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Recent content by blakwind

  1. B

    What does "Core" mean?

    That's a matter to be settled between you and your DM, or you and your players if you're the DM. My 3 year+ campaign is core only -- PH, MM, DMG -- plus houserules. In those houserules, I selectively introduce some material from other sources. Some campaigns take it to the other extreme, and...
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    Second opinion wanted: gaming group

    I would think twice before introducing an NPC companion that is higher level than any of the PCs. IMHO, games where NPCs shine brighter than the PCs aren't much fun for the players. YMMV. It seems to me that an NPC that shores up the party's weaknesses without stealing the show would be a...
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    GenCon, Operation Doublestrike and Top Secret

    I played an "infiltrator" character in the Sunday session of "Operation Doublestrike". *waves to ArthurQ* I had a good time sneaking around, shooting bad guys, and blowing stuff up. It was a fun session. I must admit that I after signing up a d20 Modern event, I was a bit surprised to be...
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    Open Complaint to Peter Adkison

    The service that JoeGKushner and many other "on-sight" registrants received is inexcusable. Without taking anything away from Joe, or downplaying the tragedy of those lost hours in line with all the good stuff going on inside, I'd be remiss if I didn't share my own registration experience. My...
  5. B

    AU - first impressions?

    Great layout! I picked up my copy of AU on the first day of GenCon and played a demo that evening with Thrommel -- great session, by the way, Tom! I'll take the opportunity here to add a few comments on an aspect of AU that hasn't received much attention in this thread. I really, really, like...
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    [aargh!] 3.5 wierds out my old character!

    I feel your pain, Olive. One of the characters in my 2.5-year campaign is also a transmuter wizard with conjuration as his prohibited school. Almost his entire typical daily spell list -- including teleport, polymorph other, burning hands, dimension door, scry, reduce, enlarge, wall of force...
  7. B

    D&D 3E/3.5 [3.5] Things I wish they would have fixed

    It's a minor quibble but it irks me. The Teleport table is still backwards. It's the only table in the game where a low result is better than a high result.
  8. B

    D&D 3E/3.5 [3.5] What did they do to improve Spider Climb?

    Characters in my campaigns have always needed to kick off their boots before Spider Climbing. IMO, removing that restriction justifies the level change.
  9. B

    D&D 3.5 has arrived in Ottawa, ON, Canada!

    I also bought my set from Fandom II in Ottawa today for C$107 (including tax). Edit: Appended the "including tax" bit.
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    (OT) A fun 3 word post

    on an ogre's
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    (OT) A fun 3 word post

    . Quoth the raven,
  12. B

    RttToEE any good?

    I consider Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil to be *the* quintessential 3E adventure. I believe that gamers will someday reflect back on RttToEE with the same sense of fond nostalgia that they reserve for their favourite 1E edition classics. I'll try to add a few points that cover new...
  13. B

    D&D 3E/3.5 [3.5 Druid] Animal Companions Sidebar

    Ah, I see. The animal companions page 36 sidebar is summarized in entry 2.i. Thanks! :)
  14. B

    D&D 3E/3.5 [3.5 Druid] Animal Companions Sidebar

    From Olgar's 3.5 compilation and the WotC website: Does anyone know the contents of this sidebar?
  15. B

    DM wants to abandon RttToEE...(spoilers) - long

    Bummer. I'm running a RttToEE campaign that has entered its second year. I'll be up front about my biases -- it's my favourite 3E adventure, bar none. However, it's not a "happy happy joy joy" adventure. The tone throughout is very dark. Many groups lose lots of characters. The PCs face...