D&D General Forgive the vaguepost but I'm cautiously excited

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Can't say much but I just moments ago submitted my very first professionally contracted dnd thingy.

Now I just have to hope that the production doesn't evaporate, or that my submission doesn't get laughed out of the book. Wish me luck. 🤣
Best of luck, it's always awesome to feel like you're contributing to your hobby (and getting paid for it!).


I don't think it will evaporate, so assuming I didn't farkle it up royally, we should see it on obs sometime in the not too distant future (not really sure but shouldn't take too long hopefully). Will post link when I have it.



The first piece of work is probably the most nervewracking and exciting. I'll let you know if the feeling ever fades!
Looks like I picked a bad week to stop smokin'.

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