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I hate problem players


Magic Wordsmith
Or banish the character and his accent to a far-off island prison colony an example of which escapes me at the moment.

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Rule Lawyer Groupie
I really don't know why you can't kick him out, but if the reason is that the other players want a meat shield, why can't you have a fighter NPC follow the group?


The post above reminds me of a group I used to dm for back in High school/just after. We were .. supposed to take it in turns to run games but of course because I was 'good' at it, It ended up being me for 2 years. Then when it was someone elses turn, they started and then 3 weeks later 'I cant do it it anymore, Im no good at it, you should do it!' Which is basically code for. Dming sucks ass, I just wanna play, You do it!'


Every DM hates problem players, but what happens when one goes too far? In my recently finished campaign, which I am boundlessly proud of, there was one player who showed complete disregard for the game, table etiquette, story, ect. During gameplay he would show utter disrespect for me and the other players, not caring to even pronounce the NPCs names correctly. He would also go out of his way to ruin intense, dramatic, and emotional moments in the game by speaking in an obnoxious and offensive Australian. Not to mention he refused to role play his character, at the end I asked everyone what there characters did after the adventure was over, his reply was "Nothing" Everyone else loved the campaign, I don't think I was doing anything wrong, and I'm not really in a position to kick him out, but I need to do something.

Sounds like he is just a Method Actor - try Polymorphing him into a Canadian. I think you will find that solves most of your problems, eh.


Victoria Rules
Sounds like he is just a Method Actor - try Polymorphing him into a Canadian. I think you will find that solves most of your problems, eh.
Uh, no way, eh; you'd still have all the same problems only with a two-four attached. Beauty!

Lan-"I give this guy props for doing an accent at all; with some of my players every character sounds exactly the same"-efan


First Post
The obvious question is why can't you kick him out? Is someone else hosting the group and they wouldn't accept this guy being booted?

Probably the best thing to do would be to talk to him before or after a game session. Don't be confrontational, just mention that he doesn't appear to be getting into the game as much as everyone else, and ask him how the two of you can address the issue. If he offers nothing constructive, and shows no intention to change his play style, then at some point you have to decide if you're willing to leave the group rather than continue playing with him. Because that's what it could come to, if the other members of the group aren't as frustrated by him as you are.

I assume he means a bad imitation of an Australian accent, but I don't want to speak for him.

That was my take on it too (I hope!).

Not many Americans or Australians (or Europeans) in Faerun (or Greyhawk or wherever) so accents are pretty much neutral I would have thought.

Unless youre a Dwarf, in which case you have to be Scottish for some reason. Or a Barbarian in which case Austrian seems to be the default (The Arnie effect). Elves retain Shakesperean flowery ye-olde English (despite being pretty heavily influenced by Scandinavian elves in Tolkiens works).

Maybe Halruuans sound Australian. Or Dutch. Or they have a Southern United States drawl. Who knows.

I did used to live and play in the UK and wherever my character was from was retconned into speaking in an Australian acent. My near Human Jedi was from a planet in the outer rim, and when we travelled there, everyone spoke in Aussie.

It was hillarious watching my DM (a Londoner) attempt Aussie slang.
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