• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

RPG Sales of 2020


All House Dok PDFs are currently PWYW on DTRPG:

Memorial Day Weekend, marks the one year anniversary of Metahumans Rising. Today we launched Burning Earth: Arena, a new 60 page post-apocalypse supplement including setting, new a character creation method and repeatable adventure. To give back to everyone during these strange times, it along will all House Dok PDFs are currently PWYW on DTRPG.

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Pretty crazy bundle here that incluses several RPGs including Blades in the Dark as well as video games. It’s all for a minimum $5 donation and it’s for charity.

RPG Bundle

It’s something like $3400 worth of material.
It's got two of my games in there, and also a bunch from #RPGSEA creators.

And For The Honor, the "just like She-Ra" Firebrands system game. I just played that today with my regulars!

SEA = South East Asia?
Yup, I have a thread with links and an ongoing series of posts talking about some creators. I need to update it soon...


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