D&D 5E AoE spells: Do you play by RAW or RAI?


Scion of Murgen (He/Him)
Sage Advice tackles this issue already:

Does moonbeam deal damage when you cast it? What about when its effect moves onto a creature?

The answer to both questions is no. Here’s some elaboration on that answer.

Perhaps the best and cleanest Sage Advice explanation I've seen in this edition.

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I think we too often assume that any difference in spell wording was done so intentionally and that's not necessarily the case.
I find it impossible that they did not consider this carefully given everything they'd learned from 3E, and 4E. This is an established concern. It was likely subject to heightened scrutiny. Assuming otherwise is almost assuredly a mistaken approach.


As long as i get to be the frog
I find it impossible that they did not consider this carefully given everything they'd learned from 3E, and 4E. This is an established concern. It was likely subject to heightened scrutiny. Assuming otherwise is almost assuredly a mistaken approach.
Care to explain why we have countless examples where the differences in wording mean nothing?

Or how the known “natural language” approach to writing 5e is inherently at odds with such an assessment?


Scion of Murgen (He/Him)
Because this one is categorically different?

The wording is clear, and consistent across the three major "time of damage" categories (instant, entry & start of turn, and end of turn).

IMO it's just folks' preconceptions getting in the way and making them think every AoE should cause damage instantaneously. The wording of the spells certainly doesn't support that.

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