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D&D 5E Toxicity in the Fandom

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I wondering now, does the definition of toxic solely have to do with being anti-diversity and inclusion? That what's it seems to come down to.
No, I don't think so. I was high-lighting my reaction to the Star Trek anti-diversity brigade as an appropirate (to me) target for the label "bad fan." In retrospect, that was a distraction from my point and I probably should have either said more or said less about it.

Any fan who disparages, harasses, and harangues a writer, artist, actor, etc. because they don't like the pop-culture product is toxic. Any fan who disparages others for their pop-culture preferences is toxic.


But just about nearly of these examples boil down to that issue. What other kinds of toxicity are there?
The writers and artists behind Scooby Apocalypse detroyed my childhood, trashed a beloved franchise, knowing full well what that dog means to millions of fans and throwing generations of goodwill into the slime-ridden gutter. They deserve to suffer. And Joe here likes those comics! Joe's no true fan of Scooby Doo. He's not worthy to scoop up Scooby's droppings.


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
But just about nearly of these examples boil down to that issue. What other kinds of toxicity are there?
Well, a lot of folks misuse the word 'inclusive' to indicate matters of personal preference.

There's the mentality of "I don't like (Thing), therefore (Thing) needs to be removed." I'm not sure why this escalates so quickly, but it seems to come from the fear that if more and more people keep talking about how much they like (Thing), the publishers might make more of it. And for certain personality types, this is the worst that can happen. They don't want the hobby to change, for whatever reason, so they undermine all attempts to change it. They start rumors and arguments, belittle others, kill discussions, you've seen them. It's not quite the same thing as "not being inclusive," but it has the same roots. It's still "harmful or unpleasant in a pervasive or insidious way," which is one definition of the word Toxic.

It's not the same thing as wanting to remove certain people from the game. There are people in our hobby who genuinely believe that only certain people are allowed to be fans, only certain people are allowed to have a voice in the room, only certain people are allowed to play. (These arguments are written in the language of Mordor, which I will not utter here.) You've seen the threads and the mod warnings, you know what I'm talking about. The truth is that all people are allowed to play, and they're allowed to play the way they want...that is generally what people mean by "inclusivity in gaming."
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TV shows like Orville often through parody and homage create more respectful and enjoyable versions of Star Trek than the official Star Trek branded shows. They do so because it's clear that while the creators don't take themselves fully seriously and are willing to pick fun at the short comings of the shows that are well known to fans, but they also clearly love what they are parodying.
It's funny you bring this up. I just started watching the Orville. Couldn't see it here until recently.

I've gotten up to the sixth episode of season one and it's utter, utter crap. Insulting crap. I guess some people enjoy it, but, I can't for the life of me see why. The last episode I've watched has the helmsman dry humping a statue and then being put on social media trial for it, resulting in his possible lobotomization. Cool plotline done SO much better in Black Mirror. In this? I'm rooting for the bad guys to lobotomize this guy because he's so thoroughly unlikable. Oh, and then the episode ends with this incredibly paternalistic "do better" message from the characters who caused 100% of their own problems because they were so completely oblivious to other cultures that they couldn't even be bothered learning even the most basic facts about the culture they're supposed to be infiltrating.

Maybe the series gets better after this? I dunno. The first six episodes have taught me that all religion is mind alteringly evil, forcing people to be racist genocidal maniacs who abuse their own people in the name of some belief. That all other cultures are morally bankrupt and only the Union has any sort of morality at all, but, instead of being a showcase for that morality, are just a bully pulpit for the writers to show how superior they are.

Bleah. This is what people think is an "enjoyable version of Star Trek"? No thanks. It's not even parody. It's just mean spirited attacks on anyone who is different without even the slightest attempt to be even handed.

/rant off.

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