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Converting True Dragons


Yeah, let's go with Fire.

I'm thinking environment should be "Warm plains" like the Gold, since the "details of preferred terrain, attacks, size, age, treasure, etc" are supposed to be similar to the listed standard dragon.

That's my thinking too.

Thoughts about tactics?

Well the SRD Gold Dragon's tactics are...

Gold dragons usually parley before fighting. When conversing with intelligent creatures, they use Intimidate and Sense Motive to gain the upper hand. In combat, they employ bless and their luck bonus; older dragons use their luck bonus at the start of each day. They make heavy use of spells in combat. Among their favorites are cloudkill, delayed blast fireball, fire shield, globe of invulnerability, maze, sleep, slow, and stinking cloud.

So modify that somehow to make it more "nasty and random" to befit a dragon who's CE instead of LG.

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Extradimensional Explorer
Incidentally, you will need to fill in the table for which SA they get at which age category. I guess that's Water Breathing and Alternate Form at wyrmling, protection from law at juvenile, Luck Bonus at adult, Detect Gems and disintegrate at old, mass charm monster at ancient, and foresight at great wyrm.


Mystaran Amber dragons are cunning and capricious; they are as apt to parley as to fight with their opponents, though it is often difficult to tell if they are seeking advantage or simply feeling lazy. Old enough dragons usually employ their luck bonus every day and are fond of using their disintegrate ability against opposing spellcasters. They are also apt to use spells in combat, unless driven into a killing rage. Favorite spells include....


Incidentally, you will need to fill in the table for which SA they get at which age category. I guess that's Water Breathing and Alternate Form at wyrmling, protection from law at juvenile, Luck Bonus at adult, Detect Gems and disintegrate at old, mass charm monster at ancient, and foresight at great wyrm.

Odd, I thought I'd already updated the special abilities. Either my memory's failing me or the alteration to the post disappeared into the ether.

Anyhow, I'd better update the Mystaran Amber Dragon Working Draft.


Mystaran Amber dragons are cunning and capricious; they are as apt to parley as to fight with their opponents, though it is often difficult to tell if they are seeking advantage or simply feeling lazy. Old enough dragons usually employ their luck bonus every day and are fond of using their disintegrate ability against opposing spellcasters. They are also apt to use spells in combat, unless driven into a killing rage. Favorite spells include....

Most of the first sentence looks as if its more appropriate for background information than combat tactics. How about:

Mystaran amber dragons usually parley before fighting. They use Bluff, Diplomacy and charm magic to mislead intelligent creatures towards the dragon's ends. In combat, they employ protection from law and their luck bonus; older dragons use their luck bonus at the start of each day. They make heavy use of spells in combat. Among their favorites are [list].

A Mystaran amber dragon's breath weapons and disintegrate power are likely to destroy any treasure an opponent is carrying, so the dragon may avoid using these attacks if it believes it will win using other methods.

I'm thinking we might as well offer an alternative list of preferred spells to the Gold Dragon, since it is a different beast. We could keep some of the preferred spells and only change a few. I'd like to include a few cleric spells, since those are an option the Gold Dragon did not address. For example, the Luck Domain has several very useful defensive spells, like entropic shield and freedom of movement.

How about keeping the new spells the same level as the ones swapped out, if only to narrow the choices down?

That'd make our target spell levels:

sleep (1st) =>
slow (3rd) =>
stinking cloud (3rd) =>
fire shield (4th) =>
cloudkill (5th) =>
globe of invulnerability (6th) =>
delayed blast fireball (7th) =>
maze (8th) =>


Extradimensional Explorer
1st -- entropic shield?
3rd -- contagion, dispel magic
4th -- black tentacles, that's always fun.
5th -- ??
6th -- blade barrier or harm?
7th -- finger of death
8th -- earthquake or incendiary cloud?


1st -- entropic shield?
3rd -- contagion, dispel magic
4th -- black tentacles, that's always fun.
5th -- ??
6th -- blade barrier or harm?
7th -- finger of death
8th -- earthquake or incendiary cloud?

I'm happy to keep some of the Gold Dragon's spells, we don't need to change all of them. The Gold's globe of invulnerability, slow and cloudkill seem good picks.

Also, the dragon has access to cleric spells, so I'd like a few cleric spells on the list. Something with the Chaotic descriptor is tempting, but most of them aren't that useful against non-lawful foes (e.g. cloak of chaos, dispel law, hammer of chaos). Something like bestow curse seems more appropriate.

How's about:

sleep (1st) => entropic shield
slow (3rd) => slow
stinking cloud (3rd) => bestow curse
fire shield (4th) => black tentacles
cloudkill (5th) => cloudkill
globe of invulnerability (6th) => blade barrier
delayed blast fireball (7th) => spell turning
maze (8th) => mass charm monster


That'll work for me. Then I think they're done.

Updating the Mystaran Amber Dragon Working Draft.

Mystaran amber dragons usually parley before fighting. They use Bluff, Diplomacy and charm magic to mislead intelligent creatures towards the dragon's ends. In combat, they employ protection from law and their luck bonus; older dragons use their luck bonus at the start of each day. They make heavy use of spells in combat. Among their favorites are bestow curse, black tentacles, blade barrier, cloudkill, entropic shield, mass charm monster, slow and spell turning.

A Mystaran amber dragon's breath weapons and disintegrate power are likely to destroy any treasure an opponent is carrying, so the dragon may avoid using these attacks if it believes it will win using other methods.


Your pick!

Let's see... according to my missing dragons post we've still got one dragon "species", five unique dragons and two existing CC dragons that might need modifying.

I'll go for the full dragon, the BECMI Sapphire Dragon. This is a "Gemstone" dragon but is not a psionic dragon like the current CC's Sapphire Dragon conversion.

It's basically a Blue Dragon with an additional "Vaporize" breath weapon.

Yes, Vapourisation. As if lightning wasn't enough.

Actually, the breath weapon merely turns its targets into gaseous form, so it isn't quite as lethal as it sounds. Still does breath weapon damage though...

Voidrunner's Codex

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