• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

D&D (2024) Dungeons and Dragons future? Ray Winninger gives a nod to Mike Shea's proposed changes.


B/X Known World
Again, if you can and often do do it yourself, why drop $200 on a set of barely changed books?
And that's the one that gets me. So, if there are a nearly infinite number of games out there and one or more are bound to do what you want...why not look for those games and play them instead of continuing to buy into a game you know you'll have to house rule to get to play how you want? I mean, if you're house ruling things anyway, buy the game that's closest to your end result and have less work to do.

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Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
I dint think that’s true. I think many people didn’t have any idea that they were.

I give you the Forgotten Realms Setting book as evidence. To this day I remind people that it is a 3.0 book.
The setting material in FRCS is much more important than the rules info. It's why it's still a great supplement today.


"Diegetics", by L. Ron Gygax
My personal hope is that the new PHB is both backwards compatible, in that the overall math and skills are the same, and pre-2024 subclasses work fine in the 2024 class chassis. I also hope it's very much new, with all the old races, plus a few new ones, the same classes + 1 or 2 new ones, brand new subclasses for the old classes, even if some the 2014 subclasses get dropped, and both new and updated spells and new and updated feats.

Difference being that it took long enough & the game was dangerous enough to pcs back then that you needed more than a closet and could easily wind up worse than you were before digging in. The 5e rules ensure that it's practically guaranteed to succeed and never result in backsliding.
I am not sure it is entirely a rules problem.
But I do agree that the healing rule need an overhaul.


I was talking to my friend (a PF1 player) at GenCon that a new edition or update is likely in the next couple years. His comment, "it seems a little soon for that."
I explained to him that time moves differently now that we're adults, and that 5e has already been out longer than many other editions.
5e will have been out for 10 years if it's released in August of 2024. And visually it's the same book as it was in 2014 right now - no change to the art or to the trade dress. Not even a different logo. It's kind of wild to me that that's the case - 3e and 4e both got revisions during their shorter runs. 1e got a facelift with new cover art about midway through it's over 10 year run and 2e not only got new covers it also got entirely new internal art midway through its 10 year run. A 5e PHB book on the shelf today is indistinguishable on the outside from a 5e PHB book sold in 2014. It's kind of wild when you think about it.


again... if this was 1996 that would mean we would still need thac0 today... no growth or change will not help mass markets going forward
Considering the continued sales of the PHB however many years it's been, clearly "growth" is still happening, despite no major functional changes.

We all have our Edition axes to grind, but let's at least accept what appears clear.

5e is comically successful, and doesn't even need change to continue to grow.

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