Recent content by Bendris Noulg

  1. Bendris Noulg

    S&SS: Advanced d20 Compendium?

    Kewl breakdown... Now that I'm back in the work force, this puppy's at the top of my list.
  2. Bendris Noulg

    why the attraction to "low magic"?

    Wow... Read this entire thread, but this quote from the first page sums up my opinion just fine.
  3. Bendris Noulg

    Malhavoc copy/paste eased

    Or they can wait 15 minutes and download a hacked version via p2p programs. Note: I'm all for the protection of IP and company profits. I just feel there are better ways of doing it. For instance, with this technology, wouldn't it be easier, cheaper, and cleaner to just "stamp" a pdf sale...
  4. Bendris Noulg

    DRM portability question

    Now this makes sense.
  5. Bendris Noulg

    Who's in charge?

    Personal answer: Armies (i.e., organized units of soldiers trained in the use of formation tactics and manuevers) are comprised of the Legionairre Class (Mercenaries, AEG), making both Bards and Fighters sub-par choices for the role of General.
  6. Bendris Noulg

    Malhavoc copy/paste eased

    Oh, I agree that this is the perception; I'm just pointing out that the continued (nay, easily continued) pirating of their material will quickly put an end to this illusion. In the end, the perception will be closer to reality: Too much effort and money invested into a process that was proven...
  7. Bendris Noulg

    Malhavoc copy/paste eased

    Well, being that the supposed guarantee is trumpted by a 15 minute Google search, I'd say their primary business model is screwed.;)
  8. Bendris Noulg

    Eberron: Buying?

  9. Bendris Noulg

    Will you be purchasing PDFs from DriveThruRPG?

    The more I read on this topic, the more I think mass collections of OGC extractions within online libraries will become appealing.
  10. Bendris Noulg

    DMs and the Sorcerer class

    Personally, while the entire "permenant" spell list of a Sorcerer works for me, I dislike the entire spontaneous sprouting of spells out of one's arse. So, I do use Sorcerers, but they have to learn their spells as a Wizard does; they just retain them forever.
  11. Bendris Noulg

    Alaska or bust...

    Well, your wish is gladly accepted, but likely not coming true. Generally, the only person I trust with my kids (my brother) probably couldn't handle them, and the one that could handle them would likely use the opportunity to snag custody from us (my mother). As is, though, it looks like...
  12. Bendris Noulg

    Update: Malhavoc PDFs no longer available at RPGnow (merged)

    This differentiates them from RPGNow how?
  13. Bendris Noulg

    Update: Malhavoc PDFs no longer available at RPGnow (merged)

    "All purchasers shall be presumed potentially-guilty until proven innocent.";)
  14. Bendris Noulg

    More than one PC per player?

    Or allow Gestalt.