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Werewolf: the Apocalypse 5th Edition Trailer

Hunters Entertainment, who created Kids on Bikes and The ABCs of D&D has announced, Werewolf 5th Edition for 2021.

Hunters Entertainment, who created Kids on Bikes and The ABCs of D&D has announced, Werewolf 5th Edition for 2021.


Los Angeles, CA - December 7th 2019. Hunters Entertainment (Kids on Bikes, Outbreak: Undead, Altered Carbon) is excited and proud to announce their partnership with Paradox Interactive, the owners of the World of Darkness (Vampire: The Masquerade, Bloodlines 2, Mage: The Ascension) to develop and publish Werewolf: The Apocalypse 5th Edition, the next evolution of the fan-favorite tabletop roleplaying game through Renegade Games (Scott Pilgrim, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Clank, Lanterns).

Werewolf: The Apocalypse takes place in a fictional version of our Earth: the World of Darkness. In the World of Darkness, werewolves, vampires, magicians, and monsters are all living among us. An entire supernatural world hidden in plain sight. You are one of these monsters, pretending to be human but fighting for survival and supremacy among mysteries and conspiracies that threaten the existence of humanity.

"Werewolf is about how we help/hinder each other to survive against great odds," said Ivan Van Norman, partner and producer of Hunters Entertainment. "This game was the first campaign I ever GM’ed, and I believe its stories are more relevant and impactful now than they’ve ever been - which is why we're excited to bring it back to fans old and new."

Players will play as Garou, individuals born of two worlds, the material and the Umbra (spirit world), who can shapeshift into wolves at will. In Werewolf: The Apocalypse the world, Gaia, is dying. After many generations, the Garou - Gaia’s chosen warriors and defenders - are divided on how to save the planet, their spiritual mother. Attacked by outside forces and plagued by infighting, each Garou tribe shares different ideologies and goals, which have - up to this point - all failed them in their ultimate goal, to rescue a dying Gaia.

Set to release in 2021, the new edition of Werewolf: The Apocalypse has been long anticipated by fans and was teased at PDX Con in Berlin by the World of Darkness team.

"The story of the Garou has never been more relevant than it is today, which means Werewolf has an important role in the unique, global, transmedia setting we are building with the World of Darkness. In Hunters Entertainment we have a partner who clearly shares our passion for The Apocalypse," said Sean Greaney, Brand Manager for World of Darkness at Paradox Interactive. "We were particularly impressed by their creative vision and ability, and so we are very happy to be partnering with them in bringing this newest chapter of Werewolf to the world."

Mechanically, the game is set to share a lot of similarities with the recent release of Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition but will have a lot of elements that make it unique.

Werewolf: The Apocalypse 5th Edition will be marketed and distributed by Renegade Games, and will be available in retail stores internationally and online.

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Saying with the softest words isn't easy for me.

It is really annoying for me when an author of a work of speculative fiction shows his own point of view about some matter from reality, and I am suspecting he is trying me to feel guilty because I am not doing things like he says. I am seing a lot of lies and ignorance. Do you know anything about the XV-XIX little ice age after medieval warm age? Don't you know the most polluting ones in the world are state companies? Have you readen about who were the true responsible of the last forest arsons in Brasil? Or about bioregeneration to fight the pollution? We are in the age of graphene and biofuels. We still can repair the nature, but we have to recognice the false prophets. We don't need stupid catastrophism but faith in ourself, hope we can fix things for a better world. The fatalism is against the spirit by the true fighters.

I am angry, not because fiction is used to show the diagnosis about a problem, but when I notice a demagoge, swindler charlatin is trying to sell his snake oil, false medicine.

Pentex is the Wyrm's blue-eyed boy... but why only-beggoten when more multinational companies could be corrupted and used to poison the planet? Why to put all the eggs only in one egg, betting all with one card? Why not to create friendnemy little brothers from Africa or Asia where Pentex isn't allowed to act because it's a foreigner company? Why not to create fictional tongs or bratvas as antagonists for werewolves or vampires?

* Wyrm could create a new mockery breed, the wardogs, but some are hunted alive by the inquisition, and with exorcisms, or high-tech they "digievolution" toward other state, almost healed, with code name "HundHimmels"

yeah I am kind of sick of it on both sides. I like a kind of appeal to universal principles. But mainly because I don’t share their principles. It gets old when one just wants a little entertainment and not worry about modern concerns for a little bit.

I wonder if we are going to have to have d&d tables segregated by ideological views.

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Mod Squad
Staff member
It is really annoying for me when an author of a work of speculative fiction shows his own point of view about some matter from reality, and I am suspecting he is trying me to feel guilty because I am not doing things like he says.

Then, here's the secret - DON'T BUY THE GAME.

Pretty simple, really. You get to vote with your dollars.

Continuing to trash talk a game that hasn't even been published yet seems... less than constructive.


Based on V5, I'm just not interested. The new edition's direction is jut not my WoD and Vampire and this likely will be the same.

Also, I just can't imagine they can pull it off without going full-throttle into political controversies.

One quick note here - the very reason why Paradox handed off development of of future Vampire 5e books to Modiphius was the lacklustre books that were initially published. We haven't seen anything come out of Modiphius for Vampire yet, so there isn't really any ground to judge whether quality will improve or remain the same. Modiphius is a respected RPG developer, though, so I'd give them the benefit of the doubt.

I'd say Paradox have learned their lesson and decided to hand over the development of a tabletop RPG to someone who knows what they are doing, since they turned out not as good as they hoped they would be. Thus, handing Werewolf to an outside developer may be actually a good thing.

I am not against outside developers, but I am surprised when one of most famous franchises are for a new publisher.

One of the main matters of WotC is about the enviromental care. We agree we have to respect the nature and take care of the planet because it is our responsibility and our legacy for the future generations. Then... what is the matter? The root of this trouble is in the ecocatatrophism, a too pessimistic vision about our future. This is not only annoying, but this may be even dangerous. Why? The first reason is if we are blinded by our fear then we could be tricked to blame the wrong people when the true responsibble are other. The second reason is the false prophets of the ecology will try sell us their snake oil, false remedies, for example higher taxes. The third reason is if we abuse of the dark tone in the fiction we could be causing prelearnt helplessness, when we lose faith in ourself. A true warrior not only has to defeat the fear of death, but also to fight with enough hope to can face the sacrifice and the suffering.

Other of the main threads in WoD games is about the conflicts caused by the intolerance and the fanaticism, and here WW authors have forgotten very important lessons: we have to obey the Natural Law, and the respect for the human dignity, the base of our rights as people, as citizens. Without the Natural Law then we become monsters or zealots and the society is doomed to decadence and autodestruction. If we want to use the fiction to fight the fanaticism then we have to teach how to avoid be manipulated by demagoges when theses uses these feelings to blind our reason: fear, pride, envy, desire, resentment, shame, guilty,

If a TTRPG is set in our real life, then sometimes some historical facts have to be mentioned or remembered, for examle the Chinese ecological disaster of the kill sparrows campaign, the disaster of the river Tetcha, the nuclear landfill in the lake Karachay, the biological accident in Sverdlovsk, the "black dragon" fire forest (between Russian and Chinese frontier), the fire of Kursha-2, the great Tzar bomb in the island Severny, the toxic lake of Geamana (Rumany), or Linfen (China), the most polluted river in the world.

We know Pentex is the archenemy of the garous and the rest of changing breeds, but I am surprised because apparently the Technocracy, the ultimate nephandi slayers, haven't noticed yet that Pentx is rotten to the core. Even the Weaver should notice if Pentex is the enemy puppet, then technocracy has to be used against this.
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@LuisCarlos17f It would be good if they published two separate books: One a pure rule book and the other a setting book for people who are interested in the "eco-warrior" genre. I would certainly buy a rule book, but then create a different setting for it.


@LuisCarlos17f It would be good if they published two separate books: One a pure rule book and the other a setting book for people who are interested in the "eco-warrior" genre. I would certainly buy a rule book, but then create a different setting for it.

It's funny that you mention that, because it was the very idea Chronicles of Darkness (back then named "New World of Darkness") was built on back in 2004. The first edition of Chronicles of Darkness had a separate rule book and everything else simply built upon it, adding rules only when necessary (like those for the supernatural templates - Vampire, Werewolf, Mage). One of the considerations was to reduce printing costs by making books smaller.

Let me tell you, it wasn't a very popular solution. A lot of people complained that it wasn't fair to buy two books to play a Chronicles of Darkness game, which is why they dropped the approach in second edition and now all books have full rules. I guess the shift to digital publishing also played a role, as it doesn't really matter if the PDF you get is a couple of MBs larger.

Yet, here is a funny thing. The decision to have the basic rules in a separate book gave birth to a new line of campaigns, with mortal characters only. Some people realised they didn't have to add a supernatural template to play a game, because you already had a complete rule set. It became so popular that White Wolf started releasing books with additional rules and lore for mortal games only, an approach that has been carried over in the second edition of Chronicles of Darkness.


Mod Squad
Staff member
If a TTRPG is set in our real life, then sometimes some historical facts have to be mentioned or remembered...

Except, of course, there are more historical facts that, "have to be remembered," than will fit into a game book. Far, far more. So, they have to pick and choose.

We understand, very clearly, that you don't like which ones they picked. Really. We get it. You can stop beating that drum. Your point as been made several times over.

But, again, I have to remind you - the game you are complaining about hasn't been written yet. Historically, yes, they've not bothered much with the damage some other nations have done. But continuing to carp on it to us does nothing. Take it up with the people writing the game.

We know Pentex is the archenemy of the garous and the rest of changing breeds, but I am surprised because apparently the Technocracy, the ultimate nephandi slayers, haven't noticed yet that Pentx is rotten to the core. Even the Weaver should notice if Pentex is the enemy puppet, then technocracy has to be used against this.

Well, no. Because the games are stand-alone and separate, unless you make them otherwise. Nephandi (and even awakened Mages, and the Technocracy) don't exist in your werewolf game unless you cram them together. And if you are playing Mage, Pentex doesn't exist...

The simple solution to your conundrum is to note that the Technocracy is not a single organization (so, beset with internal rivalries so that cooperation isn't the word of the day), and that they are more driven by humans than exterior spiritual forces (after all, the Weaver and Wyrm have as much trouble getting their claws into an awakened mage as they do a garou).

A garou would naively conclude based on appearances that they are all completely under sway of the Weaver, but garou are generally unsubtle in their fanatic views of others.

Onyx Path IS White Wolf in all but legal name. So it's certainly a little strange to see a different company working on this.

I wish them all the luck in the world either way.


Well, no. Because the games are stand-alone and separate, unless you make them otherwise. Nephandi (and even awakened Mages, and the Technocracy) don't exist in your werewolf game unless you cram them together. And if you are playing Mage, Pentex doesn't exist...

This an interesting point, though. If I remember correctly, and I believe I do, when Paradox acquired the White Wolf IPs from CCP, they said they wanted to do a One World of Darkness, in other words a single shared universe. Since we have only Vampire books released so far, we don’t know if this plan is still in motion. Yet, it is possible that we may have a universe where Pentex and Mage may co-exist, you never know ...

Onyx Path IS White Wolf in all but legal name. So it's certainly a little strange to see a different company working on this.

I wish them all the luck in the world either way.

Well, Onyx Path seem to have a lot on their plate right now. They’ve just completed a Mummy 2nd edition Kickstarter campaign, they plan a book with streamlined rules for Exalted and they have a number of books for Chronicles of Darkness and their own lines (Scion, Trinity Continuum, Pugmire, Cavaliers of Mars) in the pipeline. While Onyx Path doesn’t seem to shy away from working on World of Darkness projects, they seem to be more willing to keep developing Chronicles of Darkness and their own IPs, which looks to be going well for them.

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