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Recent content by Buk

  1. Buk

    Professor Lampwick's Flying Goon Squad (A Thrilling Adventure)

    fight! fight! (sorry, kids. been busy at the workstead, and had a couple midterms over the last week.) As the lizard charges across the clearing, CD leaps out from behind his tree and drives his rapier deep into its back (for 24 pts - ouch). MS's first spell seems to slow the lizard's charge...
  2. Buk

    Professor Lampwick's Flying Goon Squad (A Thrilling Adventure)

    Initiative order: CD MS beasty FP Pleasius (if he wakes up) Stegn (if he appears) This is the clearing, with the trail running through it and surrounded by woods. The map is approximately 80' across. Beyond the edges, the woods become very dense (except along the trail).
  3. map of clearing.jpg

    map of clearing.jpg

  4. Buk

    Professor Lampwick's Flying Goon Squad (A Thrilling Adventure)

    beast of beastliness The thumping sounds gradually grow louder, their rhythm suggesting that whatever this creature is, it's walking, not running. When it draws near, MS and CD notice two odd things: the night birds have fallen silent, and the large thumps aren't accompanied by the usual...
  5. Buk

    Professor Lampwick's Flying Goon Squad (A Thrilling Adventure)

    somethin big Once CD has ascertained that the tree is safe, you make camp. MS, you find a nice stick what for whackin things with and set to whittling. During your watch, night birds tweet, the fire crackles, and it begins to drizzle. Eventually, you awaken FP for the next watch and curl up...
  6. Buk

    Professor Lampwick's Flying Goon Squad (A Thrilling Adventure)

    The journey CD, you catch the potion vendor as he's rolling out of town and manage to procue the last of his inventory. "Well," he says, "I'm off to re-supply. You adventureres can be so ravenous." He shakes his head, then squeaks and jingles on his way. As you begin your journey, Stegn...
  7. Buk

    Professor Lampwick's Flying Goon Squad (A Thrilling Adventure)

    going shopping Indeed, everything on your purchase list is available. The scrollkeeper seems quite distraught, as you've nearly cleaned out his entire inventory. He runs his hand through his thinning hair, saying, "I guess now I'll have to make more. So much for that opossum hunting trip in...
  8. Buk

    Professor Lampwick's Flying Goon Squad (A Thrilling Adventure)

    The wench bring fresh swill for the gnome, who glares at FP, then downs the booze in one gulp. He ignores the soap. "Ya'll ain't yellow, then? Good." He pushes himself away from the table. "Got a few supplies to pick up meself, but you 'heroes' don't go wastin' too much time. If'n we take...
  9. Buk

    Professor Lampwick's Flying Goon Squad (A Thrilling Adventure)

    The Answers The bedraggled gnome scowls upon FP's antics, and pulls his mug closer, placing the other arm protectively around it, with the pouch still clutched in his hand. "Yes, I'ma gwinta finish it. Now stop interrupting the big people." To MOS, he says, "I s'pose these are yer friends...
  10. Buk

    Professor Lampwick's Flying Goon Squad (A Thrilling Adventure)

    And thusly was the story told... It seems your erstwhile companion, Chopper Dave, really went on a bender last night. He'll most likely be down for the hair of the dog before long. The filthy beggar continues to clutch his prizes and stare at MOS until the wench returns with a frothy mug of...
  11. Buk

    Professor Lampwick's Flying Goon Squad (A Thrilling Adventure)

    The story as it stands... Since 3 of 4 are here, I'll give some background. The three of you are up late one night, tying one on, or in some cases (F.P.) tying three on. Chopper Dave turned in early, and left you to your devices. You've spent the last couple weeks in Nestle, celebrating...
  12. Buk

    Professor Lampwick's Flying Goon Squad (A Thrilling Adventure)

    OK, kiddies, the thread is started. Now it's time for you to set the roster. Let's see if I have this right: Man of Science Fou Pow Chopper Dave Pleasius the Hunter Send me your character details sometime. from the desk of That One Guy What Holds Your Collective Fate in His Hands