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Happy Haggert Hurried Hungry Hitch Hiking Hired Henchmen Hivers.... apply within

Dog Moon

I'm not saying you're wrong, 'cause you're not.

But it is a frequent problem in American Sci-Fi: once the nerds go on ONE away mission, they get to go on many. Even if it doesn't make sense.

Yeah, and I like the character, but it's just weird how they treat him.

Anyway, enough of that. :)

I started working out and dieting. Probably like the 50th time this year. I swear like every week I start a new diet or workout plan. And of course every week I end up messing it up after like 2-3 days. Between friends wanting to eat out all the time and my own personal stressful issues [sadly, I'm a stress eater and when I'm stressed, I want to eat like the worst foods possible] it's hard to maintaine any sort of steady diet.

In fact, my diets are more like "Okay, no soda, no snacks, try to watch what I'm eating" more than anything else because while I would like a stricter diet, I know I'm not going to be able to follow through with it for longer than like 2-3 days. Kinda sucks. Ugh...

Apparently in the last year I've gained 40 pounds. Without my diet/workout days I wonder how much more I would have gained. Oh well, keep trying! Day Two successful! :)

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Staff member
One of the best "diets" I ever went on was fairly simple: I only allowed myself to eat 3 meals and one snack (not more than half the size of a meal) every day...and everything that passed my lips (except water or unsweetened tea) had to be counted as one.

And I let all of my friends know the rules as well, with instructions to tell me if they tight I wasn't playing by my own rules.

No food types or amounts were restricted.

As part of my overall health plan at the time, which included all kinds of group sporting activities and other exercise, I lost 50lbs in a few months, and kept almost all of it off for @6 years.

The trick is that it kept me from eating "unconsciously." That is, I was never mindlessly munching on snacks, guzzling high-calorie beverages, or what not. By simply being aware of the fact that I was eating, I made better choices about when, what and how much to eat. Since no favorite food in particular was forbidden, there was no strong impulse to cheat or binge.

Dog Moon

The trick is that it kept me from eating "unconsciously." That is, I was never mindlessly munching on snacks, guzzling high-calorie beverages, or what not. By simply being aware of the fact that I was eating, I made better choices about when, what and how much to eat. Since no favorite food in particular was forbidden, there was no strong impulse to cheat or binge.

Yeah, I'm not sure if smoking was the worst habit I picked up or if it was eating while watching TV. At least smoking tasted bad and it wasn't too hard to quit once I set my mind to it.

But eating while watching TV. I never really got over that no matter how hard I tried. That combined with my stressed as caused me to gain WAY too much weight. I know if I can ever overcome that habit, it will help me soooo much to losing my weight. :)

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
I have been told by MANY dieticians/nutritionists that eating in front of the th is THE WORSE way to eat anything - snack or meal - no matter how healthy the food you eat was.

cutting out anything except coffee water or tea is really good, as is watching what you eat. I have also been instructed that 5 small meal per day is a great way to eat.

Dog Moon

And on a totally different note... I have 41 pages of another story I am probably going to end up ditching. I have all these broken little pieces of stories in my head, but I can't seem to go anywhere with any of them. I start off fine and then bam, I just don't know what I'm doing or where I'm going and the story just sorta ends.

I think part of the problem is that I'm trying to do too much with one story or more likely I have too many ideas and I'm just not sure which direction to go... :(


Staff member
And on a totally different note... I have 41 pages of another story I am probably going to end up ditching. I have all these broken little pieces of stories in my head, but I can't seem to go anywhere with any of them. I start off fine and then bam, I just don't know what I'm doing or where I'm going and the story just sorta ends.

I think part of the problem is that I'm trying to do too much with one story or more likely I have too many ideas and I'm just not sure which direction to go... :(
I have found that the best thing to do with stalled stories and idea fragments is place them into a file, preferably- if you can- with a summary that can be quickly read/searched.

That way you can let them rest and come back to them with fresh eyes. AND you can possibly incorporate & recombine those ideas as you need to. If you need to.

Voidrunner's Codex

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