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Rogue One Review (Spoilers)


I'm still trying to decide how I feel about the CGI characters. I think that in 5 years, they'll look *really* bad, because CGI does not age well. Right now, they are impressive, but there is still a spot of uncanny valley. That said, the likeness and the voice acting are superb.

I wouldn't worry: Lucas probably included a clause in the contract with Disney that the movies have to be re-edited and re-released every five years or so.

Actually, I think it will probably hold up for a while, at least for home viewing.

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Regarding the CGI characters, it completely took me out of the movie. Because they place this fully CGI version of a well known, and really good actor, and the animation doesn't quite succeed at selling the illusion. They should have gone for a look alike with good make up effects, instead of uncanny valley.

On the other hand, my female friend didn't notice that he was CG, so I suppose some people will be fooled by it. But yes, I think given more time, it will absolutely not age well.


41st lv DM
Overall I was entertained. I liked it a helluva lot more than EP7.

1) It was a bit uneven,

2) I didn't actually catch the names of most of the rebel squad, nor did I care. Disposable heroes in a dirty dozen style movie.... Asian guy with stick, heavy machine-gunner type, pilot, token alien guy, extra squad members.....
That I didn't catch or care about their names is probably a negative thing.

3) GAH, the CGI in this one!
Ok, there's a lot of really good CGI. But when they screw it up it just pops right off the screen at you.
A) Tarkin. :(
B) The X-Wings & Y-Wings.... There's more than one sequence where the ships look worse detail wise than the $10 snap-tite model kits on the shelves of Toys-R-US.


41st lv DM
The vehicles look great, but several I feel were simply dropped in because the filmmakers liked the toy. The AT ST that we see in the trailer is barely in the movie for like two shots, which begs the question why you would even have him in the scene. If you're going to throw an AT-ST in your movie, build an action scene around him. The movie also makes little effort to build up dramatic tension when these machines are revealed.

You are aware that the AT-ST is in ESB, right? And doing considerably less....

And then there is the fan service. ~~~ and they name drop several Expanded Universe super weapons, such as the Dark Saber. ,

So? As someone who stopped reading the EU books shortly after the Thrawn series those names meant nothing to me. Didn't ruin my viewing xp. Though I thought they missed a chance for a joke there. Something along the lines of "Who comes up with these names??"
Thinking of jokes.... I almost blew pepsi out my nose on the seat in front of me laughing as Jyn looks up the access tube at the choppy hatch she'll have to get through.


41st lv DM
The scene at the end with Vader was sublime. Possibly my favourite bit of the film; the first time you ever really see what a horror Vader is. He's needed a scene like that for years (and we're unlikely to see him again, I should think).

Oh I think we'll see Vader again. Afterall, Disney knows he's a bankable character AND they've flat out said that none of us will live long enough to see the end of SW movies.
They'll put him back on screen. I'll bet about 2021. (sooner if they can contrive a way to force him into whatever the two next standalone movies are)

I enjoyed it immensely, the CGI used for Tarkin and Leia didn't pull me out at all.

I do find it funny, that some fans are like the following;

Fans: "We want more Star Wars!"

Studio :"Okay,here"

Fans: "This isn't want we want!"

Studio: -_-

I enjoyed it immensely, the CGI used for Tarkin and Leia didn't pull me out at all.

I do find it funny, that some fans are like the following;

Fans: "We want more Star Wars!"

Studio :"Okay,here"

Fans: "This isn't want we want!"

Studio: -_-

I think a more fair way to put it would be:

Fans: "We can't wait to see another good Star Wars movie that will wash away the bad taste of the prequels."

Studio: -Interference, reshoots, lots of fan service-

Fans: "Hang on, it still needs to hold up as a decent movie too. You can't just throw a bunch of X-wings and Tie-fighters at us, and expect we'll automatically like it. You need a good screenplay, a good story, good acting, and it needs to stand on its own."

You are aware that the AT-ST is in ESB, right? And doing considerably less....

That's where it made its first appearance, of course. As an extra background vehicle. It wasn't until Return of the Jedi that they decided to give these things their own action scene, and boy did they go all out. When the AT-ST shows up in Empire Strikes Back, it is part of a massive assault on the rebel base on Hoth, and its the AT-AT's that are the main focus, and the main threat.

So what was the focus in Rogue One? They have AT-A(C)T's in Rogue One, and they build a very long action scene around that. But with the AT-ST, they show it in the trailer, thus building up excitement... and then it turns out it's not really used at all. Why drop such an iconic vehicle in the movie, and not use it? The moment that thing shows up in the movie, you'd think that would be a big deal in an urban ground battle. And they certainly draw attention to it. It could turn the whole battle around.... but nope, I guess it's gone now. See, and that is why it bothered me. In an urban battle that thing would be a pretty big deal. In Empire it was but a minor detail among the much larger and more dangerous AT-AT's.

Besides, it wasn't iconic until after Return of the Jedi. They could have had some other new vehicle in the background, and I would not have been bothered by it quite as much. But when you drop such a well known vehicle in your urban action scene, and then not use it at all, it really sticks out. There was such a lack of focus in this movie!

And how many fans were excited for a big urban AT-ST battle after seeing the trailer? I bet a lot of fans were excited to see that. Why build up excitement for something, and then not have a pay off in the movie?

It's bad direction, bad screenwriting and bad action choreography.
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