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D&D 5E [D&D 5e] Greyhawk, City of Thieves


Ricard nods to Davis, "It might be a 'tall tale,' but his swathe of destruction is certainly guaranteed. One fellow came here not one week ago from Steaming Springs having seen the roof torn right off a nearby farmhouse. The folks in Steaming Springs attributed it to Grob the Mighty, whom they described as a ten-foot giant with a bit of a hunch. Of course this is second-hand information, but stories like this have been trickling in regularly for the last two months since Grob's arrival to the area. Fear may drive some of the descriptions, but the fact that he is some sort of giant seems almost certain at this point. You are correct that the reward is hefty; the governor of Steaming Springs wouldn't offer such a princely sum if the monster were a mere nuisance."

At Arion's request for references, Ricard winks and smiles, then leads Arion over to a wall next to the bar. It is covered with scraps of parchment nailed to it. Each one bears some sort of sigil, marking, or title of an adventuring company at the top, the details of a contract, and signatures of various individuals along the bottom. Each one lists Ricard Damaris as the Guarantor and bears his signature, as well as a wax seal of a green dragon head. "I assume this will suffice? I've been party to many a contract signed in my establishment over the years."

To Helmut's question he answers, "But of course. Should you fail to return from this grisly endeavor--sadly it wouldn't be the first time--then I receive nothing. Of course, I'll dispatch a messenger to Steaming Springs, and I am certain the governor of Steaming Springs will send word once the matter has been handled and the payment rendered so I should know to expect you. You could leave my fee with the governor in Steaming Springs if it proves convenient, at which point I'd arrange a courier to retrieve it. Or you may return here to make good on the fee yourself. My name is well known in this parts and carries enough respect. Once I've received my fee, I shall happily be on your retainer to bear witness or serve as arbiter should a dispute arise."

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Helmut looks over the group one more time. "This is the last chance to change your mind. You've heard the tales. If you have any misgivings, you can walk away safely and none would think the less of you. And there are also other quests, other missions. I for one am willing to go after Grob, but only on the condition that we keep our wits about us. We won't beat him by brute force, we'll only do it by outsmarting him. But it looks like I've cast my lot with all of yours now, and if any of you think we should be tackling a different challenge, now is the time to be heard."

The warrior waits patiently to see if anyone wants to speak up.


Davis shrugs at Helmut's question.

"I am willing to push forward for one. We should, of course, discover the truth of what we face before we do commit our selves. In an ideal world, we would place ourselves against a smaller challenge or challenges to test ourselves and our teamwork before facing such a foe. But this quest is what brought us together, without it we might not have a group to test the mettle of."

OOC: Davis Grey - Passive Perception 9 - Initiative +2


Samara Renae - PP 14 - PI 16 - Init +4

Samara smiles politely at Ricard's arrival, nodding appropriately as he explains the terms of the contract.

"Five percent is most agreeable," she adds with candor, "And this contract appears binding and legal. My thanks, and the thanks of... Fortune's Fools." Samara says the name of the group with a low, even tone of disdain.

To Helmut, Samara says, "A contract is a contract. I shall not break it, though I will not be surprised if others try. A piece of parchment is one thing, but a deed of honor is far more respectable than a promise of honor."

"Truth told," she continues, "I have hopes of returning here to help with the collection for Pelor's Day. I feel that a purse of gold might help in that regard."


Curly Craye grins and puts his hand forward, "I'm in, mates. If ye be going after Grob, and that fat purse of a reward, then I'm with ye."

Ricard Damaris reads carefully over the document placed on the table before him, then asks Imogen to fetch his sealing wax, which she does. He then signs his name below and places a wax seal of a green dragon head upon the contract. "There we are. So let it be known that Fortune's Fools have contracted to take down Grob the Mighty, with equal shares of the spoils going to each participant or their bereaved as is appropriate. I wish you all luck on your quest. If you desire, I shall keep the contract here for safe-keeping, or you may carry it with you. As guarantor of course I have a vested interest in seeing the contract kept safe."

Curly Craye proposes a toast to Fortune's Fools, a name he admits could be better, but notes that perhaps Eight Giant Slayers will be a moniker you can rightfully claim once the deed is over. "Now about preparations. I would suggest we meet at Druid's Gate on the morrow to head our for Steaming Springs and learn the details there. It's just a mining town, so I recommend you purchase any supplies you think we might need here in the Free City before heading out. What do ye say to that?"


Davis nods and returns Curly's toast.

"It seems we have a plan then. If we are all in accordance, I suppose I will see about lodging for the night, and an early start tomorrow."

OOC: I assume the Green Dragon Inn lets rooms?

Davis Grey - Passive Perception 9 - Initiative +2


"To Fortune's Fools." Helmut raises his mug and tosses back his drink. Helmut hangs around the bar for a little while for another drink, then heads to a room to get an early bed.

OOC: In the morning, Helmut will go buy 6 nets (I assume that's 6 gold) and then meet the group at Druid's Gate. I'm also assuming a modest lifestyle right now, so that's a total of 7 gold.


Fortune's Fools, Day 2, Starday, Readying 8th, 576 CY

It is a chill morning as you awake, a touch of frost on your windowsills. The sky is mostly clear, but you note clouds in the distance, and by mid-morning there is a light drizzle. As a native of the Free City, Helmut knows the best place to find weapons such as nets on Starday is the Low Market (also known as the Petit Bazaar). Once a week, on Starday, the Low Market swells in size and truly comes into its own. Virtually any item can found here, even a few not-so-readily-obtained items. It is not long before Helmut tracks down a merchant named Belhaus who is selling a variety of second-hand goods that come from the Free City Arena. His wares includes tridents, bucklers, light armor, and also a variety of nets. Although some of the nets are a bit tangled, Belhaus agrees to give Helmut a slight discount on the price considering the used nature of the items, asking only 9 nobles (sp) each. While passing through the bazaar, Helmut notes a game of skill being played. A game master has arranged a number of targets upon a wooden wall, and challenges players, for the mere cost of 2 commons (cp) to toss a dagger at a target, winning a prize if they hit the center of the target. (If Helmut would like to play the game, roll a ranged weapon attack roll with a dagger made at disadvantage as the targets are more than 10' away).

You each gather your things that morn, making sure you will have enough for the trip to Steaming Springs. According to Curly Craye, the journey will take a couple of days since you are traveling on foot, so you make arrangements to secure rations for a two-day journey. There is one final arrangement you must make. According to Curly Craye and Ricard Damaris both, you must each pay the city's Freesword Tax, a one-time licensure required to be allowed to legally approach potential employers as a mercenary for hire within the city and Domain of Greyhawk. Ricard says that without paying this tax, you would be unable to claim the bounty, would be unable to trade plunder, and would not be able to perform any other actions or transactions of a similar sort. The license can be obtained at any city watchstation or city gate and costs 3 orbs (gp) per person. You can already feel your purses begin to tighten. Those who have spent their life in the city know the taxes can be a bother, and to those from elsewhere they seem quite burdensome, but it does seem to be a necessity. Curly Craye notes that you could try to pass yourself off as a commoner, but most of your are better dressed and equipped than such people, and the ruse might be detected. Craye claims not to know the penalty for being caught acting as an unlicensed freesword, but assumes it would be rather severe. Greyhawk takes the collection of its taxes quite seriously. After you pay the Freesword Tax, you are each given a written license which you are expected to present any time you introduce yourself to claim a bounty, hire out as a mercenary, or trade in plunder. (Anyone wishing to avoid the Freesword Tax will have to make a Charisma [Deception] check when engaging in such activities or devise some other plan of their own.)

You meet at the Druid's Gate as arranged. Your business in preparation has taken up much of your morning, especially the matter of obtaining your Freesword License. The Free City of Greyhawk almost seems to revel in bureaucracy. The matter of paying the Freesword Tax is as simple as giving a Watch Captain 3 gold orbs. The matter of actually obtaining your written license requires being shuffled among a variety of low-level functionaries until you finally arrive at an office of the Inspector of Taxes, whereupon, after waiting a considerable time to meet with someone who is actually "qualified" to issue the license, you finally acquire the piece of paper you desire.

"So then, everyone have all they need?" Curly Craye asks about as you stand near the Druid's Gate preparing to leave, "If not, there is a shop I know of not a block away that might have what you require before we set out."

OOC: Let us have everyone pay for lifestyle expenses one week at a time to reduce bookkeeping. You may go into debt if you wish for this expense only. If you cannot pay your lifestyle debt by the end of the week, there will be consequences. However, this should not be an issue for much of the campaign as you will have more coin in your purses as time goes on (we hope).

And yes, the Green Dragon Inn does let rooms for adventurers who can afford a Modest lifestyle. There are tenement houses in the River Quarter and the area known as the Old City (which is comprised of the Thieves Quarter and Slums Quarter) for those who are paying Poor or Squalid lifestyle. I will assume no one chooses a Wretched lifestyle unless otherwise noted (you would be homeless).
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OOC: A situation where true strike would have actually been useful.

"Oooh the market of such a big city... I wonder what I can find."

Mialee considers attempting to deceive the Freeswords Tax authorities, but decides not to unless there's some coaxing. She came here with fifteen orbs, and now was going to be much closer to ten. Losing one third of your life's savings in a matter of a single day in the big city... is disconcerting. She attempts to push that thought to the back of her mind.

OOC: Mialee has minor interest in rolling perception/insight/etc in relation to small objet d'art that might have a useful purpose, especially if it comes in the form of tarot or playing cards. [roll0] [roll1] [roll2]

Mialee - Perception 12, HP 10, Init +3

Voidrunner's Codex

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