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Recent content by agrelic

  1. A

    D&D 3E/3.5 (3.5) Monks and Wisdom

    Check your point buy costs. Dex 16 + Wis 10 costs 12 for a total AC bonus of +3 Dex 14 + Wis 14 costs 12 for a total AC bonus of +4 Not only does your normal AC go up by one with this, but your flat-footed AC goes up by two. Or you could just get weapon finesse, and have Str 14, Dex 16, Wis...
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    Odd observation re Skills and levels

    That's getting very close to the Pathfinder rules for skills. While I've never played a pathfinder game, I like how they handle skill points/class skills. I'd recommend it as a possible fix for the issues that were brought up.
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    D&D 3E/3.5 (3.5e) Stacking Special Abilities on Weapons

    Spell Storing requires a 'targeted spell'. Lightning Bolt doesn't have a target (it has an area), so it can't be used in a spell storing weapon. Even if a spell is used that has multiple targets, a spell storing weapon can only cause the spell to effect the creature hit with the weapon. To...
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    Help with Dwarf Build (possible Dwarven Defender)

    Thanks for all the feedback. I looked at crusader, and it really does have the feel I'm looking for with this character. There's one thing that's always seemed odd about the class. The way you get maneuvers available to you and recharge them strikes me like playing a card or board game...
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    Template Help: Phantom Template, no LA (Ok maybe not) become incorporeal...

    On reading the entry, the template says: Level Adjustment: —. This is much different than a LA of '+0'. With a LA of '-', it means the race/template isn't suitable/recommended for PC use. If it had a LA of '+0', then it would mean you could take the template as a character with no change in ECL.
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    Help with Dwarf Build (possible Dwarven Defender)

    It's time for me to roll up a character for a new campaign, so I thought I'd see if the forums here have any advice for me. I will be playing a dwarf who comes from a very devout clan. (This is a homebrew world where the dwarven religion is dedicated to protecting the rest of the civilized...
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    Familiar feat questions

    Flying is pretty awesome. I looked at the options for a LG Dwarf. Thematically the best options I saw were the Blink Dog or a small earth elemental. I thought the blink dog would be more fun to play. If there's a better option that makes sense for a LG dwarf, I'd love to hear it.
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    Familiar feat questions

    I have a couple questions on familiars and I'm hoping some folks here can share what they've seen. Since these are rules questions, I realize its mostly up to my DM's interpretation, but I'm curious what everyone else thinks as well. With Obtain Familiar, the feat says that all classes that...
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    Ride By Attack

    I have a really hard time agreeing with that ruling. With the way the square grid is, you have to be lined up just right to begin with to have the "closest square from which it is possible to attack your chosen foe" allow you to continue on. If you think about a joust or any movie/etc where...
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    Ride By Attack

    Sure it can, assuming you have enough room without difficult terrain. Just don't expect your level 3 warrior to be able to land a hit, and don't expect it to live long enough to have a second try.
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    Highest Level a character can reach with CR2 encounters

    Don't forget about the boredom factor. Based on my quick calculation, a single 9th level character would have to go through 40 CR 2 creatures to get to level 10. A party of four would have to go through 160. At some point the player's are going to throw up their hands and bring the whole...
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    Anyone familiar with Keyed Spell Items?

    Good point. You know, I've looked at runestaves several times and never noticed that limitation before. That's what I get for recommending an item I've never actually used in a game :)
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    Runesmith issue

    If you're wielding a two-handed weapon, it should only be a free action to let go with one hand long enough to cast a spell, and a free action to grab it back. Remember, it takes two hands to swing the weapon, not to hold it. I'm preparing a possible Runesmith build and had this same...
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    Anyone familiar with Keyed Spell Items?

    Sounds like a limited version of the Runestaffs from Magic Item Compendium. I'd suggest checking those out and seeing which you like more. I know with my DM that its easier to get something from a WotC publication through than a 3rd party source.