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D&D 5E What single new class would you like to see?

Another fun idea would be a shapeshifter that isn't a spellcaster, moondruid is cool but they are still a caster. So a werewolf class would be cool, or you slowly gain the powers to shapechange into a dragon. Wizards can turn into a dragon with a 9th level slot so feel a balanced class could be made. Few things are coodler than dragons too. So a martial shapeshifter would be fun. Could even have a bruce banner theme possibly.
I like this idea. If you dropped spells from the druid you could put a lot more power budget into wildshaping. I always like blue mages and morphers in Final Fantasy: it's fun to be the one to get to use those crazy monster powers for a change.

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I'm referring mostly to Samurai Jack, because he's the best one, but also to about 99% of all cartoon characters who touch a katana. And yeah, it's not hard with multiclassing, but not every campaign allows multiclassing, and if you have to multiclass to create such a common character concept, that still looks like a hole in the class system to me. You could create a "bender monk" pretty easily by multiclassing, but we got a bender monk archetype anyway (slapdash as it is), and I'm pretty sure "sword monks" are more common in media than bender monks.

As for class features, the one that jumps out at me would be treating the sword as a magical artifact.
Straight Champion Fighter then? Does he (or the other examples) do anything magical like a Monk other than simply using a weapon that happens to be magical?
If you want the magical/Ki flavour, just pick up Longsword proficiency with Weapon Master Feat on a pure Monk.


A "natural Warlock", similar to how Wizard and Cleric are similar casters with different fluff and power sources. I like the Warlock class, but can't force ALL my characters to sell their souls at some point.

I'd personally make this my Ranger, someone ready to go at a moment's notice and able to survive on his own indefinitely. Always-on abilities, others that refresh with little to no downtime. High reliability and little in the way of resource management. Maybe not the best at any one thing, but flexible enough to fill a couple of different niches.


Guest 6801328

You see, this is the proper way to roleplay a Katana. A Katana, properly roleplayed, is akin to an Alien's acidic blood and the universe is a ship's fuselage. Its mere existence should be perpetually tearing a hole in the fabric of space-time, drawing forth all of the universe's material into its Katana Well, poking out the other side into a new universe and continuing onward ad infinitum.

That is proper roleplay.


Consider a Katana that only rolls a 5 in its Prime Requisite of Katanaishness. My contention is that while you've probably rightly achieved a Katana Paradox, it is reasonable for the player of that Katana (I mean "the Katana of that player", of course...pardon) to only be able to slice through the immediate space-time, merely draw in a limited amount of material, and not poke through the other side into another universe. Therefore, all universes would not exist in a state of PKD (Perpetual Katana Destruction).

Like I said. A Katana Paradox. I accept that. But we aren't going for realism here. Just genre emulation.

And again, only 5 Katanaishness. So proper roleplay. Or at least you aren't welcome at my table if you start invoking the laws of PKD and try to roleplay your perfect engine of existence destruction.

What say you?

The difference between any Katanishness score and a score two less than that score is not noticeable at the table, because everybody would be saw awed by the sheer amazingness of the Katana that they wouldn't be able to pay attention to things like dice rolls and probability. Therefore, there is no distinct boundary where Katanishness is no longer synonymous with Pure Awesome, and even a score of 5 can be...in fact must be...roleplayed as a paragon of perfection.

I might want to see a swordsage.

A martial melee character that has a single attack, never gaining the extra attack feature, instead adding damage and other options to the first attack you make in a round.
maybe taking some inspiration from the book of 9 swords

Eric V

In EN5ider we made the Noble, our name for the Warlord, and it's one of our most popular articles ever.

We want to make a new 5E class. What would you like to see?

I really liked the Invoker from 4e, as well as the Avenger. I figure the latter is paladin-esque with a different way to calculate AC, but I'd also love to replace Divine Aura and Lay on Hands with other more appropriate abilities, so maybe a full class would be the way to go?

The anti-magic Inquisitor type would also be kind of cool.


Dusty Dragon
Speaking somewhat seriously of katanas, I do think there's a bit of a gap in the class system for the samurai archetype. And by "samurai" I don't mean the historical dude who wears heavy lacquered armor and uses whatever weapon is best suited for the situation. That guy's a fighter. I mean the Cartoon Network dude who wears a bathrobe and uses a single sacred uber-weapon for everything.

This "kensai" or "blademaster" archetype may work best as a monk, fighter, or paladin subclass rather than a full-blown class, though. I don't know.

The oriental adventure 3e (3.5?) had a prestige class called "blade dancer" that would have done well I think.

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