• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Cosmic Deity power levels in 5E...


BA? My memory is foggy - remind me what that is again?
Bounded Accuracy. It is the idea that bonuses and AC stay around and close to the d20 roll so it keeps relevant.
I know its difficult visualizing crazy stuff like Time Lords without simply expanding the numbers (and at some point I 'may' still do that).
Yeah that was my thinking, but no doubt you have been thinking this more than me, so I believe you did something brilliant.
Now if only I had 100 more people such as yourself I might get this darn thing funded.
I know all 5 guys at my table would definitely buy it, and I pray and hope that you will be able to get it funded!

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Hello again LunarSquid! :)

Bounded Accuracy.

Ah yes, never heard it called BA.

It is the idea that bonuses and AC stay around and close to the d20 roll so it keeps relevant.

Its a good idea to keep the d20 roll relevant for as long as possible.

Yeah that was my thinking, but no doubt you have been thinking this more than me, so I believe you did something brilliant.

Well I don't know about brilliant but hopefully it will facilitate immortal+ gaming for 5E.

I know all 5 guys at my table would definitely buy it, and I pray and hope that you will be able to get it funded!

That's fantastic. Thanks so much. :love:

I have been studying up on Kickstarter and they are saying do about 6-12 months of a prelaunch campaign before you launch the actual Kickstarter. The problem with that is they say also have the product ready (or 80-90% ready) before you start the pre-launch, so you have stuff to show. I don't see myself sitting on this book for 6-12 months after its finished, but I will need at least a few months to build up an email list when I start my launch page. Actually I will post more about this in the other thread.

Hello again LunarSquid! :)

Ah yes, never heard it called BA.

Its a good idea to keep the d20 roll relevant for as long as possible.

Well I don't know about brilliant but hopefully it will facilitate immortal+ gaming for 5E.

That's fantastic. Thanks so much. :love:

I have been studying up on Kickstarter and they are saying do about 6-12 months of a prelaunch campaign before you launch the actual Kickstarter. The problem with that is they say also have the product ready (or 80-90% ready) before you start the pre-launch, so you have stuff to show. I don't see myself sitting on this book for 6-12 months after its finished, but I will need at least a few months to build up an email list when I start my launch page. Actually I will post more about this in the other thread.
Dear Mr. Upper Krust. For 5 years I have searched for you as the Immortals beastiary Volume 1 is my fave DnD esque resource ever crafted. I read the PDF nearly once a day and was disheartened when it seemed you no longer existed or made resources. The plans you had for vol 2 were phenomenal to me and I see from this thread you are progressing on another mission. I wanted to know what a price estimate would be for a finished and illustrated Vol 2 pdf or something equivalent would be? Name. Your. Price

Hey there Eternal Sovereign,

Dear Mr. Upper Krust.

U_K or Upper or Krust or Krusty is fine, no need for Mr. ;)

For 5 years I have searched for you as the Immortals beastiary Volume 1 is my fave DnD esque resource ever crafted.

Thank you for those kind words, much appreciated.

I read the PDF nearly once a day and was disheartened when it seemed you no longer existed or made resources.

Well 3.5E is a convoluted and complex beast. While I enjoyed writing the Bestiary and Ascension I don't think its a well designed system for high/epic/immortal level play and its not fun to design for. There are too many working parts: Skills, Feats, Spell-like Abilities, (etc.) it ground down my enthusiasm for the system.

The plans you had for vol 2 were phenomenal to me

Back then I likely would have needed a Volume 2 & 3 to cover the Pseudonaturals, Umbrals, Sinistrals, Elementars, Intelligibles & Technites (Inevitables) as well as all the other golems, dragons and unique monsters I had planned.

and I see from this thread you are progressing on another mission.

I am working on a 300+ page 5th Edition Epic Bestiary (or 2/3rds Bestiary 1/3rd Epic/Immortal Rulebook). It has 77 gods & monsters within, up to the planet crushing Tera-Shark that is on the cover.

That book will have Conversion details (for 1E, 3.5E & 4E) in one of the Appendices at the back.

I wanted to know what a price estimate would be for a finished and illustrated Vol 2 pdf or something equivalent would be? Name. Your. Price

Likely at least $8k and a 6 month time frame*. Far as I could estimate it I would have to quit my part time job and concentrate on such a book full time.

*After I get this 5E book finished.

Hey there Eternal Sovereign,

U_K or Upper or Krust or Krusty is fine, no need for Mr. ;)

Thank you for those kind words, much appreciated.

Well 3.5E is a convoluted and complex beast. While I enjoyed writing the Bestiary and Ascension I don't think its a well designed system for high/epic/immortal level play and its not fun to design for. There are too many working parts: Skills, Feats, Spell-like Abilities, (etc.) it ground down my enthusiasm for the system.

Back then I likely would have needed a Volume 2 & 3 to cover the Pseudonaturals, Umbrals, Sinistrals, Elementars, Intelligibles & Technites (Inevitables) as well as all the other golems, dragons and unique monsters I had planned.

I am working on a 300+ page 5th Edition Epic Bestiary (or 2/3rds Bestiary 1/3rd Epic/Immortal Rulebook). It has 77 gods & monsters within, up to the planet crushing Tera-Shark that is on the cover.

That book will have Conversion details (for 1E, 3.5E & 4E) in one of the Appendices at the back.

Likely at least $8k and a 6 month time frame*. Far as I could estimate it I would have to quit my part time job and concentrate on such a book full time.

*After I get this 5E book finished.

Thank you for your hasty reply and I understand your sentiments. If that be the case. How much are you intending for your 5e guide to be released cause I am already as amused and intrigued as one can be. I dont want to sound like im repeating myself but as far as abstract concepts and DND monster creation works you are the GOAT. If you have a ETA date or a price estimate on the book when its released I will be most excited to hear it. (I couldnt find much reference to those points earlier in the thread)

Hello again Eternal Sovereign! :)

Thank you for your hasty reply and I understand your sentiments. If that be the case.

Maybe (and I mean just maybe) I could get some help and convert this current book into a 3.5E release at a later date.

I would be up for doing a 3.5E book provided I didn't have to do all the feats/skills/spell-like abilities. Its been 15 years since I was serious about 3.5E design. I don't have a great memory as it is - trying to get back into 3.5E to anywhere near the same level is unlikely to happen - even if I wanted to...which I don't.

How much are you intending for your 5e guide to be released cause I am already as amused and intrigued as one can be.

At this point the plan is to do a Kickstarter later this year for the new 5E book.

Pdf = $25
Print Book + Pdf = $55*
Slipcase + Print Book + Pdf = $85*

*Plus shipping (which I would just be guessing at this point, but hopefully in around $10 or so).

I dont want to sound like im repeating myself but as far as abstract concepts and DND monster creation works you are the GOAT.

Thanks again for the kind words. :giggle:

I put an inordinate amount of time into my design and how everything links together - that's why I am probably the slowest writer this side of George R. R. Martin.

If you have a ETA date or a price estimate on the book when its released I will be most excited to hear it. (I couldnt find much reference to those points earlier in the thread)

I have been burned far too often with release dates to give one at this point.

We are almost done with the interior B&W pieces (70+ already completed, although a few of those may not get used in this book). I did recently have one of the colour artists pull out of the project so that has delayed the interior colour pieces for a bit.

Just the usual though, two steps forward, one step back. I'll get there eventually.

Hello again Eternal Sovereign! :)

Maybe (and I mean just maybe) I could get some help and convert this current book into a 3.5E release at a later date.

I would be up for doing a 3.5E book provided I didn't have to do all the feats/skills/spell-like abilities. Its been 15 years since I was serious about 3.5E design. I don't have a great memory as it is - trying to get back into 3.5E to anywhere near the same level is unlikely to happen - even if I wanted to...which I don't.

At this point the plan is to do a Kickstarter later this year for the new 5E book.

Pdf = $25
Print Book + Pdf = $55*
Slipcase + Print Book + Pdf = $85*

*Plus shipping (which I would just be guessing at this point, but hopefully in around $10 or so).

Thanks again for the kind words. :giggle:

I put an inordinate amount of time into my design and how everything links together - that's why I am probably the slowest writer this side of George R. R. Martin.

I have been burned far too often with release dates to give one at this point.

We are almost done with the interior B&W pieces (70+ already completed, although a few of those may not get used in this book). I did recently have one of the colour artists pull out of the project so that has delayed the interior colour pieces for a bit.

Just the usual though, two steps forward, one step back. I'll get there eventually.
I totally understand and have no intention of hounding you over 3.5 e since I prefer 5e anyways. Im a monster manual/bestiary collector with every major manual per generation in my posession in pdf form or tangible. I will be interested in a PDF or hard copy absolutley. (Probably just one or the other likely based on your success of production since ive seen your mistreatment in the past) what really spoke to me about the immortals bestiary was its pure raw insanity with hp and the frequent use of the D100 an item seldomly used from most sessions ive witnessed. Being epic level I hope I can count on some matter of pulling out the resource and watching fellow players and DMs turn blue with fright and cry out in dread. I have illicited this response with the immortals PDF many a time. (They usually tap out somewhere between seraphim, nexus dragon, or neutronium golem.)

Howdy Eternal Sovereign! :)

I totally understand and have no intention of hounding you over 3.5 e since I prefer 5e anyways.

A lot of people here like 3.5E; but I guess its easier to grow fond of an immortal system when you have it in your possession. We will see what they think of my 5E rules.

Wondering if I should maybe call the book IMMORTAL RULES (or something like that)? Even though I have a lot of epic material in the book you go straight from Level 20 to Hero-deity so its maybe more immortal-centric...?

Im a monster manual/bestiary collector with every major manual per generation in my posession in pdf form or tangible.

Cool. I back quite a few monster books on Kickstarter myself.

I will be interested in a PDF or hard copy absolutley.

Thanks for the support. Much appreciated.

(Probably just one or the other likely based on your success of production since ive seen your mistreatment in the past)

Not sure what you mean there.

I'll try my best to get the book done as soon as possible and I think production quality (in terms of interior graphics and print quality) will be vastly superior to anything I have previously done,.

what really spoke to me about the immortals bestiary was its pure raw insanity with hp and the frequent use of the D100 an item seldomly used from most sessions ive witnessed.

I like to push the boundaries and give players the tools to make their own epic spells, monsters and other crazy stuff.

Being epic level I hope I can count on some matter of pulling out the resource and watching fellow players and DMs turn blue with fright and cry out in dread.

I have a specific idea in mind for my big preview of the book, that should give you a fair idea of the 'measure' of the epic-ness involved; but still a few months away from that point.

I have illicited this response with the immortals PDF many a time. (They usually tap out somewhere between seraphim, nexus dragon, or neutronium golem.)

Brilliant. :giggle:

I dont know if you comprehend that each response you give to me is equivocle to chatting with a celebrity in my mind. When I was a novice at DND and found your resource 5 years ago I had assumed you were either retired or had met some unfortunate demise. Im glad to see I was wrong on both accounts haha.

When I said mistreatment. I was primarilly referring to (from my understanding) your besitary part 2 not being completed due to being dropped by whoever the publishers were at the time. Perhaps I dont have a firm grasp on what happened there.

(if your allowed to reveal such information) if I may ask one of two things. Question A. Will your 5E immortals guide contain some encounters that never saw life from the 2nd part of the bestiary? Question B: is it too late to add the Infinitaur cause that was a concept you made that initially boggled my mind and would be cool to see in illustration or in power level. There was some very amusing fan art I have seen of it floating around somewhere on google.

Also if you have otherworks out there either for purchase or for viewing dont hesitate to name them in a response.

Howdy Eternal Sovereign buddy! :)

I dont know if you comprehend that each response you give to me is equivocle to chatting with a celebrity in my mind.

I'm flattered, but I am just an average guy with a fondness for designing monsters.

Always pleased to hear people like my books, I pour a lot of passion into them.

When I was a novice at DND and found your resource 5 years ago I had assumed you were either retired or had met some unfortunate demise. Im glad to see I was wrong on both accounts haha.

I'm still hanging in there. I tried my hand at videogame design in around the early 2010's and landed my dream job only for the company to split with its partner/parent company literally that week - that was incredibly disheartening. But things happen for a reason; a year or so later and I met an amazing woman and fell in love.

When I said mistreatment. I was primarilly referring to (from my understanding) your besitary part 2 not being completed due to being dropped by whoever the publishers were at the time. Perhaps I dont have a firm grasp on what happened there.

No I simply didn't finish any more books - the Publisher would have printed anything I finished.

I finished the Epic Bestiary in 2005
Started working on Immortals Handbook Ascension, which I completed (aside from half the interior art) in early 2007.
Basically I got a job in 2007 (to help pay the bills). The Epic Bestiary sold really well BUT it was taking me 18 months to finish a book and the sales were not enough to sustain me for 18 months, so I needed supplemental income.

Once I started that job it was apparent that I had next to zero free time to do anything, let alone write a book (which was taking me 18 months even when I wasn't working). After 6 months I dropped down to part time in the job to give myself a chance of writing something.

But I had been really burned on 3.5E, its so laborious and unnecessarily time consuming that to be honest I had grown to hate it. 4th Edition was just around the corner so I decided to write something for that instead. From the previews of 4th Edition it looked very design-friendly.

But I thought, maybe I'll write something and build up to epic tier with my next book. So I wrote the Vampire Bestiary: Mountain of the Cannibal God. In true Krust fashion that project soon turned into 3 books - I was writing all 3 sort of simultaneously (maybe each was 25% behind the last in terms of progress).

But the sales for the first part of the Vampire Bestiary pdf were terrible compared to what I was used to with the Epic Bestiary. I can't remember exact figures but it was probably in around 5%. So that completely deflated me for finishing the second and third parts - even though I had already commissioned art for those books (I still have 80% of the art for both of those unpublished works).

I worked on some ideas for Immortal Tier Book for 4th Edition, but I never got the project off the ground really - I had been working on some videogame designs and was trying to get a job in that industry. So I sort of game up on the RPG stuff for a bit.

Once the videogame stuff didn't work out (due to some crazy bad luck) I started writing a comic book/graphic novel. I currently have 120 (of 144 pages of that finished). I temporarily sidelined that project because working on both the comic and this Bestiary were slowing down progress on both to a crawl.

In late 2019 I decided to get back into RPG design and write (what became this book). I had about 60 pages written but when I looked at the book it completely lacked the EPIC WOW FACTOR I wanted to bring to the project, so I basically tripled the monster count) which went from an initial 27 to eventually now 77). Of course that delayed the project.

In 2020 my father got sick with Cancer (pancreatic) and passed away a few short months later. It takes a while to get over this sort of thing and luckily I had my girlfriend/partner to help. After a few months I was able to start writing again.

Then in early 2021 my girlfriend got Covid and seemed unable to recover. Eventually they diagnosed she had double cancer (stage 4 small cell lung and throat) plus a Brain Aneurysm. She started double strength radiotherapy treatment right away but the cancer had already spread to her liver and she passed away just 9 weeks after being diagnosed.

So its taken a bit of time but I picked myself up and have gradually got myself together and started making decent progress (or at least decent for me that is) on this book again.

Life has knocked me down a few times, you just have to keep getting back up again. But everyone goes through these trials at some point in their lives.

(if your allowed to reveal such information) if I may ask one of two things. Question A. Will your 5E immortals guide contain some encounters that never saw life from the 2nd part of the bestiary?

Yes, but the design of this book is different to most monster books. The entries are not alphabetical. Its basically six groupings of monsters and then some other example Gods & Monsters that are needed to showcase some game mechanics.

One of those six groupings (each grouping features 11 entries) is an extension of something from the first Bestiary. I won't say what that is but its pretty cool, one of the monsters from the first Bestiary is directly converted to this new book.

Another grouping has a monster mentioned in the first Epic Bestiary that was never before detailed. So there is a bit of a crossover.

If I ever get to do a sequel to this new book I have some unbelievable ideas for another follow-up from that old Epic Bestiary. But lets get this first book finished before I start daydreaming about the next one.

Question B: is it too late to add the Infinitaur cause that was a concept you made that initially boggled my mind and would be cool to see in illustration or in power level.

I have plans for the Infinitaur BUT not for this book, sorry.

I sort of want to do a series of these books (I know how crazy that sounds - given my typical output rate) and keep upping the ante with each book. So even though there are some crazy monsters in THIS book I want to leave some room to keep making each subsequent book even more ridiculous than the last.

There was some very amusing fan art I have seen of it floating around somewhere on google.

Lol, really! I'll have to go look for it.

I actually did a small layout for a double page spread for a future book cover featuring both an Infinitaur and a Time Lord as part of a potential series of books.

Also if you have otherworks out there either for purchase or for viewing dont hesitate to name them in a response.

The next thing will be this EPIC RULES book Kickstarter. Then probably my superhero Graphic Novel after that. Then hopefully another EPIC RPG book. 🤞

But at this point I'll settle for one book at a time.

Voidrunner's Codex

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