve as an acceptable place to wait.

If there's tables in front of the place, he'll sit there. Otherwise, he asks if the Captain's room is available -- he knows it has a key, and is unlikely to be wanted until evening in any case. That would give them a quiet place to leave the Mary Sue if needed, and was the last place he had spoken with de Corazon.


Blackreef's Tavern

Magic isn't unknown in the Caribbean. Houngans with their juju bags and gris-gris, bokors rattling up the bones at night, ship mages unleashing storms of hellish fury at sea. Everyone has heard these legends. But to see it in their everyday life was another thing. Alone Barrington would have attracted some odd looks, but with Kid's bravado soon there were several sailors and young scalywags coming over to examine the disk. One mute caramel-skinned boy, no older than seven, with wide eyes runs over and, exchanging a meaningful look with Kid, swipes his hand under the disk. Seeing his hand has passed thru unscathed, the boy breaks into a giggle.

Amidst the gawking, Barrington makes his way to the tavern, comporting himself like a gentleman. As it's still morning, Blackreef's has fewer patrons than normal. The Courlandian mercenaries are still taking up one corner and half are asleep or drunk. Polly is polishing glasses and going over the evening menu with the red-haired dwarven matron who runs the tavern. Catching Barrington's eye, she can't help but show a flicker of a smile, then goes back to nodding dutifully to the instructions the dwarven lady gives her. A single man who looks like he was literally washed in from the storm sup hungrily on a bowl of chowder.

Another one of the tavern wenches nods to Barrington, "Aye, the cap'n's room is available till the evening' sir, and then ol' Blackbeard 'imself 'as reserved it. It'll be one shilling (1 sp) to reserve it till then. Here's the key if y' be wanting it." Unable to contain herself, the tavern wench asks, "Are you Polly's beau then?"

Outside the tavern, an ancient half-blind sailor permanently sunken into a rocking chair raises his brows on seeing Kid astride the floating disk carrying the swivel gun. "Well, shiver me timbers! A real son of a gun. I seen a boy on a cannon, and a cannon on a boy, but never both on a floating whatzit."

OOC: Btw [MENTION=11146]CanadienneBacon[/MENTION], Kid can see the bulletin board carved in the shape of a seahorse outside the tavern. A listing of current bulletins can be found in the first post.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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