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This would not have been a problem if you would have listened the first time people told you how he acts, and has been banned on 2 other sited with multiple accounts each, while doing this exact same thing.

He brags about making something unbeatable.

people point out easy ways to beat it, or how the build is not by the rules.

he changes what OP, or makes up some way that it does not work outside the rules.

I don't really see the harm in that. If you don't want to engage in theory-crafting against moving goalposts, then don't do it. It's not an egregious affront.

drags a thread on for 8 pages or so.

How long have you been on internet forums? 8 pages of two people bickering is like a light snack. Overall it's pretty tame and civil around here.

I have been on many other forums about DND and have seen him on multiple.

My personal belief is that, except in blatant circumstances, what people have done on other boards shouldn't affect how they are judged here.

I have been here for less than a day, if this kind of thread is not considered trolling, let me know now so I can just delete this account and go somewhere else, because i will not waste my time here.

If you don't like what the OP is saying, then move on, go to another thread. If you really feel someone is a troll, the ignore that person. Trying to badger or somehow "shame" him/her is not an effective way to engage in discussion.

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As long as i get to be the frog
Ways to negate villains tricks.

1. See invisibility stops the invisibility and high stealth.
2. Teleport stops the range advantage.
3. Dispel magic stops all the buffs.

Anything I'm missing?


First Post
Heh, you literally edited the original post to cover up things like the fact he originally had more than three attuned items, rather than going 'oh yeah, my bad, will correct'. Meanwhile, his powers and abilities have changed from the first thread you started here, which is more than a bit odd if this is apparently an enemy you're supposed to be *facing* in a campaign. Why, it's almost as if this character is your creation in the first place, and you're the one controlling what abilities he does and doesn't have. I don't understand why you feel the need for mendacity rather than being honest about this invented scenario.

And oh look, his type of staff changed. Ironically this now makes him much more vulnerable to the various things the staff of charming protected him from, and he has an entertainingly awful Will save, but hey...

On Greater Restoration - given 5e's focus on rulings not rules, and its openness around how lack of rest works, my description is literally as valid in the rules given as yours is, except mine actually adheres to the system's internal logic, whereas yours is built on ensuring this character is allowed to work. And *then*, as before, we get to the massive cost of all those Greater Restorations again.

Anyway, next things on the list:
- You have the Stealthy feat. That's Unearthed Arcana.
- Wood Elf Magic *does not* add Pass Without Trace to your warlock or sorcerer spells lists. It categorically does not do that. Since the character needs to long rest to get back their casting of the spell, the character has one cast ever, since he wants to avoid long resting. He can't even keep it going all the time due to its max duration not being very high at all.
- On his saves, as a 20th level character he should have +6 prof bonus to saves he is proficient with, and then +3 on Con and Cha from his stats, so +9. You've got it at +11, but I can't see where the +2 is coming from; it's not from any of his feats or magic items. Did you have an earlier set of magic items that included an additional +2 to saves?

I could extend the list and go further, but I'm not sure it's worth it. You're literally rewriting the character as we go along; the goal posts will continue to shift and the original scenario you claimed was occurring is clearly an invention. Arguments like the Sanctuary vs Dispel Magic one are equally daft since someone can just dispel the Sanctuary first by targeting it directly, but presumably we'd just end up going round in circular argument with you on increasingly technical points of language that you want to haggle over. A team of characters could take him out trivially in a round, but we'll have to go over each of your doggedly-insisted Perfect Defences and argue those one by one too despite them being blatantly obvious (Truesight deals with the major illusions - which he has a tiny number of anyway as the permanent ones require his precious, non-renewable 6th+ level spells; one failed Will save takes him out of action; AoE blasts of the party's favoured kind reduce him to mush; he and his undead force and major images he has to juggle along with him have no meaningful range from his short-rest temple due to the simple limits of travel time; etc etc etc etc et goddamn cetera).

So what's the point?


First Post
Did you have an earlier set of magic items that included an additional +2 to saves?

Yes. He used to have a Staff of Power in order to boost his AC.

He tried using it to counter my archer build that killed him in one round, claiming his AC was too high for me to ever hit him. He kept ignoring that all my DPR calculations were based on critical hits only, so it didn't matter what the AC was.

So yeah, that's where the extra +2 came from. The source of it has been edited away.


EDIT: Partially ninja'd by [MENTION=227]Carnifex[/MENTION]!

Armor Class 29 (Shield +3, Robe of Archmagi, Shield Spell, +4 Dex)
The shield spell only lasts for 1 round, so in order to have it "always on", he's going to have to cast it with his reaction every single round, which means he can't ever use counterspell (or take any other reaction).

ASIs: Spell Sniper, Stealth, War Caster, Wood Elf Magic
Just FYI: Wood Elf Magic doesn't add pass without trace to your spells known. It just lets you cast the spell once per day without needing a spell slot. So his Stealth won't be at +26 for more than 1 hour each day (and while it is, he won't be able to benefit from greater invisibility and darkness as well, since they all require concentration).

Heightein Catapult (No verbal component): It's amazing on the battlefield, you can simply destroy walls, covers and give high damage from invaders while staying stealth. Fantastic.
Just wondering if you are aware that catapult's initial range got nerfed to 60 feet. (That is, the object you affect with it has to be within 60 feet of you now.) Also, why bother using Heighten Spell on it if you're using it against walls and other inanimate objects? They don't get saving throws against the spell, only creatures do.

2) This your "archer" is completely useless, there are no covers. Easily found and killed by Undeads.
Why is there no cover? Can this guy only ever be encountered on a featureless plane? Since we're talking about high-level play here, there's nothing stopping the PCs from making their own cover. There are plenty of spells they can cast to stop this guy's minions from getting at them easily.

And detail, it's an Army of Undeads and not 8.
He was referring to the fact that you can't create a massive army of undead using the animate dead spell due to its built-in limitations. Since this guy is an NPC, then yes, you can give him a whole army of undead, but he wouldn't be able to have all that many if you're adhering strictly to PC rules.

It still has some balors around.
Balors?! You haven't mentioned them before. Where did they come from?

Staff of Warming Insects (No concentration)
This is new. I take it this is to counter see invisibility and such? All it needs is a strong wind to blow the cloud of insects away. Not something that should be hard for high-level PCs to conjure up.

How are you going to spend at Heightein Sanctuary?
Heighten Spell only affects the first saving throw made against the spell after you cast it. Since we're supposed to be attacking this guy with a whole party, they could just chuck a cantrip at him or something to get rid of the disadvantage.

Dispel is a harmful spell, Sanctuary works normally.
First, I'd just like to point out that sanctuary is only a 1st level spell, whereas dispel magic is a 3rd level spell. Take that for what it's worth.

Also, you do not have to target a creature with dispel magic. You can target a "magical effect" as well. So you could arguably target the magical effect generated by the sanctuary spell rather than the creature who cast it, thereby bringing down the spell without having to make the saving throw.

That said, even if the DM rules you still have to make the save, as I pointed out above, you can just have someone chuck a cantrip at the bad guy to get rid of the saving throw disadvantage from Heighten Spell, and then chances are pretty good that a high-level party will be able to dispel that sanctuary.
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Hygor Haas

And oh look, his type of staff changed. Ironically this now makes him much more vulnerable to the various things the staff of charming protected him from, and he has an entertainingly awful Will save, but hey...
Staff of Swarming Insects are better. Why? Virtually all dangerous skills like, feeblemind, Portent (Divination Wizard) require seeing the target. So, this is much more efficient and can be used without concentration.
So, this Staff is an effective protection.

Anyway, next things on the list:
- You have the Stealthy feat. That's Unearthed Arcana.
- Wood Elf Magic *does not* add Pass Without Trace to your warlock or sorcerer spells lists. It categorically does not do that. Since the character needs to long rest to get back their casting of the spell, the character has one cast ever, since he wants to avoid long resting. He can't even keep it going all the time due to its max duration not being very high at all.
Fair enough, I need pick another feat, Whatever, It's 1.200', +20 stealth check + advantage.
Had not realized it was from Unearthed Arcana.

Wrongly, in 5e Spells Slots are Spells Slots. It ins't restrict to Sorcerer Spells or Paladin Spells or Ranger. It works normally. Flexibe Casting creat spell slots and not Sorcerer Spells slots.

I could extend the list and go further, but I'm not sure it's worth it. You're literally rewriting the character as we go along; the goal posts will continue to shift and the original scenario you claimed was occurring is clearly an invention.
No, the villain really happened, I just improved him to be the villain of my campaign.
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Hygor Haas

Ways to negate villains tricks.

1. See invisibility stops the invisibility and high stealth.
2. Teleport stops the range advantage.
3. Dispel magic stops all the buffs.

Anything I'm missing?

1) See invisible is limited casting, The villain can identify if the enemie are using see invisible, also, Darkness (Night) / Pass without trace / Staff of Swarming Insects.

2) The Nameless King is fully prepared for some teleport. Teleport is a 7 level spells and has a chance to fail.
While the combat begins, Simulacrum prepares Distant Dimension Door (1,000 'teleport) when someone is close enough. While using it it uses Quicken Spells and moves actions normally.

Of course, His Major Images, Programmed Illusion who are there for the spellcaster to wastes his Teleport (chance to fail 1/day). Hahaha, it would be funny to see an Wizard teleporting against an Major Image or Simulacrum and realizes that it is completely screwed and unable to fly.

3) Distant Counterspell. Also, It has short range (You need teleport, read 2) and Sanctuary Spell.
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Hygor Haas

Also note that it requires the character to be within 60 feet of his undead to command them.

Anime Dead

"You decide what action the creature will take and where it will move during its next turn, or you can issue a general command, such as to guard a particular chamber or corridor. If you issue no commands, the creature only defends itself against hostile creatures. Once given an order, the creature continues to follow it until its task is complete."

Hygor Haas

He tried using it to counter my archer build that killed him in one round, claiming his AC was too high for me to ever hit him. He kept ignoring that all my DPR calculations were based on critical hits only, so it didn't matter what the AC was.
It can't ever pass Sanctuary Spell or Major Images.
Your "archer' damage and range are mediocre.
Your ranger are completely weak(It's a joke, a good new Skelleton) and the villain need not even appear, only Undeads is enough to defeat it.
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