Back in the 1990s, I locked myself out of my car and had to call a locksmith. My car had the newest “antitheft” locks on it, and I told the locksmith about that.
He was in my car in 90 seconds.
Flabbergasted at the ineffectiveness of my “antitheft” locks, I asked him what the point of them was. He told me that they were actually very good- most people would have taken several minutes to get into my car, as opposed to 15-30 seconds for the previous generation of locks, and time is the enemy of the car thief. Most wouldn’t even try breaking into my car because it would increase their risk of getting caught. They’d see them and just move along to another target.
But a pro like him? If there was something in my car he REALLY wanted- or the car itself- 90 seconds of work might be worth the risk.