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D&D (2024) Comeliness and Representation in Recent DnD Art


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
I hate umbrella terms, they rarely give enough information and cause more confusion than they are worth like "labels". They are like "branding". :(
They’re useful for talking generally about a related set of concepts. You also use umbrella terms all the time without consciously thinking about it, because ultimately any term for a category is an umbrella term. Planet? Mammal? Firearm? Roleplaying game? These are all umbrella terms. Good luck having any meaningful conversation without them.

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.Friend, what do you think causes a person’s sex organs to develop (or not develop) that way in eutero? It’s hormones, which are determined primarily by the person’s chromosomes.
Just putting 1 reply to all. Someone else mentioned I in LGBT, but I can not keep up with acronyms beyond the likes of NASA, too many characters in lots of them and too little brain space. :(

Most people werent science nerds. I can use and turn on a computer, but have no idea why they work from breasts implant material.

I am a puzzle nerd, just not that sudoku stuff; not a science nerd. I could not tell DNA from RCA. ;)

If so, I would not trust anything he did at T$R.
Why not?

He's doing a joke apology for something he wrote at 22 (he's obviously not a comedian but not many people are). He should have probably have lead with that he was 22, because it's actually quite an impressive work for a 22-year-old, despite being absolutely awful in a lot of ways and much more forgivable as such - and the second video shows he does actually understand most of the problems, though I don't think he really gets that he was writing a book that was mostly going to be used by people a lot younger than that, whose ability to assess "overpowered or not" was... limited... and the whole "roleplaying disadvantages" thing was always particularly bollocks with that particular book, because there weren't any real roleplaying disadvantages to being, say, a Bladesinger. The whole "thou must protect elfs!" thing is undermined by the same paragraph saying "Yo but you get to decide whether that's the case, not the DM" (ironically though the mechanical disadvantages, despite him acting like there were none, do come close to balancing it - but only if you have a DM who is quite thrifty or random with magic items).

Re: LGBT and Tieflings, not only is there the "any or none" bit, but do you not see how a group of people whose sexuality was still being literally demonized (I do mean literally) on a routine basis in the US and much of Europe at that time might find some connection with beings who are seen as inherently tainted by evil, but aren't really?


Why not?

He's doing a joke apology for something he wrote at 22 (he's obviously not a comedian but not many people are). He should have probably have lead with that he was 22, because it's actually quite an impressive work for a 22-year-old, despite being absolutely awful in a lot of ways and much more forgivable as such - and the second video shows he does actually understand most of the problems, though I don't think he really gets that he was writing a book that was mostly going to be used by people a lot younger than that, whose ability to assess "overpowered or not" was... limited... and the whole "roleplaying disadvantages" thing was always particularly bollocks with that particular book, because there weren't any real roleplaying disadvantages to being, say, a Bladesinger. The whole "thou must protect elfs!" thing is undermined by the same paragraph saying "Yo but you get to decide whether that's the case, not the DM" (ironically though the mechanical disadvantages, despite him acting like there were none, do come close to balancing it - but only if you have a DM who is quite thrifty or random with magic items).

Re: LGBT and Tieflings, not only is there the "any or none" bit, but do you not see how a group of people whose sexuality was still being literally demonized (I do mean literally) on a routine basis in the US and much of Europe at that time might find some connection with beings who are seen as inherently tainted by evil, but aren't really?
Not going to cut this one up, because I need to read it all while replying. Going backwards...

No, I can not understand the self harm in wanting to be something that exemplifies someones problems in real life. As I said to Chalequin, the "sanitizing" sort of defeats the purpose. If you want empathy with something being persecuted, why remove the persecution? You lose the whole point of playing a relative thing. So do not play a sanitized teifling at that point?

"Why not?", because Colin seems like one of those people willing to lie to your face just to get your money. A true politician. I think the first video was made only because it was some sort of goal reached for a Kickstarter type thing. So he only offered to apologize if he got enough money. He is a charlatan. Charlatans should not be trusted.

He could have easily said, as you stated, "I was only 22", then followed with T$R being anti playtesting, crunch time heavy, just shove anything out the door to grab as much money as you can and to Hell with quality.

Colin should apply at WotC.

I would not care either way about the "balance" as that was never a thing before WotC. I think it is called Rule of Cool niw? We just called it throwing it at the wall and seeing what sticks. Use what you like, do not use what you don't. There was no need for an apology, because any DM using anything "broken" in their game is at fault, not some random author that just sold you their own imagination.


1997 non-binary wasn't really a concept understood by many, and I can read that sentence is ambiguous between gender identity or biological sex. Certainly one interpretation is that because Tieflings are "mutants" being Intersex is possibly more common than Humans, including the type of Intersex (Intersex can refer to people that have different chromosomes than what their body type is associated with) that's described by the no longer accepted term "hermaphrodite".
I made my current tiefling intersex--or rather, I gave her a cloaca, which is, medically speaking, something different. It was only important as a background element.

No, I can not understand the self harm in wanting to be something that exemplifies someones problems in real life.
If that's true, which I somewhat doubt, then you lack empathy and a basic ability to understand human psychology and that's unfortunate and pitiable, though not really blameworthy.

It's not "self-harm", it's game and it's fun, and you connect with what you connect with. Some people like elves because they're also tall and thin - are they self-harming? That's laughable thing to say. How short-sighted.

"Why not?", because Colin seems like one of those people willing to lie to your face just to get your money. A true politician.
LOL what? All that video did was make some people laugh, and some people tell him he was being a jerk for not playing along with his stated KS goal. There's nothing clever or intelligently manipulative in that video, if anything it's a bit puerile and obvious. It's not the work of a "charlatan" man, like that guy couldn't sell you snake oil, he couldn't trick you, he couldn't con you, because he's be too busy trying to make a bad joke out of it!

I would not care either way about the "balance" as that was never a thing before WotC.
It absolutely was a thing. It was thing designers even talked about quite a bit. They were just really, really bad at it for the most part. Some RPGs of the era (the late '80s and early '90s) were a hell of a lot better at it, I note. I mean, did you never read Sage Advice? It was a terrible column for bad judgements, but balance was frequently invoked as the reasoning for a lot of these bad judgements.

I think it is called Rule of Cool niw?
No, that's an entirely different thing - the rule of cool is ignoring whether something make sense, is balanced and a bunch of other stuff because it's cool.

We just called it throwing it at the wall and seeing what sticks.
No. TSR designers frequently invoked balance. I daresay if I had the Handbooks to hand, we'd see balance invoked repeatedly to explain why certain kits were designed how they were. Hell, I'm pretty sure the Complete Paladin has a whole bit on how OP Paladins are and how you need to do X Y and Z to keep them under control or something like that.

There was no need for an apology, because any DM using anything "broken" in their game is at fault, not some random author that just sold you their own imagination.
That's not how TSR presented their work in the 1990s. It was presented as the work of skilled designers, not "some random author", and presented as professional and balanced. That it wasn't either of those things was something that generally only became obvious when you saw work that was. I'd actually say the Complete Elves is pretty professional in a lot of ways (thorough, detailed, relatively well-written), but it's just, like, hilariously fanboy-ish for elves in a way that none of the other race books are, and the balance is just not there.


. It's not the work of a "charlatan" man, like that guy couldn't sell you snake oil, he couldn't trick you, he couldn't con you, because he's be too busy trying to make a bad joke out of it!

That's not how TSR presented their work in the 1990s. It was presented as the work of skilled designers, not "some random author", and presented as professional and balanced.
These 2 bits contradict each other?

T$R should have apologized if both are true, not him.

These 2 bits contradict each other?
No? Because he didn't literally sell us the books. I've never seem him nor heard his voice before and I have a bunch of books he's written.

T$R should have apologized if both are true, not him.
TSR been dead for a while dude, not sure if you heard. Been, what, 26 years? 27?

Colin is one who jokingly chose to make this a stretch goal in one of his KS campaigns (I think for Torment: Tides of Numenera). I do think he should have been more prepared to play along with the spirit of the thing, because the first attempt at humour shows he didn't really expect them to hit that level with the KS. As such, only he is responsible for him having to apologise!


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
Just putting 1 reply to all. Someone else mentioned I in LGBT, but I can not keep up with acronyms beyond the likes of NASA, too many characters in lots of them and too little brain space. :(
That’s why it’s usually shortened to just LGBT. But if you’re curious it’s Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans, Queer, Intersex, Asexual/Aromantic

No? Because he didn't literally sell us the books. I've never seem him nor heard his voice before and I have a bunch of books he's written.

TSR been dead for a while dude, not sure if you heard. Been, what, 26 years? 27?
Who else would apologize? Michelle Carter? She's sort of still working for WotC.

Voidrunner's Codex

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