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WotC Hasbro Bets Big on D&D

During today's 'Hasbro Fireside Chat', Hasbro's Chris Cocks, chief executive officer, and Cynthia Williams, president of Wizards of the Coast and Digital Gaming mentioned D&D, and about betting big on its name. This was in addition to the Magic: The Gathering discussion they held on the same call. The following are rough notes on what they said. D&D Beyond Leaning heavily on D&D Beyond 13...

During today's 'Hasbro Fireside Chat', Hasbro's Chris Cocks, chief executive officer, and Cynthia Williams, president of Wizards of the Coast and Digital Gaming mentioned D&D, and about betting big on its name. This was in addition to the Magic: The Gathering discussion they held on the same call.


The following are rough notes on what they said.

D&D Beyond
  • Leaning heavily on D&D Beyond
  • 13 million registered users
  • Give them more ways to express their fandom
  • Hired 350 people last year
  • Low attrition
What’s next for D&D
  • Never been more popular
  • Brand under-monetized
  • Excited about D&D Beyond possibilities
  • Empower accessibility and development of the user base.
  • Data driven insight
  • Window into how players are playing
  • Companion app on their phone
  • Start future monetization starting with D&D Beyond
  • DMs are 20% of the audience but lions share of purchases
  • Digital game recurrent spending for post sale revenue.
  • Speed of digital can expand, yearly book model to include current digital style models.
  • Reach highly engaged multigenerational fans.
  • Dungeons and Dragons has recognition, 10 out of 10
  • Cultural phenomenon right now.
  • DND strategy is a broad four quadrant strategy
  • Like Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings or Marvel
  • New books and accessories, licensed game stuff, and D&D Beyond
  • Huge hopes for D&D
What is success for the D&D Movie
  • First big light up oppourtunity for 4th quadrant
  • Significant marketing
  • They think it’ll have significant box office
  • It has second most viewed trailer at Paramount, only eclipsed by Transformers
  • Will be licensed video games, some on movies
  • Then follow up other media, TV, other movies, etc.
  • Bullish on D&D.

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Oh yea not paying attention at all.

They didn’t even do a chat trying to address any of these issues…..

Nothing to see here.
Unless the comments I've seen are misinterpreted, they had this chat to tell MtG players "sorry, not sorry, you just don't get it.".

That said, I'm still in meetings. I haven't heard it myself yet.


Mod Squad
Staff member
Well sure, but hasn't the publishing rate of 5e products been on an uptick for the last few years?

Slight, sure. But it isn't like they are flooding the market with rules content.

In 2022, wasn't the only primarily rules release was Monsters of the Multiverse? Spelljammer, Radiant Citadel, and Dragonlance are all primarily adventure content, and do little to bloat the game overall.

So the twilight and peace clerics aren't drastically OP compared to the nature cleric? That'll be news to a lot of people.
I allow them (probably a mistake), so anyone can play them. No one has to slip me a fiver for the privilege. To equate it to video games, we start a 1st level campaign, and:

  • You buy the "Hero Pack" from Wizards, so you get extra ability score points with which to create your character
  • You buy a vorpal sword from Wizards, so you have a vorpal sword in the game
  • You pay Wizards to skip four levels, so you start the game at 5th level while everyone else is 1st

They're not the same!


Usually, I read comments such as this to mean "Wizkids is not heeding anything I am saying..."

Because clearly Wizkids is heeding the community. For example, the new critical roll ideas were swiftly recalled after a lot of negative feedback. Ardlings were fundamentally changed. Etc.

At the same time, you can't make design choices just based around reactions from the loudest voices on the internet. I think we tend to overstate the degree to which forums such as this or popular YouTubers are representative.
This fireside wasn't for D&D. :)


I crit!
I was referring to the MtG side of things. D&D side was just a puff piece for the investors.

Well the whole lot is a puff piece.

Unless the comments I've seen are misinterpreted, they had this chat to tell MtG players "sorry, not sorry, you just don't get it.".

That said, I'm still in meetings. I haven't heard it myself yet.
I’d rather this thread not go into the Magic side. So I suppose I’ll answer your two posts in that other thread.

Not a lot of huge revelations that I can see. Obviously Hasbro is going to emphasize the profit potential of D&D; it's one of their biggest assets and, they are arguing, the one with the most upside potential. And they are trying to keep shareholders on board after some disappointing quarters.

From Hasbro's perspective, D&D has the most profit potential because it has an absolutely massive cultural footprint at this point - "10/10" as they describe it. Contrast with Magic the Gathering, which is extremely profitable (or was) but with much narrower cultural awareness. Just about everyone who matters from a marketing perspective is broadly familiar with D&D. That's why they are comparing it to Marvel, etc. But in comparison to those brands, it is really poorly leveraged, still deriving most of its profits for them from sales of the game itself. That's like if Marvel was still making most of its money off comics.

Someone commented earlier that Hasbro probably looks at products like Warhammer and World of Warcraft and sees money that should be theirs (that is entirely correct for those two products, BTW: Warhammer was created in response to TSR pulling its D&D license from its UK distributors, and Warcraft was created when its creators couldn't finalize a licensing agreement for Warhammer). So they are arguing that they are in a prime position to take D&D beyond being just a game and make it into a brand.

What does that mean for us? Well, things like micro-transactions on DnDBeyond are already a thing...and are sometimes a good thing for consumers, because they let you buy only the parts of material that you actually want (for example, if a new adventure comes out that you aren't interested in, but includes a playable race that you want, you can pay a few bucks to just purchase that). So we have to be careful not to paint with too broad strokes. There are potential upsides and downsides.

Chris said MtG cultural awareness is 3/10 for MtG, but with those 3/10 people the convos ends up deep, but excluding everyone else, but with D&D it's 10/10, between fans of the video games, TTRPG, and pop culture references everybody knows D&D and can talk about it.

This explains why D&D is getting the movies, TVs shows, novels etc..., dispite earning a fraction of MtG.

They called MtG a 1 Qaudrant, but deep strategy compared to D&D's 4 Qaudrant Strategy.

They're trying to expand MtG's market with D&D and Universes Beyond sets, but that does little to help MtG's own inheriant settings. I do wonder is Theros & Ravnica better known from the MtG sets or their D&D books?

Getting MtG's settings to appeal more broadly when only 25% of MtG fans even know what a Planeswalker is (this is like D&D fans being what's a wizard?), shows the huge problem they have turning it into a transmedia machine compared to D&D. They keep trying and failing.

This is why I think they will merge the MtG and D&D multiverses, the only way they build broader appeal for MtG settings with the broader culture is to connect it with something that already has that cultural status.

They did emphasize how well the D&D and Warhammer cards were selling.

PS MtG fans are pissed, they were expecting this to be a call addressing the fandoms issues with MtG and instead WotC was like things are find, no need to change except space products out more, now talk about our plans and excitement for D&D and IT's bright future. Didn't meantion Magic 30th, CEO Chris Cocks might as well have smacked MtG players in the face with a PHB. They turned a Fireplace chat about MtG into an ad for D&D movie and D&D Beyond. It'd be funny if MtG fans weren't so pissed.


I think some fears emerge from the idea that the strategies to increase revenue we have seen in video games will make their way into D&D in a way that fundamentally changes how we consume D&D and what it looks like. You CAN completely ignore all the crap you can buy in Fortnite but doing so gives you an intentionally inferior experience.

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