Best/Favorite Thin RPG Core Book

Scum and Villainy is actually a perfect example of what I'm talking about: that game should be about 50 pages (and could probably fit on two pages plus playbooks, but that's a different thing). Instead it is a couple hundred pages of self indulgence.
I think you’re misrepresenting how many words it takes to fully get across the FitD rules approach and related GM guidance. In the case of SaV I agree that the setting stuff is pretty pointless, even though I know people who’ve been really happy it was there, and I’d argue that you or anyone else could easily take the stance that a setting-less core book is just an incomplete game, especially if, as with SaV, there’s no additional line of products published or planned

But never mind all of that. You aren’t addressing what @Ruin Explorer and I have both brought up, which is that page counts mean are arbitrary and mean nothing! You’re still tossing around page numbers as though every book has a set word-per-page count.

If anything, what you really seem to be talking about is great games with no real setting. That’s a fine category and discussion topic, but this “thin” book business is just odd.

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I think you’re misrepresenting how many words it takes to fully get across the FitD rules approach and related GM guidance. In the case of SaV I agree that the setting stuff is pretty pointless, even though I know people who’ve been really happy it was there, and I’d argue that you or anyone else could easily take the stance that a setting-less core book is just an incomplete game, especially if, as with SaV, there’s no additional line of products published or planned

But never mind all of that. You aren’t addressing what @Ruin Explorer and I have both brought up, which is that page counts mean are arbitrary and mean nothing! You’re still tossing around page numbers as though every book has a set word-per-page count.

If anything, what you really seem to be talking about is great games with no real setting. That’s a fine category and discussion topic, but this “thin” book business is just odd.
First of all, I can't see what @Ruin Explorer says because they have me blocked.

Second of all, I mentioned in a post above this one that I was talking about 50K words. I freelance write for the industry so I have a pretty good idea of what a 100 page RPG consists of.

And finally, setting isn't relevant to the discussion for every game. you don't need setting information for a fantasy heartbreaker of a modern spy game. I would argue you don't need it for either Blades in the Dark or Scum and Villainy, because those games are built on tropes primarily. yes, they include a lot of setting, but that is just the creators being, as I said, self indulgent (which is okay; it is their game, they can present it however they want).


Lead developer Tribes in the Dark
I don't think there's a hard limit, but I would guess the ceiling is less than 100 pages, depending on layout etc.

Brinkwood is 157 pages and like 1/4" thick so Imma go with that answer.



I am looking for a complete game in 100 pages or less (let's call it 50K words). By complete I mean all the rules necessary to fulfill the promise and intent of the genre, milieu and setting presented by the game. This doesn't preclude expansions or supplements but they should not be necessary. I am not necessarily talking about RPG-newb friendly games, though. That's okay but a game as I am defining it here doesn't need to teach players how to play RPGs. Also it doesn't have to include an adventure, but may.
Prince Valiant. (The PDF is 114 pages, but that includes covers, sample PC sheets etc.)

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