D&D 5E Xanathar's Guide to Everything: Rogue Scout


But still idiotic that my wilderness scout who has never set foot in a city has ties with the criminal underground. Also as ridiculous that fighters are either strong or coordinated, but never both. Things like this should have been hammered out during play testing.

It doesn't mean your Scout has ties to criminal underground, it means he studied the language for some reason. Lots of possible reasons.

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And it is now impossible to create a non-magical ranger that does not have intimate knowledge of thievery and the criminal underground (Thieves' Cant). Sigh.

You do know that mountain men and fur trappers had their own patois as well?

But even if that doesn't work for you concerning Thieves Cant, as others have said, just leave it out, or find an acceptable substitute language. It's hardly going to affect gameplay for such a character, and to drop an entire subclass for a minor ribbon ability that won't even affect the nuts-and-bolts mechanics of the game seems a bit much.
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It doesn't mean your Scout has ties to criminal underground, it means he studied the language for some reason. Lots of possible reasons.

Any explanation greater than "my guy is a wilderness scout," shouldn't be necessary. How the wilderness scout is trained in "secret signs and symbols used to convey short, simple messages" "in the territory of a thieves guild," I don't know. . .but it certain should not be a default, unavoidable requirement.

I think we can all agree that it is, at the very least, odd.

I like the rogue and I like to have the option of a non-magical ranger, so I very much dug the UA version of the scout. Glad to see it'll be official soon.

And is the Primordial spoken by fire elementals the same as that spoken by water elementals? No, they have their own dialects.

I see no reason 1) why the fire and water elemental's languages are necessary so far removed, and 2) why the comparison of two supposed Primordial languages is necessarily connected to the Thieves' Cant feature.

I see no reason why Thieves Cant and a wilderness scout are so innately connected as to be a feature of the class. The best you (or anyone else) are (is) proposing a poor/inconstant workaround to what is, I feel, a legitimate criticism.


Guest 6801328

Any explanation greater than "my guy is a wilderness scout," shouldn't be necessary.

You know, you're right. Even though it takes a fraction of a second to fix, it SHOULDN'T BE NECESSARY, dammit! How dare they!?!?!

I think you should refuse to play the class you really want to play just to show WotC that they have majorly inconvenienced you. If that doesn't keep Mike Mearls up at night I don't know what will.

If they don't get the message you should also cut off your nose.

You know, you're right. Even though it takes a fraction of a second to fix, it SHOULDN'T BE NECESSARY, dammit! How dare they!?!?!

I think you should refuse to play the class you really want to play just to show WotC that they have majorly inconvenienced you. If that doesn't keep Mike Mearls up at night I don't know what will.

If they don't get the message you should also cut off your nose.

Because that is a well thought out rebuttal of reasonable criticism. *high five.*

Just because something can be remedied with relative ease does not cause the original problem to disappear. House rules that directly conflict with the RAW should not be necessary for the game to run constantly.


Because that is a well thought out rebuttal of reasonable criticism. *high five.*

Just because something can be remedied with relative ease does not cause the original problem to disappear. House rules that directly conflict with the RAW should not be necessary for the game to run constantly.

The game runs perfectly fine without a house rule though, you just don't like it. That is a completely seprerate issue.

Let's call a spade a spade. You don't like the scout being a rogue, this you are nitpicking it. That is fine, we all have things about this edition that we don't like but you are making a mountain out of a mole hill.

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