RPG Print News – Mongoose, Catalyst Game Labs, and More

A great mix this week supporting excellent RPGs (along with one new RPG): Viking sci-fi, horror, space opera, horror sci-fi, and fantasy cyberpunk. There is support for Shield Maidens and Shadowrun (Sixth Edition) as well as two horror RPGs: Liminal Horror and The Lost Bay. Mothership along with other RPGs also get supplements.

Note: RPG Print News covers recent RPG releases and some classics, reprints, and sales available from retailers. It does not cover products that are available directly to customers only through Kickstarter or as print on demand.

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Tales of Yggdrasil by Mongoose Publishing
  • SYSTEM: Shield Maidens
  • PRODUCT TYPE: hardcover adventure collection
  • RETAIL PRICE: $44.99
  • DESCRIPTION: The set of adventures in Tales of Yggdrasil includes: a string of grisly murders has shaken an entire district and the Shield Maidens must stop those who are responsible, a Fenrir lieutenant hails the Resistance and offers valuables from Muspelheim in return for his rescue, the elves of Svartalfheim face a constant onslaught of Pure military and it is the job of the Sisterhood to help organize the Svartalfheim elves’ defense, the Fenrir Empire has shut down the power in Zone 30 leaving the inhabitants to freeze in their homes and the Shield Maidens have to secure a supply of Ymir’s Blood to restore power, three exiled Jötunn have now arrived in Midgard to seek honorable death and the Shield Maidens must race to get to the three Jötunn first before their enemies do.
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Tarnished Star - Runner Resource Book by Catalyst Game Labs
  • SYSTEM: Shadowrun (Sixth Edition)
  • PRODUCT TYPE: hardcover supplement
  • RETAIL PRICE: $49.99
  • DESCRIPTION: The core law enforcement rulebook for Shadowrun. The old law enforcement motto of “to serve and protect” is long gone in the Sixth World. Due process and rights are only afforded to those with nuyen, power, or both. Those who challenge the status quo are crushed. This change has tarnished the gleaming star that once symbolized justice and service. And yet, there are still some who try and clean that star off, even if only a little. These situations are where the relationship between the law and the shadows becomes complicated. Normally, shadowrunners know that when they see the lights or hear the sirens, it’s time to go. But every so often, the shadows and the law find common ground and work toward a shared goal or at least mutual benefit. That’s when things get interesting and this book comes in handy.
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The Parthenogenesis of Hungry Hollow | The Mall Remastered by Space Penguin Ink
  • SYSTEM: Liminal Horror
  • PRODUCT TYPE: hardcover adventure/softcover zine
  • RETAIL PRICE: $40/$15
  • DESCRIPTION: Something strange is happening in Hungry Hollow, seemingly centered around the upcoming birth of its newest resident in The Parthenogenesis of Hungry Hollow. The PCs dive into the town, make acquaintance with its inhabitants, and unravel the horrid truth that lies buzzing just beneath the surface. This sandbox adventure features: eight custom archetypes for players to use when creating their Investigator, six Investigation Kit Loadouts for the party (extermination, artillery, heavy duty, reconnaissance, containment, espionage), three premade additional party members), eight new Resonant Artifacts (magic items) new monsters, and a multiphase boss. Has four factions trying to forward their plans or learn about what is going on along with a custom Doom clock aligned to a Friday-Tuesday escalation of events (culminating in a baby shower for Brea and the God-Queen). The Mall is a wet, gooey, practical effects filled adventure set in a mall pulled out of time and space. Take John Carpenter’s The Thing and set the action in a 1990s mall. The mall’s denizens including the PCs are trapped inside with a creature preparing to assimilate and imitate its victims until no one is left. Features: 14 named NPCs, five factions, 30 keyed rooms, a new character creation procedure that entangles players with the NPCS and locations, a clock measures how close the party (and the mall) are to DOOM, and a monster table for creating unique iterations of the Children of Ammon.
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When in Rome | The Will of the Forest | Penumbral Oasis: Part One by The Last Bay Studio
  • SYSTEM: Mothership/The Lost Bay/Vaults of Vaarn
  • PRODUCT TYPE: softcover zines
  • RETAIL PRICE: $16 each
  • DESCRIPTION: When in Rome sees the PCs trapped on Everett's Moon where the Company sends spacers to die. The PCs find out about a possible way out: theft from a decommissioned Electorenzo Resources spaceship near Everett's Rings. Get the tech, upgrade the Conrad, and run for freedom on the Outer Rim world of Caer Wydion. Except Caesar/Augustus is no spaceship, but is instead a state-of-the-art research space station that has gone cold and errant. But something the Company was experimenting on is still there. Inside: the mining hauler new ship class with interior map, six NPCs and their Drives, and eight Xeno frights and their life cycle to terrorize PCs. The Will of the Forest takes PCs on a cursed point-crawl through Gareth Pines Park, and it is an adaptation of the classic TSR module B5: Horror on the Hill. Despite its haunted nature, the inhabitants of the Bay still enter the woods to escape urban life. They don’t all return. It includes: 11-location point-crawl through Gareth Pines Park, encounter tables (monsters, clues, and horrors), and a Doom Clock counting down to the arrival of the Not Deer. Penumbral Oasis: Part One is a dungeon adventure: sunken in the placid waters of a cursed oasis is an untouched vault from the time of the ancient Autarchs. The PCs enter looking for treasure and face monsters and traps on three levels.
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Nebula Chaos (hardcover) | Nebula Chaos (softcover) by Polyhedra Games
  • SYSTEM: unique
  • PRODUCT TYPE: core rulebook in hardcover and softcover options
  • RETAIL PRICE: $39.99 or $29.99
  • DESCRIPTION: The PCs engage in a chaotic and technicolor sci-fi space opera while the GM is provided with a DIY mentality that cranks the volume to 11. PCs engage in laser-sword swashbuckling and face googly-eyed aliens while space portals endlessly dazzle and enrapture whatever brave bounty hunters and storytellers dare to fly through.
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Acquired Taste Limited Dice & Tray Accessory Pack (Vampire the Masquerade) | Luna's Fury Limited Dice & Tray Accessory Pack (Werewolf the Apocalypse) by Renegade Game Studios
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Charles Dunwoody

Charles Dunwoody

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