• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Aleolus

  1. A

    Ludicrous Magics

    Well, then, I suppose another spell I came up with would fit in here, wouldn't it? Originally, it was a Bard spell, but I suppose there's no reason why I can't expand it to Sorc/Wiz as well >.> Can't Touch This Level: Brd 2, Sorc/Wiz 3 Components: V, S Range: Self Target: Self Duration...
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    Ludicrous Magics

    I am working on coming up with a new school of magic, which has been outlawed in most areas, not because it's overpowered or dangerous or anything, but simply because it's completely ridiculous. I have ideas for some of the spells within it, but I am needing help with more spells for it, as...
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    Humanoid race with a Str bonus

    Well, seeing as this is a third level campaign, I think Lizardfolk are out.
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    Humanoid race with a Str bonus

    Hey all. I have a friend who is currently getting a half-giant started in a campaign we're playing in. She wanted a race which got a Str bonus, but looked essentially human in appearance, and was 'cute' (meaning, no Cha penalty). No more than a +1 LA, as well. Any suggestions, people? Give me...
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    Uryuoms (PEACH)

    All right, all. Here's a race I statted up in my spare time from a comic I read called El Goonish Shive. They are called the Uryuoms, and they are a shapeshifting, alien race in the comic. Here's how I converted them. Opinions? Small Humanoid (as small creatures, Uryuorms have a +1 size...
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    Two Kinds Campaign

    Well, I was trying to do that, giving stat mods and one additional ability that tied in with their favored class and all. Hence the Foxes getting Dex bonuses, and a bonus to Hide and Move Silently checks. Can you make any specific suggestions?
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    Two Kinds Campaign

    Hey all. I am currently running a campaign set in the world of the webcomic Two Kinds. Now, there are only three races in this world, two of which are original creations for author, the Keidrens and Basitin. I am wanting some opinions on how well I did statting up the races. The game's...
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    Actually, I agree with Nffft on this one. Tiger Claws has some of the most broken moves, most all of which have something to do with either moving or jumping.
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    Strong Legs (PEACH)

    How does this feat sound? Be brutal, I can take it! Strong Legs Almost all bipedal creatures have more strength in their legs than in their arms, but for you it is even more pronounced than normal. Prerequisite: Str 13 Benefit: You treat your Strength score as though it were 2 points higher...
  10. A

    Spells ruling: Shatter

    Magic items get a save at the standard DC (10+spell level+casting stat mod), normal items don't, and crystaline objects take pretty hefty damage from it, iirc.
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    Multiple Skill checks at the same time?

    True, but any song is made better with good lyrics, just like good music can turn any good poem into a beautiful song. On another site, someone mentioned the possibility of, if they fail the first check, imposing a penalty on the other. So, if you are 'holding the lute by the wrong end', so to...
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    Multiple Skill checks at the same time?

    Here's a question for you DMs here. How would you handle someone who is wanting to make a skill check using two related skills simultaneously? I'd say do the secondary one first at a DC 10 or so, if it succeeds, then they get a +2 or so bonus to the skill they are using primarily. Example, a...
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    Breaking Point

    Heh, I'm a fan of Ranma 1/2, and so here's a feat I came up with that Ryoga most definitely has. Breaking Point Prerequisites: Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Improved Sunder, Eagle Claw Strike, Blind-Fight Benefit: You have learned how to make precision attacks against objects...
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    New system?

    That last post would be the 53 skills that make up all the checks that you do and so forth. I've been thinking about changing it to a Diceless system, as well, and will update the above posts as needed to accommodate that.
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    Do You Use Metamagic Feats?

    Maximize and Empower spell can both be quite devastating, especially on a Wizard's Delayed Blast Fireball.