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Recent content by Damien

  1. D

    Optimizing A Bard

    If you had access to the PHB2, I'd suggest replacing Bardic Lore with Bardic Knack, which would significantly augment your non-core skill group. It would also almost justify taking the Jack of All Trades feat (which, contrary to what you said, only gives you a flat 1/2 virtual rank in skills)...
  2. D

    Necromancer Q&A: Let's ask Orcus some questions!

    NG's upcoming schedule Not really a question...for those who don't check out Necro's forum regularly, Bill Webb recently posted a listing of anticipated upcoming titles and dates through early 2006! Bill wrote: And yes, Sword of Air is definitely in the works. ***** Okay almighty Orcus...
  3. D

    [Necromancer Games] Cover Preview for 'Mother of All Encounter Tables Posted'!

    MoaET: What is It? Heya Joe! The short answers to your questions: Yes, yes, yes, yes, and maybe. ... Okay, I guess I can provide a LITTLE more information than that. The book covers encounters of all kinds. There are indeed massive monster listings, divided by climate, terrain...
  4. D

    Creatures By Poll - what Size should our monster be?

    What size? I picked medium; as our critter advances in hit dice, of course, it can always gain in size.
  5. D

    Creatures By Poll - how many creatures should we make?

    The Rule of Three I also picked three. Strange symmetry...
  6. D

    Creatures By Poll - how many Hit Dice should our monster have?

    Hit Dice choice I picked 2-4; I like starting small, and then including a large advancement potential. This way a single critter can be used to challenge a wider range of PCs.
  7. D

    Creatures By Poll - what alignment should our little baby be?

    Alignment choice I too went for lawful evil, one of my favorite alignments. Note that by having a non-neutral alignment, our creation will have to have intelligence.
  8. D

    Creatures By Poll - what monster Types should we use?

    Chosen type I went with plant/ooze simply because I too feel that this is an oft-neglected area of monster development.
  9. D

    [Necro Press Release] Necromancer to Publish Monster Book "Tome of Horrors"

    I don't suppose you could give us a "sample" demon lord, eh Scott? Anyways, I am of course looking forward to this tome, and I appreciate the time you and your team have put into it.
  10. D

    Pit of Loch-Durnan-out of print soon

    Well, Mystic Eye, I'm happy that you found my review constructive. I look forward to checking out your future releases. :)
  11. D

    Authors/Publishers--Material that comes from your own games?

    I know that many of Necromancer Games' products, particularly Rappan Athuk, come from years of intensive gameplay--except the lowest level (no one's survived that long in a Bill Webb Rappan Athuk campaign, apparently). Another upcoming adventure of theirs, The Sword of Air, is also a dungeon of...
  12. D

    Rappan Athuk Stories or Advice

    Rappan Athuk Advice Looks like WSmith beat me to the punch here on my advice--which is to check out the Necromancer Games forum, where they have an entire section devoted to Rappan Athuk. I agree with the above consensus that the party levels mentioned in RA1 (at least six characters of 3rd...
  13. D

    [OT Movies] Top 5 Fantasy Films

    1. Fellowship of the Ring 2. Excalibur 3. Princess Bride 4. Highlander 5. Big Trouble in Little China Honorable mention to: Krull (what the hell, a guilty pleasure of mine).
  14. D

    Need help killin a 18th level cleric or a 17th level monk.

    The Damien Alternative Here's an option: Get a hold of some dimensional shackles (26,000 gp), a portable hole (14,000 gp), and a bag of holding (2.500+ gp). Enter the match wearing the shackles. Then in round 1, move to within 10 feet of your opponent and put the PH into the BOH. When the...