• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
I'll give it a try, since it'll be on Netflix. I haven't loved a Trek series since TNG though. I liked DS9 but didn't love it, and neither Voyager or Enterprise really worked for me.

It'll be on Netflix? That's good news. I thought I was only going to be on CBS's streaming site.

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It'll be on Netflix? That's good news. I thought I was only going to be on CBS's streaming site.

Different countries, different places to see it. In Canada, for instance, it will be on SPACE (the Canadian scifi channel). In the USA it will be on the CBS streaming service.

Or, if they have their hearts set on making a Star Trek that doesn't fit the aesthetics or essential core of Star Trek, then just don't. Make something new. That avoids the issue of angering the fans. they won't do that, though. They see a property that has made money for them in the past and just can't resist going back to the well again.

Or they could just wait till everyone who grew up on TOS/NG/DS9/VOY/ENT all die off and then bring it back thus avoiding every single problem with the fandom...other than the fandom wanting Trek that they grew up on.


Or they could just wait till everyone who grew up on TOS/NG/DS9/VOY/ENT all die off and then bring it back thus avoiding every single problem with the fandom...other than the fandom wanting Trek that they grew up on.

Given that they want to play on the nostalgia for such properties by those who look fondly back upon them, it wouldn't make much sense for them to wait until those with such nostalgic feelings are no longer around. It seems like every major studio is churning out such properties these days. Some do it right (Marvel), while not slavishly sticking to the exact text. Some don't.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
I'm pretty sure that I saw most, if not all of it. Definitely saw the Goatee Universe episode. They had started where season 1 should have begun, just in time for cancellation.

Disagree. S1 started exactly where it should. S3 just shouldn't have happened, and there should have been at least one season after s4, showing some of the actual first years of the federation, as such.


Disagree. S1 started exactly where it should. S3 just shouldn't have happened, and there should have been at least one season after s4, showing some of the actual first years of the federation, as such.

Yes, you're probably right there. I suppose I'm somewhat blindered by how annoyed I am that they squandered such an opportunity. The first episode and the bulk of the first season was fine, following a growth in exploration. Someone must have felt they needed some epic through-thread and came up with that ridiculous temporal cold war thing, when they already had one; the creation of the Federation. Episodes like the Vulcan listening post in the temple were quite good. They needed more like that. The concept that "humans form communities" making it feasible for disparate, more advanced cultures to come together is a great story.

Disagree. S1 started exactly where it should. S3 just shouldn't have happened, and there should have been at least one season after s4, showing some of the actual first years of the federation, as such.

Agreed. Mostly.

I think S1 and S2 had a little too much filler. They had sone good episodes that touched on the idea of exploring without the rulebook and laying the groundwork for Trek tropes and the Federation. But they were often spaced out between generic and bland episodes. Too little of note happened. For a show set in "history" very little historical happened.

But too little happened too slowly. Too many random bumpy headed aliens of the week and anomalies of the week. Too few classic races. And like Voyager, it always seemed a little too easy for the ship to recover between episodes and have fresh food.

Voidrunner's Codex

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